Page 133 of Tainted Desire

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“Any news?”

Hawk sighed. He’d been Gabe’s former boss and the owner of Raptor Security, a top-tier global private security company. Hawk was a billionaire badass who was eerily in the know about seemingly everything that was going on—hence, he reached out to Gabe and me when he heard what had gone down.

He and his men operated in the shadows, but by now, with his concern for our family, he felt more like a friend—a friend who, by now, probably thought I was even more pathetic and obsessed than Gabe was about Sophie.


Fuck. I hit the marble column that supported the countertop of the extensive bar with my fist, enjoyed the pain radiating through my arm.

Physical pain I preferred over the tightness in my chest I’d experienced for the past couple of days.

By now, Gabe and Cristo refused to roll with me, claiming I was insane.

And I was.

Fee disappeared four days ago, and nobody had heard a word of her since. Not Sophie, neither one of her sisters.

Not even Hawk, with his extensive network and ties to every criminal organization worldwide, could obtain information on her.

What the hell was going on? Was she so mad at me that she avoided contact with everyone—even Sophie?

It was hard to believe, and that niggling feeling of unease in my stomach, ever since I saw the burning vehicle in the distance, had grown with every fucking hour that had passed since.

I exhaled, trying—without much luck—to reign in my anger.

All Hawk could verify for me was her arrival home, but nothing since, and it was driving me up the fucking walls.

As soon as this meeting was over, I would jump on our private jet and check on her myself. I’d shoot my way in and then I’d grovel, beg, apologize.

Whatever was necessary for her to come back.

And if that didn’t help?

I wasn’t opposed to taking a page from my big brother’s book and dragging her home with me. Wherever home would be.

I heard movement from down the hall. I looked at my watch. Too early. I ducked down, rounded the bar, and took cover.

“Hey, I need to go,” I whispered into my phone.

“Sure, kiddo. As soon as I hear anything, I’ll call. Promise.”

I smiled. Gabe had made damn good friends during the time he’d been away from the family. He’d mastered finding a team and people who would lay down their lives for him.

A chosen family.

Just like Matt and my princess. I chose them. Now I needed for both of them to choose me, as well.

I ended the call and listened again.

Footsteps, and then…Gabe’s voice.


Gabe should not be here—a fact I explicitly told him.

I straightened and locked my gaze with his. Next to him was Franco Moretti—who was supposed to call me so I could let him in as soon as he arrived.

“What’s this?” I asked.
