Page 61 of Tainted Desire

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“So, since your wife took Fiona and ran off with her as soon as we came into sight, I’ll assume the marital bliss has already worn off?” I mocked Gabe who rolled his eyes.

He’d led me to the same semi-private part of the restaurant of the hotel while a very excited Sophie pulled Fiona to a table on the opposite side of the room.

I leaned back so I could glance past the room divider.

She sat with her back to me, her gracious long neck bent, and it appeared Sophie and her were in deep discussion.

Gabe gave my chair a kick, which almost toppled me over.

I glared at him.

“By the way, Fiona looked at you as if she wanted to castrate you, I’ll assume you did something to earn it?”

“Why would you think that? Maybe it was her doing something to me?”

“What, like threatening your ego?”

I glared at him. “You really think she could have an impact on my ego?”

Gabe shook his head while holding my gaze. But instead of a comeback, he looked over my shoulder and behind me. “Matt, great you could make it.”

I turned and glared at my second-in-command.

Matt did not mention that my brother had invited him here for breakfast. Not after we rolled for a good two hours, which left me exhausted enough to call it a night, shower, get back to the room, and stare at a sleeping Fiona until the sun came up.

That cold shower I took right before she woke up was imperative to keeping my hands to myself.

“Hey, Gabe,” Matt said, and they greeted and hugged each other like brothers.

I narrowed my eyes.


Gabe had been in the US for the past couple of years. Had he been in contact with the Salvinis while cutting his own family out of his life?

And was I really jealous of my best friend hugging my brother? What the fuck was wrong with me?

Well, apart from the princess giving me a hard-on just by looking at me and causing me to throw my plans out the moment she opened her sexy mouth.

“You don’t look like the fuck-up Vince told me you were,” Gabe said.

Matt grinned. “Ahh. The beauty of not being in charge.”

Gabe’s eyes narrowed, then his gaze moved back to me. “About the ‘not being in charge’—”

“What?” I straightened. “You want me to step down?”

Somehow, I was still expecting Gabe to boot me out of the family business. Now that it was established, I wasn’t really a Falcone.

At least not by blood, which was the only thing that counted.

He sighed. “No, you idiot. I want to be kept in the loop. I want to know what the fuck has been going on and what you plan to do against someone shooting up our family home. I did some digging, and you down-played the assault. And what the hell is going on between Fee and you?”

“I didn’t downplay the assault. I just don’t have a definitive answer for you.”

“I’m happy to hear the working theory,” Gabe said, crossed his arms, and leaned back, his eyes never wavering from mine.
