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I was having the best day!

It wasn’t often that a guy like me received a blowjob before finishing breakfast. But the blowjob was only part of it. Alyssa was so much more than that.

I mean, blowjobs were great. Shit, they were fantastic. One of my favorite things. If I had to do a rendition of My Favorite Things from that movie, blowjobs would definitely get sung about way before raindrops on roses and bright copper kettles.

But that wasn’t why I liked this girl. Not even close. The sexy fun we were having was just icing on the cake.

Alyssa Ford was everything. Funny, gorgeous, motivated, self-employed. It took a special kind of person, with the right drive, to work for herself.

This girl wasn’t just a random hook-up. She was girlfriend material.

Maybe even marriage material.

Thinking of her that way didn’t terrify me like it usually did. Because all my life, I haven’t really believed in marriage. My parents got divorced when I was five, and they had both been divorced three more times in the twenty years since. The American family I stayed with, Jack’s parents, had a right awful marriage. They hated each other.

But even in the best of circumstances, why restrict yourself to just one person until you died? Variety was the spice of life, so the saying went. After several years of dating, I had come to appreciate that variety.

A week with Alyssa had given me a totally new perspective on relationships. I got it now. A relationship could be about finding a partner—a partner at life. Someone to handle all the good things that came along, and of course all of the bad. I felt enlightened, like I had opened the Arc of the Covenant and discovered the meaning of life.

That meaning was a woman like Alyssa.

Of course, there was one very large problem.


He was my best mate. Even more than Mateo. I’d jump in front of a bullet for Jack Franco and not think twice about it. I knew he would do the same for me.

I told him everything. The big things, and the small, and everything in between. Keeping a secret from him felt wrong, deeply wrong. Like a wrinkle in the fabric of my soul.

After thinking about it all day, I texted Mateo.

Me: We have to tell Jack.

Mateo: I have thought about this as well. I do not like keeping secrets.

Me: Tonight?

Mateo: Yes.

Me: Think he’ll be mad?

Mateo: I think it is irrelevant. He is our friend, and he deserves the truth.

Despite my Cuban friend’s wise words, I spent the afternoon worrying about how Jack would take the news. How could I not? Sure, I had already slept with Alyssa once, and he hadn’t been angry about it. But two was a trend.

It felt different.

I arrived at the station that afternoon to begin our 24-hour shift. Jack and Mateo were already there, chatting with Ellen and some of the other recruits about baseball. Apparently, the Tampa Bay Rays had just signed a high-profile Cuban prospect. A heavy-hitting first baseman. Whatever that meant. I didn’t know much about baseball, except that it was more complicated than cricket.

“Hey, Jack,” I said. “Can I talk with ya a sec?”

He and Mateo followed me over to the engine room. The big industrial fan was blowing to dry some leftover water from a hose test, which meant we could chat without anyone overhearing.

“Everything all right?” Jack asked, crossing his arms over his chest. It was a subtle reminder that he was slightly bigger and stronger than I was. I didn’t really think he would hit one of his best friends; his father’s anger had warped his childhood, and I knew he spent every day trying to be the opposite of him.
