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He won’t have us killed, will he? my wolf wonders as soon as I say those words.

“I know what the laws say,” my father tells me, sounding far from happy. “I’m aware that you’ll be the next king, which is why it’s my duty to prepare you as best as I can so that you’ll lead our family well.”

“I’ll make you proud, Father,” I promise him with a determined nod. If I wasn’t half-naked with only a blanket around my waist, I’d probably sound a lot more convincing.

“It’s not your fault, Son,” my father says with a heavy sigh. “I should’ve put an end to your playtime years ago, but I chose to ignore it. Even after I was warned about your disgusting ways, I still didn’t want to see the truth.”

“This is nothing,” I tell him with a nonchalant wave of my hand. “It’s just some harmless fun.”

“You’re the Grey heir, and you should hold yourself to higher standards,” my father says in a firm voice. “If you want others to follow you, you have to lead by example. Right now, I don’t see anything I like, but don’t worry because I have a plan that will fix everything.”

It seems like not everything’s lost, my wolf says, finding a sliver of hope in this otherwise dark conversation.

“I’ll do anything,” I tell him, knowing it’s the quickest way to get out of this predicament. “Just name it.”

“I’ll order a coffee to be brought while you put on some clothes,” my father tells me, and the fact that he’s planning on us sitting down further confirms to me that I won’t like what he has to say.

I nod, then grab my clothes off the pile in the corner and go to the bathroom for some privacy. My head spins when I lean down to put on my boxers.

Can’t you heal us already? I ask my wolf, needing a clear head to talk to my father.

I would if it was only alcohol, my wolf complains, feeling just as beat as I do. Fucking drugs are too hard on us. I told you not to mix so many of them.

I grunt in response and throw some cold water on my face before I continue dressing myself. The healing process is too fast when using only one drug, making it nearly impossible to feel its effects. But when mixed in a neat and pure cocktail, then either sniffed or washed down with a potent liquor, I’m on top of the world.

When I’m all dressed and the buttons of my shirt are somewhat buttoned up correctly, I return to the hotel suite that I have permanently rented. Even I wouldn’t dare to bring humans back to the Grey Manor.

I walk past the bed to my father, who’s already sitting at the table by the window and sipping out of his cup. His eyes carefully observe me as I reach for my own cup and mix in two little bags of sugar before topping it off with cold milk.

“What would you like me to do?” I ask him when I finish prepping my coffee and lean back into the comfortable chair. “A diplomatic mission to the Farrells? I’m sure they’re quite upset with the mess Felix and Gavin created. Or should I travel to the Middle East to check on our new rig? I’ll be happy to make rounds to confirm that all our businesses are bringing in the most money they can.”

“I’m afraid that I have different plans in mind for you,” my father says, a small smile playing on his lips.

I don’t like this, my wolf tells me, and I have to agree with him.

“As I said before, I haven’t paid enough attention to you. Now that we’ve started the ascension process, we’re in a rush to turn you into a king,” my father tells me. He pauses long enough to take a sip of coffee and let his words sink in. “The best and fastest way to do that is to send you off to a military camp where they’ll make a proper man out of you.”

I tip my head back and laugh. It’s the best joke I’ve heard all day, and for a moment, I was actually worried that he was being serious. When I realize that he didn’t join in, my laughter slowly dies down.

“Please tell me that you’re kidding,” I say, looking at him in disbelief.

“I’m afraid not,” my father says, his previous smiling face now turning grim. “You’ll be sent there undercover, and you’ll be forbidden to tell anyone who you really are.”

“Or what, huh?” I challenge, clenching my jaw in defiance. “You can’t force me.”

“I can, and I will,” he tells me with a nonchalant shrug. “Should you dare to tell anyone about who you are, I’ll kill them, their family, and everyone that person might’ve come in contact with. Be careful what you do, otherwise all those lives will be on you.”

“You can’t do this,” I insist, calling his bluff.

My father takes his time and finishes his cup of coffee before replying. When he’s done, he sets it on the table, locking his eyes on mine.

“You seem to forget that I’m the king, Garren,” he reminds me. “I may not be willing to punish you directly just yet, but push me far enough, and I will have you removed from the royal line. Until then, people around you will pay for your shortcomings. Tread carefully.”

Our eyes are locked in a battle of wills, but it’s very clear who’s the dominant one. He doesn’t even need to use his powers to make me submit. Clenching my jaw so hard that it hurts, I bow my head at the neck, wordlessly agreeing to his plan.

Seemingly satisfied, my father nods and gets up. He looks around the room, his nose scrunching up in disgust. Lucky for me, he doesn’t bother to comment any further. He’d made his position clear enough.

“Tiana should return soon to take you to the military encampment. I’ve assigned you to a pack called Dark Hunter,” my father says, his words making my eyes widen to comical proportions as I realize that I’m supposed to leave right now. “The Alpha is from a prominent military family. All her siblings are Alphas of their own packs, and her mother is the Alpha Captain. Her father died on the frontlines, but he was also the Alpha Captain, leading ten packs, the same as her mother is doing now.”
