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“Tell me what you think I need to know,” she said. “I can tell you want to rub my face in something.”

“I wouldn’t do that. But you need to know she was a nasty woman. I don’t know everything Lincoln told you about their relationship, but I got the feeling that he loved her at one time.”

“He said he did. Then he felt guilt. She pushed him away when he would have stayed, but her family wouldn’t let him anywhere near her.”

“She played the helpless card, but there was more going on. Griffin was able to get some information on Lara. She had surgery a year ago and is learning to walk again. She had a bunch of posts on social media but then deleted things before this all started.”

“And Griffin found them?” she asked.

“The internet is forever,” Hunter said. “I hear that enough. My point is, she wants someone to take care of her by any means necessary. She was trying to play off his emotions again.”

“I don’t think he has many,” she said.

“You’re wrong, Grace. Don’t do that because you’re hurt. It’s your pride talking. If you could have seen him or heard him, you’d see how little he thinks of himself and tries desperately for people not to see it.”

She knew that and wasn’t surprised her cousin spotted it.

“What did he say?”

“I shouldn’t play this for you. I’m only going to play the last part. Nothing else. We were quiet afterward and Hailey and Lincoln shut the recorders off after.”

Hunter pulled his phone out and she listened to Lincoln say he wasn’t meant to mix with her family. That he should have kept his distance.

The sadness in his voice brought tears to her eyes.

“He’s an idiot.”

Hunter laughed. “You should tell him that rather than sitting here stewing. Maybe he’s keeping his distance and hoping you end things with him.”

She grabbed her purse and stood up. “I’m going to give him a piece of my mind now.”

“I expected no differently,” Hunter said.

She marched out of the building, to her car and drove to Lincoln’s. His truck was nowhere to be found. She went back to the airstrip and didn’t see it there, which meant he wasn’t working.

She was going to drive home and try to call him when she decided to check out the bar he brought her to months ago.

Jackpot, there was his truck.

She parked her SUV, got out and stormed to the front door with more purpose than ever before, whipped it open and started to look around. The bartender noticed her and nodded her to the corner.

There was Lincoln sitting by himself in a corner booth with an empty whiskey glass in front of him looking like he hadn’t slept in two days.

“Getting drunk?” she asked, moving onto the bench across from him.

He looked shocked to see her. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to find your sorry ass and see what the heck is going on.”

He lifted an eyebrow at her. “Nice to see you too.”

“If you think avoiding me is going to tick me off enough to break up with you, then you’ve got another thing coming.”

“Really?” he asked. He stood up to leave and she ran to keep up with him.

“Yep. Don’t walk away from me. You’re not keeping this in like you do everything else. It’s all out in the open and we are going to clear the air so we can go back to the way things used to be.”

“You’re making a scene,” he said.
