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Mateo: Yes, your nights will be quite filled, I am sure.


I settled in for a little while, then pulled my phone out and texted Liam.

Me: I’m watching the fourth movie. Winona Ryder looks so young in this!

Liam: But Sigourney Weaver still looks fantastic.

Me: Obviously.

Liam: I was just about to text you. I found a gold bracelet underneath my bed. Either it belongs to you, or it’s from one of the other gorgeous blonde ladies Mateo and I double-team when we have a night off.

Me: That’s definitely mine.

Liam: Oh, thank God. I don’t actually remember the names of the other girls we share. That would’ve been awkward.

Me: Ha ha. I’ll pick up the bracelet tomorrow morning before work.

Liam: Or, and I’m just spitballing here, you come pick it up right now and we watch the movie together.

Liam: And by “watch the movie” I mean “watch ten minutes of the movie and then have wild, unrestricted sexual relations.”

Me: Tempting, but I think I need a night off.

Me: And by “I need a night off” I mean “I’m so sore I don’t even want to think about sticking something inside of me.”

Liam: Fair enough. We really went to town on you last night.

Me: Yeah you did :-)

Liam: All right, well enjoy the movie. I expect to hear your full opinion about it tomorrow.

I made some popcorn and unpaused the movie. Brandi came out of her room, rolled her eyes at the TV screen, then frowned at me. “Why are you smiling so much? That’s the opposite reaction you’re supposed to have while watching aliens eat people alive or whatever.”

“I was just…” I trailed off. “I saw a funny video on Instagram. A bulldog was surfing.”

“You know I can tell when you’re lying, right? It’s a twin thing. And right now you’re smiling because you’re thinking about one of your sexy firemen. Wait, no. You were just texting them! Tell me I’m wrong.”

“I’m trying to watch a movie,” I replied. “You’re welcome to join, as long as you don’t make any distracting comments.”

She rolled her eyes. “Have as much fun with them as you want, Alyssa. I want you to be happy. Especially if it’s lighthearted and fun. I just hope you don’t end up hurting one of those men. Or worse: getting hurt yourself.”

I let the comment roll off my back, and turned my attention back to the movie.

She doesn’t know what she’s talking about, I told myself. I’m not going to get hurt.

Am I?



I dropped off Brandi at the upholstery store and then met two Flytography clients in Tampa. They were baseball fans, and wanted to take their engagement photos in front of Tropicana Field, where the Rays played.

When I was done there, I headed home, taking a slight detour to stop by Liam’s place first. He greeted me at the door in pajama pants and a Wellington Paranormal shirt, his yellow hair still in disarray from sleep.

“Forget my cereal,” he said as he led me inside. “Your face is the breakfast of champions.”
