Page 49 of Lady of Sin

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I let her vent because I know I’m in the wrong. I have no self-control when it comes to my envy. It’s always been my worst trait and became unbearable after my punishment.

“Fuck, Levi! Say something, dammit!”

Rubbing my eyes, I focus on her, giving my full attention. “I apologize.” She inhales a slight gasp, her green eyes, the color of my sin, growing wide. I love her eyes. “You’re right. I’m jealous of everyone who gets to touch you, who looks at you, who gets to see you smile and laugh. I want all of that. I want you.”

She’s speechless, her mouth slightly hanging open, and if I wasn’t so frustrated with myself for being the King of Envy, I could appreciate how gorgeous she is when she’s surprised. “I’m sorry if I’ve ruined your night, I just can’t watch other people dance with you.”

Bree looks like a warrior princess. I take in her green eyes and red lips, her fair skin shiny from makeup. I wish she wasn’t wearing any, but I refuse to say anything. Chains hang around the neckline of her shirt, drawing attention to the generous cleavage on display. Cleavage the fucking demon was touching.

My head goes back into my hands, on the verge of pulling my hair out. I fucking hate this!

A hand gently lays on my shoulder, moving down my arm until she pulls it away from my face. “Hey. Look at me.” Her voice is soft and sweet, completely opposite of a minute ago when she was yelling at me. “What’s really going on?”

“Have any of my brothers told you why we’re the Sins?” Bree gives a small shake of her head. We were the worst at our own sins. “Azazel punished us because we were the worst at our sins by making us feel every time others around us committed it as well. It was meant to teach us to control our own emotions. Azazel died before he could lift them. All of us with punishments banded together and learned how to turn them to our advantage. It was meant to make us feel pain until we no longer committed our own sin. Instead, we channeled it to fuel our own power.”

Bree is listening to everything I say with rapt attention. Taking in all this new information without judgement. “So, you’re the King of Envy because you suffer from it the most?” I give a simple nod of my head. “Not to sound ignorant but, y’all are demons… Aren’t you supposed to be inherently evil?”

A genuine laugh erupts from my throat. “No,” I say after catching my breath. “We’ve just learned how to feed off of evil deeds.” I turn towards her, our full bodies facing each other in the booth. “Hell wasn’t always a place for people who are punished. Azazel made us to be powerful, to have different strengths, to coexist with many different races. Adon made archangels. There are different classes of angel, but they all look the same. The only difference is the skin color. Not very different from here on Earth, they just have wings and magic.”

“Well, Mera said this is a supernatural bar. Who made them?” Her thirst for knowledge is riveting. Her full attention is an aphrodisiac. I’m always being compared to one of my brothers and no one has ever really taken the time to be with me or learn who I am. Fuck the feeling of her committing envy. This is all I want. Her acknowledgement.

“The Gods did.” Bree’s eyebrows rise almost to her hairline. “Supes are just ancestors of a human who mixed with a god; whether by fucking them and having a child or fucking with them and getting cursed.”

I could stare into her green eyes all day. They’re full of excitement as she leans closer, fascinated with the history lesson. “So, the Greek gods? Are they real?”

“They’re the nieces and nephews of Adon and Azazel. The twins to the Greeks are what’s known as Titans. Their sister Rhea birthed the ‘gods’.” She moves to speak, but I cut her off, thinking I know her next question. “Most, if not all, ‘gods’ in any religion are real. They’re siblings, nieces and nephews, or aunts and uncles. All religions are related. Anything can be a religion if enough people believe in something.”

Her attention is diverted from me when her phone rings. “I’m sorry. I have to take this. It’s Andrew’s mom.” Rather than have her get up; because I like her in my space, I put up a shield around us, blocking out all sound. “Thank you.” She slides the button on her phone and then places it on speaker. “Hello?”

“Hey, Bree. Would you be able to come get Rellick? He’s fighting with Andrew and wants to go home.”

“Oh, my goodness! I’m so sorry if he’s fighting! I’ll come get him.” She mouths the word ‘sorry’ to me and I wave her away. I’ll take her to her son. I don’t want to leave her. I stand up and take her hand to help her up as well. We walk down the stairs and through the club, her hand still in mine while I keep the shield up. “What are they fighting about?”

“Rellick is just making up some stories, like kids do.” I can tell the mother on the phone is laughing it off, but there’s an undercurrent of unease. “Like, how he knows Santa, and has met a man with wings, and a giant bug named Bubby. Had dinner in a castle. Stories, ya know? He’s definitely got an imagination.”

There’s fake laughter again and I can feel Bree’s hand tense in mine at the sound. We’ve made it out of the club and the valet brings us my car. I understand that I have the ability to teleport wherever I need to, but a muscle car is just so much fun. I open the passenger door to my shiny green 1971 Oldsmobile Cutlass with its black stripes. It’s the most coveted muscle car in the world so obviously I had to have it. Once she’s settled, I get into the driver’s side, and we take off. “I’ll be there in a minute. See you soon.” I reach over and take her hand, holding it in mine while still covering the stick-shift. “This is a nice car.” I nod in thanks. “I’m sorry, you had to leave your club.” She doesn’t need to tell me how to get to the house. I can track Rellick’s essence.

“Hey. Don’t worry about it.” I lift my hand briefly to rub against her cheek before taking her hand again and putting it back on the shift. “I’d rather be with you, anyway.”

Within moments, we are at Andrew’s home. Bree gets out and speaks briefly to the mom at the door, Rellick in her arms the second the door was open. She waves to the woman and walks back to the car, getting in the passenger seat with her son in her lap. “Momma, where’s my seat?” I snap my fingers and a car seat appears in my small backseat. She buckles him in, and I take off again heading towards her apartment.

“Who are you?” Rellick’s voice is innocent, but I can sense the protectiveness over his mother.

I give him my best smile through the rearview mirror. “My name is Levi.”

His eyes narrow, looking menacing for a small child. Rellick’s arms cross and he turns to look out of the window. I can honestly say my feelings are hurt. He’s normally so talkative to everyone but not with me.

No one ever gives me attention unless it’s to get something in return.

Bree tentatively places her hand back in mine on the stick. And I smile to myself. Well, maybe someone does pay attention to me. I kiss the back of her hand in appreciation.

“Can we go see Santa? And Bubby? And Blue?”

Brianna looks to me for permission since it would need to be me to open the portal. I wish we could spend a little time together without all my brothers butting in. I always get put on the back burner when they’re around.

We pull into the parking lot of the apartment complex, and I help her and Rellick out of the vehicle. She unlocks her front door, and we walk inside. “Shit,” she yells after walking into her room. “I forgot to tell Josie and Mera we were leaving!” She comes back into the main room, panic written across her face. “How do I get in touch with Mera? I summoned her here! I don’t have a number or anything!”

“You summoned the Ubus?”
