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Then he reached out and shook my hand. His palm, warm from the sun, totally enveloped mine. The brief physical contact felt strangely innocent compared to what I was really agreeing to. An appetizer compared to a full meal. Despite the warm air, a shiver of excitement went up my spine.

“What made you change your mind?” he asked, still clasping my hand.

“The money,” I replied without hesitation.

“That’s all it took?” he asked, smiling slightly. “An hour ago, you had a lot of very hurtful things to say about me.”

“Money has a way of making people forget what they’ve said.”

He let go of my hand. “You Googled me, didn’t you.”


That green gaze bore into me.

“Okay, yes, I Googled you,” I admitted. Shit, why was it so hard to lie to him? “I’ll admit that my opinion of you was mistaken.”

Pierce smiled fully. “Apology accepted.”

“That wasn’t an apology!”

He leaned back on the chair to resume sunbathing. “Okay.”

“It wasn’t,” I insisted. “I changed my opinion based on new information. I don’t have anything to apologize for.”

“A stubborn distinction,” Tristan muttered. He glanced at the folder in his hand as if it were a nuisance. “If you will wait here, I need to retrieve the other contract.”

“You brought the wrong one?” Pierce asked.

“It appears so.” Tristan gave me a pointed look, then walked away.

Leaving me and Pierce alone on the sun deck.

I forced myself to turn away and gaze out at the water, to keep my eyes from lingering on his shirtless body. It was strange seeing a billionaire with tattoos covering one arm, but I had to admit: it fit him. I had never been a sucker for guys with ink, but it added to the overall allure of the man.

“You’re welcome to sit,” he said behind me.

“I’m fine standing,” I replied.

As I gazed out at the water, I thought about what had just happened. I had changed my mind in the spur of the moment. That wasn’t like me. Sometimes I was impulsive, but once I made a logical decision—which I had done in this case—I usually stuck with it.

Was it really because I saw him shirtless up close? Was that all it took for me to sell out—six-pack abs and a good tan? The prospect annoyed me. I thought I was above that. Men were the ones who allowed their private parts to lead them around, not women.

But after making my choice, I didn’t regret it. Not even a little bit. If anything, I felt excited about the second contract. It was going to make me a rich woman.

Six months with Pierce Benning, living the life of a billionaire. Then I’ll be able to do whatever I want for the rest of my life. Money was freedom, and freedom sounded really good right about now.

After I get pregnant. There was that complication, of course.

“I’m glad you chose the second contract,” Pierce said from the chair.

“Why is that?” I asked.

His eyes were unreadable behind his mirrored lenses. “Because it’s the smart decision. It’s a good deal.”

Because you think you get to fuck me, now.

“A good deal,” I repeated.
