Page 13 of Owned

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“Come with me.” I offer my hand, but she stares at it with disdain.

“I would rather die.” She crosses her arms over her chest, standing her ground.

“We can do this two ways.” I prowl toward her, unable to help myself from pushing her to see how far she will go in defending herself against me. Of course, she is in no real danger, but my curiosity is uncontrollable. “You can come with me willingly. Or…” She backs away until she bumps into the wall. I place a hand on each side of her head and run my nose along her slender neck. “I can carry you.” Fuck, she smells amazing. Please let me carry you!

Pain explodes through my body and stars dance behind my eyelids. I bend forward and cradle my balls, hoping to alleviate some of the agony she caused with her knee.

“I can walk by myself.” She pats me on top of the head and moves toward the door.

I can’t help but smile at the little hellcat. I breathe through the pain and stand to follow her. But then inspiration hits, and there is no changing my mind.

I catch her by the arm, spin her around, and throw her over my shoulder.

“You want to misbehave, then I will start deciding things for you.”

“You can’t do this!” Her small fist beat against my back, keeping the stupid smile plastered on my face.

“I am the Prince. I can do whatever I want,” I chuckle. Reminding her who I am seems to get a rise out of her, and I love it.

“Prince of the assholes, more like it! Put me down!”

“Keep screaming, Little Thief. No one will save you.”

“I don’t need anyone to save me!”

“Are you sure about that?” I slap her ass just to see what she will do.

“You mother fucking asshole!” She tries to struggle, but she is no match for my strength. “Put me down! I can walk.”

“Yes, but then I wouldn’t be so close to your perfect ass.” She goes still at that. Could she possibly be as interested in this as I am?

“If I am given the chance, I will slit your throat.”

Nope. She isn’t even close to thinking the same thing I am. All in good time. I am a patient male.

“You can definitely try.” I open the door to my room and place her on her feet inside.

“Wow. Someone likes books a little too much.”

I look around my room and finally see it from a stranger’s point of view. She…isn’t wrong. My room has gotten out of hand. Stacks of books cover almost every free surface, including the floor. It’s a wonder how it hasn’t burned down with the candles surrounded by so much paper.

“I need to take some of these back to the library.”

“No, shit.”

“Sit and eat,” I chuckle.


“Want to try that again?” I say with an edge that promises retaliation. She huffs and sits at the small table laden with different types of food. I sit opposite her and watch as she looks at everything in front of her. “Eat.”

“So, you can poison me?”

“I could crush you under my hands with barely any effort, and you believe I would stoop low enough to use a coward’s weapon? I know you think very little of me, but I didn’t think it was that little.” Smiling, I taking a sip from my goblet of blood and suppress a wince. It tastes off, almost stale. I don’t know what it is, but something is wrong with it. “Do I need to eat some to show you it is safe?” I am not really hungry, but I am desperate to get relief from the smell of her clouding my senses. She’s making it hard to think.

But then she picks up the fork, and her brows pull together. I’m such an idiot. Maybe she doesn’t know how to use utensils. I don’t know her history. She is either a Reckless or Forsaken. Perhaps she was never exposed to everyday things like this.

To save her from the embarrassment, I pick up my fork, exaggerating how to hold it properly. She moves so quickly I nearly miss it. I barely catch the fork she threw at my face before it embeds in my eye. My laugh echoes throughout the room as I twirl it in my fingers.
