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“Heard about him? Honestly Melinda, I’m shocked you hadn’t. He dated Taylor Swift.”

I gave a start. “He did?”

“Not officially. Only rumors. Point is, I would sleep with this guy for free. Heck, I would throw my elderly grandma down a flight of stairs to get a chance with him. And yes, that’s my legal opinion.”

After hanging up, I sipped my Coke and opened my calendar. Even though I was technically unemployed, I had plans in the next six months. My sister’s wedding was coming up this summer. I had joined an intramural soccer team, and intended to play most of the season until I got pregnant. I was supposed to babysit my nine-year-old cousin for a week; I was taking him to Acadia National Park up in Maine. As alluring as the second contract was, I couldn’t drop everything to follow a billionaire around for half a year.

Tristan was right where I had left him, in the small office anteroom to Pierce’s larger office. “I see you found your way back here without any assistance,” he said in that proper English accent.

“Third time’s a charm. I’ve made my decision.”

One of his blond eyebrows rose in surprise. “And which contract shall we be signing today?”

“I’ve decided on… the first contract,” I said. “Traditional surrogacy.”

To my surprise, Tristan looked disappointed. “Very well. Please follow me.”

Rather than opening the door to the larger office, Tristan went back down the hallway and up the stairs. A pang of fear gripped my chest. Had this all been a test? Was he sending me home because I didn’t choose the sexy contract?

“Where are we going?”

“To see Mr. Benning.”

“He’s not in his office?”

“He’s taking in the afternoon on the sun deck,” Tristan replied.

“Oh, of course. The sun deck,” I muttered.

We reached the level with the lounge and laptop, but instead of walking out to the helipad, we made a U-turn and walked beyond the bar, out toward the front of the boat. There was a long swimming pool, the kind made for swimming laps, with several pool chairs arrayed along one side.

Tristan was laying flat on one of the chairs. He wore only a pair of black swim trunks with white stitching, different than when I’d seen him hunting lobster. His hands were folded behind his head, which made the muscles in his tattooed arms really stand out. In fact, all of his muscles were standing out in stark contrast in the late-morning sun, every ripple and bulge accentuated by his tan.

Jesus, I can see what my lawyer meant. Pierce is hot.

“Ms. Norris has made a decision,” Tristan announced.

Pierce turned toward me, eyes unreadable behind his mirrored Ray Ban sunglasses. I noticed that even those bore the name Bellerophon on the side. “And what has she decided?”

Tristan opened his mouth to respond.

“The second contract,” I blurted out.

Tristan swung his head toward me, eyes wide with alarm.

“I’ve chosen the second contract,” I said. “The one with… natural conception.”



After giving my answer, I felt just as surprised as Tristan seemed. I hadn’t intended to say that. Minutes ago, when I was sitting in front of the laptop after talking to my lawyer, I was positive that the first contract was the right one.

“Are you certain?” Pierce asked calmly. He seemed like the only one who wasn’t surprised.

I slowly nodded. “I am. Let’s sign.” I extended my hand.

Bubbly abdominal muscles contracted as Pierce sat up. He removed his glasses, revealing that cold green gaze. For a few seconds, I got the impression that he could read my mind. That he was peering directly into my soul.
