Page 42 of Lady of Sin

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“Sure, sweet boy.” Her three mates, who she has no idea the extent of her relationships to them, take Rellick to the kitchen. Something’s off.

Lucifer stands too. “Off to finish my punishments.” He leaves with no words to Bree. Her anger rises again. Fuck, that’s intoxicating.

Leviathan stares at her but she ignores him until he stands to leave as well. “Thank you for dinner, Brianna. It was wonderful. As was your company.” He sighs in defeat and leaves when she offers no acknowledgement.

He should’ve paid attention to her when it mattered.

The only person left at the table other than Brianna and I is Asmodeus. His focus is on me, eyes pleading to let him come with us. I already told him that the first time I had her was to myself. Every time after that I wouldn’t care. Lust is the Sin I’m closest to. His athleticism makes him the best to spar with and rage and lust usually go hand in hand in Hell. I give him a quick shake of my head which causes his eyes to widen.

I don’t care for the fact that when Asmodeus doesn’t get his way, his lupine face allows him to make ‘puppy dog eyes’. He goes from intimidating to precious in a matter of seconds. It doesn’t work on me because I have restraint, but it works easily on others. I swear, half the time I treat him like my brother, and the other half you would think he’s my pet or property.

We have a stare down until his shoulders drop and he lifts from the seat, blowing Bree a kiss that I’m sure would make her blush if her skin wasn’t already a delicious red from her wrath.

“Let’s go,” I say, grabbing her by the elbow to lift her before throwing her over my shoulder.

She starts to hit my back with her tiny fists and kick her legs. “Put me down, Devil!” A quick but powerful slap to her ass makes her freeze. “Did you just spank me?” Her voice is low with surprise and anger. I can feel her emotions start to war with each other.

“Yes. Now shut-up unless you want another one with more force.” I leave the tower and fly to the arena. Brianna was quiet the whole way.

At the arena, I have a seat specifically for me. It’s the best place in the stadium to see the entirety of what’s happening while having my own privacy. I pull my wings in and sit in my wide black throne, pulling Bree onto my lap. “Such a good girl,” I mumble against her skin. She relaxed a bit before tensing again, remembering that she’s meant to be mad at me.

A battle is going on below us between two demons. Milady watches with enthusiasm for a moment before asking, “what’s going on? What is this?”

“This is my Arena. Occupants of Hell can come here to challenge anyone in Hell for something.” That’s a quick summary anyway.

She sits forward, focusing on the duel below while inadvertently rubbing her ass against my dick. “What are they fighting for?”

I make my own tablet appear to see the reasoning. Lucifer has a tablet to organize the dead and I have one to organize war in Hell. Battles that aren’t for a punishment or position have to fill out a form to block out time as fighting out of the arena is forbidden. “This fight is over a succubus. They’re fighting for her exclusivity.”

Brianna spins aggressively to face me. “And she’s okay with that?” I shrug my shoulders. Her name is on the form as the reason for fighting but nowhere else. “Can you ask her?”

“She’s a succubus.” She’s probably in the middle of fucking someone. They need sperm to survive. I could call her here, but I won’t know what state she’s in.

Milady must have misinterpreted what I meant because her arms crossed over her chest. “So, because she has to have sex to live, others are allowed to fight over her? What if she doesn’t want either of them? Because some asshats fought over her, she has no choice?” She turns back to face the arena field. “No, fuck that. Call her here.” Brianna gets herself comfortable in my lap as I summon Daemera to my space.

She appears before us in a red lace dress over her pure white skin. Black hair flowing in braids behind her as she looks around her before focusing on Bree. Daemera gives a seductive smirk and cocks her hip, bringing attention to her curves. “Well, hello gorgeous.”

Bree sits up straight. “Ask her,” she commands me. I don't even open my mouth because I know what's about to happen. “Are you aware that the fight currently going on down there is about you?” Daemera stands up straight at her words, becoming serious. “They're fighting over who gets you exclusively. Did you know that?” The succubus shakes her head, and her shoulders drop. “Do you want either of them exclusively?”

She looks around the room, probably searching for an escape. “Answer the question,” I command.

“No. I don't want either of them.” Her voice is muffled, like she doesn't want to be loud.

“Well, that's that then.” Brianna stands and fixes her dress before turning to me. “Stop the fight.”

She's absolutely beautiful when she takes charge. Not that I'll allow it for long. “No.” I move to stand in front of her, effectively taking her out of the conversation and focusing on Daemera. “I'm giving you an option. You can go down there and stop the fight yourself. Or…” I make a white metal pitchfork appear in my hand and hold it out to her. “You can join and show them that they had no right to fight over you.”

She stares at the pitchfork for a minute before meeting my eyes, her smile dark on her red lips. “What are the rules?”

“All is fair. You may use your powers as they will be using theirs. The winner is the last person standing after a count of thirty.”

Daemera takes the pitchfork from my hand. “Send me in.”

I spend most of my time in my arena, but it’s rare that I actually make changes to battles that are happening. I watch, making sure everything is fair for all parties. It’s why my arena has a bit of everything on the field. There should be no reason a participant is more powerful than the other unless it’s a battle for a spot in the ranks. If you can’t be someone stronger than you, then you don’t deserve the rank.

I use my power to open the barrier for the arena. The demons pause in their fight. My voice projects across the stadium. “There’s been a new participant in this match.” Crys of outrage ring out from the demons on the field. “You started a battle for exclusivity with a succubus. She’s decided to enter the fight and I have granted it.” My space has stairs that lead directly to the arena field. I step to the side, giving the demoness the stage. “Daemera. State your terms.”

“If I win, neither of them will have access to me ever again. Thy won’t even be allowed to be in the same building as me.” She stands strong before the crowd. I admire her valor. If she wins, she has a place high among my ranks. Asmodeus won’t care that one of his demons has entered a different ring of Hell.
