Page 65 of Tainted Desire

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“I’m happy you’re here,” Sophie said. “Until yesterday, I would’ve asked you to keep Fee here company. But that’s not necessary anymore.”

“Why?” Cara looked at me. “Are you leaving?”

Sophie chuckled. “On the contrary.”

Sophie looked up from the menu and waggled her brows. “Fee’s dating Alex.”

Then she leaned toward me, stared at me in her best ‘you better tell the truth because I can see right through you-face’ and put her hands under her chin. “Though, I’ve been wondering how exactly your mutual dislike turned into you dating in a matter of a day.”

I rolled my eyes. “We’re not dating—that’s how.”

If Alex thought I would comply with his proposed “deal” just because he said so, he was terribly mistaken.

“But he told Gabe. And Gabe told me that Alex doesn’t date. Ever.”

I sighed. Of course, he didn’t. Instead, he had subs and slaves and probably more women ready to get naked and on their knees for him than was good for him.

No wonder his ego was the size of a hot-air balloon. Filled with hot air, too.

I shrugged. “I was out yesterday evening, meeting some friends.” I stared at Sophie to make sure she got that I neither needed a companion nor a nanny. “We were just having fun when Mister Dark and Pompous stormed in, dragged me into his office, and locked me up.”

Cara stared at me, her mouth gaping, while Sophie’s eyes danced with mischief.

“I guess you didn’t like that too much,” Sophie said.

I cocked my head. “I remember you climbing out of the window when Gabe tried that shit with you.”

Sophie got that faraway look and smiled.

I shook my head, then shrugged. “Anyways, I escaped, then was proposed a threesome by a lovely couple. We danced, then Mr. Cocky swept in again.”

Cara giggled. “This sounds like a bad movie.”

I chuckled. “It does. Well, in conclusion, I fell asleep, he carried me to a hotel room, and told me from here on out, I would be his fake girlfriend and be his permanent arm candy.”

Cara’s eyes bulged.

Sophie groaned. “I know this couldn’t have gone over well with you, so I’m wondering why Alex isn’t wearing a cool-pack in his pants and walking funny?”

I chuckled. My best friend knew me too well. And if I hadn’t been so…mentally occupied with first his hands between my legs and my subsequent mental breakdown, I probably would’ve retaliated already.

As it was, he still held my passport, my phone, and my wallet hostage, which gave him an unfair advantage.

“Should I tell Gabe? He can tell Alex to stand down?” Sophie offered, her voice and face apologetic.

“Nope, I can fight my own battles—you know that.”

Sophie stared at me, but not in any agreeable way. Instead, she was studying me, which was slightly unnerving.


“Gabe asked me about your captivity after breakfast.” She looked from me to Cara and back at me. “He wanted to know if you ever told me any details.”

I sucked in air. I hadn’t talked about it. Didn’t want to think about it, as well. Not even with Sophie.

“Fee?” Cara stared at me. “You didn’t talk to Sophie?”

Cara looked from me to Sophie, who shook her head.
