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It only took us three months to get assigned a mission. Even my mother claims it must be some kind of a record. Garren is still an Omega, but he’s working hard on becoming a Delta. Blaine took him under his wing, offering to spend whatever free time he had to work with Garren, who has highly benefitted from all the extra lessons.

A knock on the door gets my attention. I close my computer and spin my chair in its direction.

“Come in,” I call, sending the sound with a wave of darkness to get through the soundproof fortifications.

Garren walks in and stands awkwardly by the door. “You asked to see me?”

“Yes,” I confirm and wave him closer, gesturing to an empty chair. “Can you see? Should I turn on the light?”

“No need,” he replies, sliding into the chair that I’ve pointed at. “My Night Vision has returned to me.”

“Blaine has told me that you’ve made a lot of progress and that you’ve been working very hard,” I say, giving him the closest thing to a compliment.

He definitely looks hard, my wolf comments and I nearly choke on my spit as my brain immediately comes up with several dirty thoughts.

Naughty! my wolf exclaims, sounding amused. I was talking about his body in general. Geez.

“He’s been a very patient teacher,” Garren replies, keeping any emotion out of his tone and off his face.

“He informed me that you’ve done well with reconnecting with your wolf,” I continue, needing to gather information before I lead him into danger. “He also mentioned the abilities that you have mastered, but I’d like to hear it from you.”

“The transformation comes to me as easily as taking a breath does,” he says with a hint of pride in his voice. “We’ve started with the most basic of the basics. Blaine had me gently manipulate the shadows, then we went to controlling them, and finished with doing both of those things in pitch-black darkness.”

“Slow and steady,” I confirm, finding this the best way to improve while minimizing the risk of getting hurt. “Where are you at now?”

“As I said, we’ve done the manipulation and control of shadows and darkness,” Garren tells me, referring to the sub-ability of darkness called Umbrakinesis.

“Can you block the light out in a certain area?” I ask, wondering if he’s strong enough to master Light Absorption.

“I can, and I’ve also already mentioned Night Vision to you,” he confirms, and I give him a small smile. “We’ve been working on two more things that some days I do better than others.”

“Which two?” I inquire, quietly impressed with the number of sub-abilities he developed in a relatively short amount of time.

“Shadow Camouflage and Animated Shadow,” he replies, referring to the camouflaging ability of being unseen in the shadows as well as the animation of another person’s shadow to turn them into a puppet.

That’s only one less than us, my wolf comments, sounding just as impressed with Garren as I am. Besides all those sub-abilities that Garren has acquired, I’m also a master of Shadow Mimicry, which is a power to become one with the shadows.

“You’re on a fast track to become a Delta,” I tell him. “In fact, all you’re missing is to go on one mission.”

“After that I’m a Delta?” Garren asks, raising his eyebrow as if it seems too easy.

“I’m sure that Blaine has already explained to you that to become a Delta, you need to master three sub-abilities, which you’ve done, and you’re even on your way of adding more,” I say, going through the requirements. “You need to be successful on at least one mission. There’s a little loophole where you can have ten missions under your belt and only two sub-abilities. Not everyone is powerful enough to develop the three, but field experience counts as one.”

“Are we going on a mission soon?” Garren asks, his eyes gleaming with ambition.

His time here must’ve taught him to keep his mouth shut and only talk about what’s important or when he’s being asked a question. The first day’s punishments are always the worst because that’s when a tone gets set. Garren’s was particularly brutal, but it did its job.

“That’s why I’ve called you here,” I say and lean back into my chair to make myself more comfortable. “We’ve been assigned a mission of a routine sort of exercise to scout the outskirts of the area where we’ve gotten reports of the presence of the witches. The higher-ranking packs will go into the heart of the area while we keep guard on the so-called borders.”

“Doesn’t sound too dangerous,” Garren comments and absentmindedly scratches his chin in thought.

“It shouldn’t be,” I agree. “It’s just a formality, but it will help us bring you a promotion, which will bring us better missions.”

“When are we leaving?” he asks, giving me an eager look. We’re all itching for a change of scenery.

“We depart at sundown,” I reply. “You have five hours to get ready.”
