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He shakes his head, his brows furrowing in confusion. He opens his mouth to reply, but I’ll never know what he wanted to say because, at that moment, we both turn our heads toward the front door. Someone’s coming and since the sounds are from the opposite direction that the pack went, I’m fairly sure we’re about to face our worst enemy.



“We need to get out of here,” Alyssa whispers, her wide eyes the only proof that she’s afraid of whatever’s coming.

I gently grab her underneath the shoulders and pull her up on her feet. She groans at the effort but seems to be stable. Either way, I can’t risk her collapsing while we’re on the run, so I hoist one of her arms over my shoulder to help her keep her balance.

“Should we try to go after the pack?” I ask, turning us around to get a better view in both directions.

Even with our enhanced strength, it would take too long to dig through the rubble. Besides, I shouldn’t forget that Alyssa is hurt, which means I’d be the only one doing the digging. We’re not even sure that both groups survived the collapse, and the building is too old to trust that another slight change in its foundation won’t make it crash to the ground, burying us in the process.

“We have to go out,” Alyssa says, coming to the same conclusion.

We have no other choice but to face whatever’s out there. If we’re lucky, the danger’s not as close as we believe.

“We have to try,” she tells me, reading my mind.

I nod and tighten my grip on her. As one, we move toward the door. We have to assume that they know where we are because they’ve targeted that specific spot. Maybe we’ve even walked straight into their trap.

She’s too weak to call on the darkness, my wolf observes. You’re going to have to camouflage both of you.

I haven’t fully mastered it yet, I reply, remembering how during one of our training sessions, Blaine managed to find me sooner rather than later despite my best attempts to stay camouflaged.

You have to try, my wolf urges me, and I know he’s right.

“Wait a second,” I say to Alyssa as she reaches for the door. I close my eyes for a moment and invite the thickest parts of the darkness forward. While it helps that the sun’s down, it doesn’t make it much easier, especially considering that I’m camouflaging both of us.

“Good thinking,” she whispers in approval once she realizes what I’m doing.

“I’m not sure how long I’ll last, so we better go fast,” I tell her, already taking a step forward to get us moving.

Alyssa opens the door and I walk us through it. As soon as we’re out, I realize that we haven’t discussed where we’re going. Deciding on the spot, I turn in the direction we came from. Our best chance is to get to the car, and then put some distance between us and the witches.

The last thing I want is to leave the rest of the pack behind, but we’re not even sure they’re alive. Right now, we need to get to safety, so we can call in reinforcements to help them.

Besides, the witches would love nothing more than to get their hands on me. Having the future Grey king in their grasp would be the ultimate triumph for their species. For us, it would be the exact opposite. If they get a chance to look into my head and extract everything I know, the wolves of America are as good as dead. The other continents should consider themselves lucky that I didn’t think them interesting enough to pay much attention during conference calls.

While there’s no sign of anyone around us, something tells me that we’re surrounded. The hair on my arms is up as if sensing an attack, and my back’s aching with discomfort as if holes are being drilled into it.

Alyssa’s doing her best to walk as fast and as quietly as she can, but eventually, her strength begins to wane, forcing her to put more of her weight on me. Not, for the first time, I’m grateful for all the hard training that she and Blaine had me doing, otherwise, we wouldn’t last even ten minutes out here.

Beads of sweat gather on the edges of my hairline as a result of my physical and mental exhaustion. While I haven’t been hurt as badly as Alyssa by the explosion, I’ve been thrown into a wall, which made me crack a rib or two. Since I haven’t mastered Shadow Camouflage yet, it forces me to concentrate more than I’ll have to once it becomes an automatic part of me just like breathing is.

We stay away from the middle of the path and try to walk as close to the buildings as we can. While this tactic might make us a harder target to track, it also makes us easier prey to surround and cut off. We didn’t have much choice and had to make a decision fast. If they find us, we are as good as dead. But, if they don’t know our location, we need to try to keep it that way.

Just a little bit further, my wolf encourages, recognizing the area as the one where we’d left our van. And be careful not to make a sound when the ribs slide back into place.

Readjusting my grip on Alyssa, I pull her closer and offer her even more support when her legs begin to wobble. After the next few steps, I’m having to hold up most of her weight, so it’s a good thing that my ribs are all healed up. Half-dragging her next to me is making too much noise, so I turn toward her and put my other arm under her knees, then hoist her up in my arms. She’s too weak to argue and only leans her head against my chest. Her skin is hot, but if her fever was something natural, her wolf would have healed her by now.

She’s being targeted, my wolf tells me, confirming my suspicions.

They know we’re here, I agree. But why are they taking so long? Tom died on the spot.

Maybe they’ve also split into groups to get to the others, my wolf suggests.

If the coven isn’t as big as it was during their first attack on us, then maybe we stand a chance. I’m running through the possible scenarios in my head, trying to come up with a plan that would keep us alive.
