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She looked at Lincoln. He wasn’t surprised the finale was being watched on a big screen at The Retreat with half her family here and a ton of employees. It was set up like a movie theater.

“Do you feel weird having everyone here watching this?” he asked. They were sitting at a table with her parents, Hunter and Hailey and their families, her Aunt Nicole, Uncle Charlie, Skyler and her grandfather.

In the past few weeks, Grace and he had worked it out.

They were right back to where they were before he was...stupid.

She’d put him in his place and told him no more secrets. Not again.

She’d reminded him she’d never be disappointed in anything he did and hoped he’d felt the same way about her.

“Nah,” she whispered. “We know the results. I’m just more concerned about what is going to be aired on what they’d asked of me. So far, everything has been very positive.”

“You won over everyone’s heart a few weeks ago on the beach,” Skyler said. “Even I was shocked by what happened. You were on the bottom and never even blamed it on the time you lost with Pierre.”

“It wasn’t about that,” she said. “Not sure why everyone was so shocked I helped him and made sure he was fine.”

“Anyone who knows you knows that you’ve got a heart of gold,” Steven Bond said, looking at Lincoln.

“She does,” he said. “I’ll never forget. But I saw it that day.”

Production got a better view. They even captured her words that she’d said standing there with him. She needed a drink anyway.

She didn’t want the guy to feel like he was alone.

Again, a good reminder for him.

He’d never feel alone or not worthy again as long as he had Grace by his side.

“Anyone hungry?”

He looked up to see Tracy come over with a large tray of snacks.

“Hi, Tracy. Let me introduce you around to everyone,” she said.

The girl that Grace helped to get on her feet. Yeah, anyone who thought she had a heart of...stone was clueless.

When Tracy left, the room got quiet as the show started.

For the next hour they watched Grace and Pierre working in the kitchen, sweat dripping down both of their faces, exhaustion visible. But she never faltered, she never cursed someone who almost dropped a plate that she had to fix.

When both of them were done plating, Grace gave Pierre a hug. “You’ve got this,” she’d said to the Frenchman.

“I don’t think so,” Pierre said. “Those were some great dishes.”

“But you did a French menu. Completely French. Do you know how many people want to have themed cuisine like that at a wedding? Your bosses better get ready.”

Pierre had laughed and winked.

“That was nice of you to say that,” her father said.

“I’m a nice person.”

A commercial came on and everyone was chatting, then they returned and did a few interviews with both of them on how they felt.

The camera was panning in and out as everyone ate their main meal in the room and the judges listened as both Pierre and Grace explained their dishes.

“I’m so nervous,” Melanie said. “Grace, I’m so proud of you. You handled yourself so well. You made the family proud.”
