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With Alyssa in her current weakened state, facing them head-on would be suicide. Well, even if she was ready to fight, it would still be the two of us against an unknown number of witches. Either way, I turn it, those odds aren’t in our favor.

We can keep going the way we are, but my muscles are getting weary, and my focus is slipping. If the witches can’t see us yet, they will in a matter of minutes. We can’t carry on like this.

We have no other choice, my wolf tells me, following my train of thought. I don’t know about you, but I want to live.

I crack a smile at his ability to still manage to sound light and seemingly unbothered by the predicament we’re in. He doesn’t need me to reply because I confirm his idea when I gently put Alyssa on the ground.

“What are you doing?” she whispers through her feverish haze. “We have to go.”

“We will,” I assure her just as quietly, my lips barely moving, but her wolf catches every word.

Let’s do this, I say to my wolf, beckoning him forward. He’s been waiting for my call and eagerly accepts the invitation.

The only way we can survive this is if we get out of here as fast as possible. Since I can’t carry her in my arms much longer, I’m going to have to put her on my back, hold her up with the tentacles of darkness just like Blaine showed me, and run like hell.

The transformation starts with my hands as my nails turn into claws, then my arms are covered with fur. My head is the last to change, the long muzzle springing forward with the sharp fangs already in. I’m on all fours, my mind focusing on the slippery tendrils of darkness to pull Alyssa onto my back.

The fur on my back sticks up as something unexplainable crashes a wave of discomfort and unease at me. I strain my ears to hear any sound, but there’s absolutely nothing. The eerie silence makes it that much worse because it’s a clear sign that they’re here.

What should we do? my wolf asks, sounding surprisingly calm considering the threat that we’re facing. Should we run?

We can’t leave her, I reply sharply, even though he didn’t exactly say that.

Alyssa suddenly grabs a handful of my fur and pulls me toward her. Our eyes meet and while hers are wide and red, there’s a kind of clarity and understanding in them.

“Kill me,” she whispers, giving me a pleading look.

Unable to speak with her in my wolf form, I shake my head. Even though I’m her superior, she’s still my Alpha, and I won’t be the one to put her down.

“They can’t get to me!” she snaps, using all her strength to talk. “I know too much. You need to kill me.”

She doesn’t know half of the things that we know, my wolf muses, trying to lighten the mood, but to no avail. The impenetrable darkness that fell on us isn’t of our own making, nor can it be manipulated by our species.

What would Saint Gavin do? I ask myself, subconsciously channeling the same question to my wolf. Though we hate his guts, we have to admit that he’s our generation’s strongest wielder of darkness and a remarkable leader. I’d kill to have him by my side right now, not that I’d ever say that to him.

With no time left, I’ve come to a decision. My wolf not only agrees with me, but even sends strength and encouragement my way through the bond that we’ve been neglecting for far too long. I want to tell him how sorry I am, I want to say so many things to him, but I don’t need to. He already knows it. We are one, after all.

To hold her one last time, I turn back into my human form, half-wishing that I would’ve taken off my clothes before I took on my wolf’s form. It’s not that I’m embarrassed in any way of my significant attributes, but now’s not the time, nor the place, for them to be out in the open.

“Do it,” Alyssa says, giving me the final order. Though her voice is weak, her eyes are shining with unwavering determination. Her body fits perfectly into my arms, her fever burning through both of us.

I give her a small nod, then try to suppress any guilt that I might feel, reminding myself that I’m not only honoring her wishes but also protecting the future of our species. Not wanting to waste even more time because I still have to be next, I lift my hands and put them around Alyssa’s neck. It’s futile to try to buy us time, but I can’t bring myself to slice her throat open as a wolf. I can’t bring myself to kill her at all. Maybe if I wait another second, someone will show up to save us from the witches. Before I can tighten my grip and try to convince myself to squeeze the life out of her, my body jerks backward, and I levitate a couple of feet in the air.

They’re here! my wolf exclaims, the panic seeping in. Fight, Garren. Fight!

I try to move my arms and legs, but they don’t budge. Even my head and mouth don’t obey me. My eyes seem to be the only part of my body that I still have control over.

I’m paralyzed, I tell him, unable to keep the tone of horror out of my realization.

A woman’s voice comes from behind me. “Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

“It looks like we’ve caught ourselves a pair of wolves,” another woman’s voice replies.

When they come into my view, I count four of them. The coven must’ve split up the same as we did. It would make sense why their attack wasn’t as strong as before. Poor Tom really took the whole brunt of their power, dying in painful agony.

“Look at this one, sisters,” one of them says, walking up to me. While she’s blatantly checking me out, I can’t return the favor because her face is hooded. All of their faces are hidden from view, carefully concealed behind the hoods of their black cloaks.

“Oh, dear,” the witch that was the first one to speak says. “He really is a delicious catch, isn’t he? Too bad that there’s only one game that we can play with him.”
