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“You forgot your bag?”

“Oh crap,” she said, going back over to get it.

He beat her to it and climbed in and then handed it over.

“Actually,” she said. “Can I leave it here? I just need my purse.” Which she pulled out and put on her shoulder. “The rest is food for you.”

“In that case,” he said, reaching for it, “you’re good.”

“Thanks,” she said, moving fast toward the parking garage. He was sure her family had cars stored there for anyone’s usage just like Egan’s did.

He often took Egan’s Range Rover when he needed to, as his truck was on the island.

Lincoln half jogged to the offices. He didn’t have a jacket on and it was low forties for mid-March. Not cold enough in his mind to put a coat on that he’d have to take off while flying. He hated to have any bulky gear on.

When he opened the office door, he saw Conrad Baldwin standing there looking anxious.

“Give me a minute to put this away and we can leave,” he said to Blake’s father.

“Take your time,” Conrad said. “Egan has kept me updated that she’s still not fully dilated.”

He tried to hide his shiver. He didn’t want to think of those things. Some stuff was better left out of his brain.

He’d seen enough injuries and death in his life. Not just in the Air Force either.

Once he had the food stored in the fridge in Egan’s office that the two of them shared, he went back out to see Conrad standing by the door.

“Let’s get you to see that grandson being born,” he said.

“Let’s do that,” Conrad said. “I’m not sure why I’m so nervous. I wasn’t this nervous when my kids were being born.”

Sometimes it felt like he was a therapist to people too. Imagine that.

“She’s tough,” Lincoln said. “She’s marrying Egan, so she has to be.”

“Good point,” Conrad said.

The older man didn’t laugh, but he did crack a grin. He’d take that for now, then he could go back and enjoy Grace’s food until he got to see her again.

He was becoming a pro at watching people from a distance.



“You’re early,” Melanie Stone said. “I wasn’t so sure that would happen.”

“Lincoln texted me to get an earlier flight. Blake’s in labor and they were rearranging the schedule. It worked out.”

“That’s exciting,” her mother said. “Maybe someday I’ll have a grandchild.”

Grace wanted to let out a big sigh but decided not to. She’d be truthful instead. “Did you and Grandpa talk this over so that I was getting double-teamed on it?”

“What?” her mother said. “No. And you look lovely. Give me your jacket. I didn’t think you’d wear a dress. But you look appropriately like you.”

Her mother was in more of a formal dress, but it wasn’t Grace’s thing. It’s not like this was her event. It was her mother’s and she was just a guest speaker.

“Thanks,” she said. “My feet are already hurting, but I’ll be fine.”
