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“There’s just one complication,” I said.

“Andrew and Tristan?”

I flinched. “How did you know?”

“Because it’s something I’ve discussed with them. It won’t be a problem.”

I felt a moment of terror at the way he said it. “Pierce, no! You can’t fire them just because you want a future with me. I care about them, too. I…”

Pierce cocked his head. “You love them?”

It felt wrong to say it while I was in his arms, so I pulled away. “Yes. At the very least, I’m falling in love with them every bit as strongly as I am with you. I know that’s not what we agreed to, but I can’t help how I feel. And it will tear my heart into three pieces if you cast them aside just so you can have me all to yourself.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” he said. Then he raised his voice: “Linda? You can bring them in.”

A few moments later, the two of them walked into the cabin. Andrew with his dress shirt sleeves rolled up and a bashful smile on his face, and Tristan looking as proper as ever in a three-piece suit. The Englishman cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his blond hair, which for him was as much a sign of nervousness as any other man pacing around the room.

“Did you hear any of that?” Pierce asked.

“Any of what?” Andrew asked, frowning.

“We kept a respectable distance from the cabin, for your privacy,” Tristan added.

I glanced at Pierce. He nodded at me. I went over to the two of them and held their hands.

“I love you, Tristan,” I said. “I love you, Andrew. I don’t know when it began, but it’s been building for some time. I can’t deny it any longer.”

I tried to step back, but Andrew followed, his fingers wrapped tightly in mine. “It makes me so happy to hear you say that, Melinda. From the moment I met you on that helicopter, I’ve been entranced by you. Your fire, your intelligence… and yes, even your stubbornness.” He chuckled. “I started falling in love with you from the first time we spoke.”

Tristan stepped up next. “I fear I am unable to adequately put my emotions into words, but I shall endeavor to do so nonetheless. You are the sunrise in my morning, and the moon’s full glow at night. My days are brighter because of you, and my dreams more vibrant. Before you, the world was dull and pale. Now, I can finally see in full color.”

“You’re his Wizard of Oz,” Pierce said behind us. “That’s a hell of a compliment.”

Tristan scowled over my shoulder. “I did not intend it to be compared as such, so I shall thank you to keep your comments to yourself.” He turned his blue-gray eyes back to mine. “We have only known each other a few brief months, and yet I already know that you are my everything. In spite of your lackluster literary opinions. Melinda Norris, I truly love you.”

“Damn,” Andrew muttered. “Way to make me look bad by comparison.”

“Furthermore,” Tristan added.

“Furthermore? What is this, a book report?” Andrew said.

Tristan ignored him and focused on me. “It was wrong of me to suggest acquiring your old company in a hostile takeover. I now see why that would not be a satisfying victory.”

“Like using a cheat code in a videogame,” Pierce offered.

“That solution is unbecoming of a woman of your intelligence and patience. I never should have made the offer.”

There were tears in my eyes. Everything he said, and Andrew too, had been what I needed to hear. My own emotions reflected back to me. For a few seconds, I felt happier than I ever had in my life.

But then reality came crashing back down.

“There’s just one problem,” I said, stepping back again and turning so all three of them were in front of me. “If all three of you love me, and if I feel the same, then there’s no way this could ever work.”

“Why not?” Pierce asked calmly.

“Because…” I searched for a reason. “Because people don’t just do that. Humans are monogamous. They have a soulmate. We don’t split our love…”

“Why not?” Pierce asked again. “We can do whatever we want.”
