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Don’t do it, my wolf warns me, but I don’t think I have much choice.

Reluctantly, I do as Blaine says, and even though I closed my eyes, my senses are on full alert. I’m not sure if that’s what he wanted from me or not, but I’m not going to stay completely blind and senseless.

There’s more than just Blaine’s set of eyes on me. Alyssa’s been watching my every move, noting down the progress I’ve been making in training. More often than not, I’ve pushed myself harder to prove to her that I’m not just some loser. I want her to know that I can handle everything she throws at me, and that I won’t back down from a challenge. My chest swells with pride every time I prove her wrong.

“Embrace the darkness and let its nothingness consume you,” Blaine says with a low and calm voice, doing something with his powers around us because everything got quiet and not even a hint of light protrudes through my eyes. “Now that there’s nothing there, visualize a little light. Approach it. Tell me what it is.”

In my mind, I walk closer to the light until it gets bigger and bigger. Only when I come right to it, do I notice that it’s swaying like a flame.

“Bonfire,” I reply, giving a name to what I’m seeing.

“Good,” Blaine says, his voice melodic as he guides us through some sort of hypnotic mediation. “Sit down and wait. Wait a bit more. Look across the light of the bonfire and tell me if you see it.”

I strain my eyes, trying to gaze into the darkness, but it’s been too long since I’ve used Night Vision. It’s only when the figure comes closer that I recognize its features.

“I do,” I reply to Blaine, my mouth set in an o as I stare at it in awe.

“What do you see?” Blaine asks, encouraging me to tell him more. “Who do you see?”

“It’s him,” I reply, the recognition clicking in me. “It’s my wolf.”

It’s not that I’ve never seen him, but it’s never been like this. Usually, we only sense each other, or wear one skin or the other. I’ve never been in the same place as him, much less sitting across from him.

“Spend a moment together,” Blaine instructs. “It can be in complete silence, or you can talk. That’s up to you two.”

The wolf stands up and walks around the bonfire, his massive figure approaching me. When he reaches me, he questioningly looks at the spot next to me and when I nod, he sits down. There are no words needed. We both embrace each other’s closeness and a different kind of connection that’s getting woven between us as we watch the fire.

I’m not sure how much time has passed when Blaine speaks up again, “When you’re ready, touch your wolf’s head, invite him inside you, and slowly open your eyes.”

The wolf and I lock our eyes on each other. I slowly lift my hand, then wait for him to take the step to close the distance. The wolf slightly lowers his head to allow me to set my hand on it. Information, emotions, and sensations fly back and forth between us as we unite into one being.

When the fusion is complete, I open my eyes, feeling more like myself than ever before. It’s as if I’ve been missing an important part of myself that was always there but just out of my reach.

I’m here, my wolf says gently, his voice louder and clearer than ever before. I feel it too.

We are one, I reply, embracing his essence.

Blaine gives me a small smile as he stands up, then offers me his hand. I take it without hesitation, truly understanding how monumental it is that I trust him. He might not be my superior by law and blood, but he is my superior in the knowledge acquired. I shouldn’t be so small-minded as to close myself away from the people that want to help.

The weirdest thing happens when I catch Alyssa’s eye over Blaine’s shoulder. Her narrow lips curl up into a ghost of a smile with something that looks a lot like pride. My chest warms up with a feeling that I can't quite decipher. I don't have time to dwell on it, though, because in the next moment, she gives me a curt nod before turning on her heels and leaving.

“You did good,” Blaine says when I’m on my feet. “You still have a lot of work ahead of you, but I can help you get there if you allow me to guide you.”

“I’d appreciate it,” I tell him, meaning it.

“Drugs and alcohol are the worst things our kind can do to ourselves,” Blaine tells me, and while it sounds like he’s giving me a lecture, his tone is far from reprimanding. “The substances dull the connection between us and the wolf, which slowly weakens us. Weakening not only our abilities but our bodies and minds as well. We might be two conscious spirits, but we don’t function well unless we’re one.”

“I understand,” I say with a small nod. “I’ve been drinking for longer than I care to admit. It’s been so long that I don’t ever remember hearing my wolf’s voice without any interference. I thought it to be so normal that I didn’t even notice it anymore.”

“You took a big step forward in your training today,” Blaine says with a hint of pride in his eyes. “At the moment, we won’t work on the transformation and basic activities yet. It’s important that you and your wolf spend some time together and get accustomed to each other’s closeness. Next week, we’ll raise the difficulty.”

“If you think that’s best,” I say in agreement, finding a way to trust that he has my best interest at heart. Well, maybe not mine, but certainly the packs. There’s a reason that the pack is only as strong as their weakest member. Right now, that’s me, so they need to train me to pull themselves up higher on the pack ratings and get assigned better missions.

My father was right to send me here. I have a lot of work ahead of me to grow as a person and a wolf. The last thing our kingdom needs right now is a weak, disconnected, and intoxicated ruler.

Never again, my wolf agrees, confirming my hidden wants and desires.

