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I’m on top of the fucking world, and life couldn’t be better.

Last night, I used my tongue, fingers, and everything else at my disposal to push three human women into orgasmic oblivion. Their naked bodies are sprawled around me, their minds lulled into satisfied sleep.

Another round, my wolf says, wanting to wake them up just as much as I do. Well, if they can’t, I’ll simply get my pack to bring me new ones. It’s good to be king.

You’re not one yet, my wolf reminds me. The ascension process hasn’t finished yet.

Semantics, I reply with a roll of my eyes.

I’m aware that until the coronation, I only have as much power as my father allows me to have. The ancient rules state clearly that only the oldest son can ascend to the throne, which definitely works in my favor because everyone can see that stupid Saint Gavin is my father’s favorite.

We’re lucky that he married into another royal family, my wolf says. He’s just as relieved as I am that we don’t need to constantly watch our backs now that my overly ambitious younger brother is out of the picture.

I have used my newly found extra time well. My second-in-command, the Beta of my pack, and the wild wolf that I sometimes take to my bed, is very good at locating the pure and uncut drugs. Getting top-shelf alcohol was always easy because all I had to do was hold my no-limit credit card up in the air.

My cock’s already waking, which means that one of the ladies should do because I won’t take care of my needs alone. With my right foot, I lazily kick at the young blonde at my side. She jumps and whimpers at the contact, her sleepy eyes locking on me as she gives me a startled look.

“You have work to do,” I order, then let my head slip into the pillow as I close my eyes and wait for her nimble fingers and her mouth to do their thing.

The other two sleeping beauties make small sounds in complaint as the young blonde pushes past them to get between my spread legs. The corners of my mouth lift as I brace myself for contact. It never comes because someone picked that very moment to knock on the door and interrupt my morning.

“What?!” I yell, not bothering to keep the anger out of my voice.

The door opens and though I’m expecting Tiana to walk in, the person that enters doesn’t resemble my Beta one bit. I react even before I manage to properly process the newcomer, my reflexes automatic and quick.

I don’t care that my knee connects with the young blonde’s cheek when I get up. Everything else is secondary to the person standing in front of me.

“Father,” I breathe, looking at him with my mouth open. “What are you doing here?”

“Grab the whores and take them to the doctor!” my father shouts the order to Tiana, who I’m only now noticing is standing behind him. “We need to make sure that they don’t leave with bastard pups in their bellies.”

“Right away, Your Grace,” Tiana says with a submissive tone.

With a slight gesture of her head, the other members of the Pack of Shadows move ahead and pull the three women off my bed. No one offers them any clothes, and the women are too hungover to put up a fight.

“Stop,” I order, looking at my pack. “Get your hands off them.”

Not even one wolf obeys me, nor do they show any signs of hearing me. Gavin trained them well to listen to their superior, but it seems like they’ve forgotten that I’m their leader.

“Your Alpha is telling you to stop!” I command, putting as much authority into my voice as my high and drunken ass can manage.

“You’re no one’s Alpha,” my father tells me, narrowing his eyes as he looks at me from head to toe with his lips curled in disgust. “For fuck’s sake! Will you cover yourself up a bit? You’re an embarrassment to our family’s name.”

“The Pack of Shadows is mine,” I argue weakly, but to no avail.

“The Pack of Shadows will always be Gavin’s,” my father replies coldly after I wrap a blanket around my waist, his words hitting a sore spot. “You’ll never be half the man that your brother is. Now that he’s a Lafayette, Tiana’s the only suitable option to lead the pack. She was Gavin’s protégé after all.”

“You’re right,” I say at last, figuring that it’s best to agree with him. “Besides, I can’t be both Alpha and a king at the same time. My life is too valuable, and I can’t be expected to focus on ten people when I need to lead our whole kingdom.”

My father’s eyes darken, his look wiping the smile off my face. My intoxicated brain seems to have forgotten for a second that he found me in bed with not one, but three human women. While he’s been hearing rumors about me fucking around for years, he never had any actual proof. At least until now.

“I’m freezing your ascension process,” my father says, getting straight to the point.

“You can’t!” I exclaim. I’m wracking my brain to find a way to convince him, but I can’t think clearly through the fog and the headache that’s beginning to pound behind my eyes. “Our laws make it clear that the firstborn son is the future king. So, unless I die, I’m the future Grey king.”
