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“In that case, it’s up to us to make sure it’s a memorable one,” the one who’s checking me out replies.

“She’s still alive but weak,” the fourth one says, speaking up for the first time.

“Finish her off,” the witch replies, trailing a long nail down my abdomen. “Nobody cares for a main meal when there’s a dessert on the table.”

“Enough!” the fourth one snaps, establishing herself as the clear leader out of the four of them. “We need to move while they’re down. We don’t know how many of them are around, and we’re vulnerable out in the open while the rest of the coven’s out hunting.”

“I’ll get the car,” one of the witches says as she departs, leaving Alyssa and I with the other three.

If the circumstances were different, this would definitely be the funniest shit we’ve ever done, my wolf says, referencing to the fact that our naked ass is still suspended two feet up in the air with my entire body stiff and paralyzed.

We must do something, I urge him as I desperately need my wolf to come up with a plan, but he’s drawing blanks just like I am.

“I hope Belinda returns with the car before the spell on him wears off,” the one that can’t stop eyeing me says.

“He’s under control,” the leader replies. “Come here and help Delinda put a sleeping spell on her.”

Delinda? Belinda? my wolf muses. And here I thought that we were tacky by starting our names with the same letter as our family names. At least we don’t sound like idiotic Barbies.

I bet they’re blonde, too, I reply, figuring that these mental insults are the only thing I can do right now.

The beam of light announces the approaching car before the sound of its engine. The leader moves away from Delinda and the other witch as they’re putting a spell on Alyssa and moves past me to wave at the car. I’m still uselessly suspended in the air, but maybe I’ll get a chance to do something in the short moment before they move us to the car.

Belinda brings the car to a stop as close as she can, then joins her sisters by Alyssa’s unmoving body. They stand around her in a circle, holding hands, and chanting in Latin.

What are they doing to her? my wolf asks, then growls in anger as Alyssa’s body levitates up into the air.

Still holding hands and joined in a circle, the witches begin moving toward the car with Alyssa’s body in the middle. While it’d be much easier and probably faster for them to drag her there, they must have some weird reasons for doing the transportation their own way.

Unable to make the smallest of sounds, I growl inwardly as loud as I can when they put her in the trunk of the car. My wolf joins me, promising them hell if they ever let us go. Just one mistake on their side, and I’ll tear them apart with my fangs and claws.

When Alyssa’s in the car, they return to me. Even though their faces are hidden behind their dark hoods, I can almost feel the shameless one smiling. If I get a chance, I’ll rip her throat out.

“We should put him to sleep before we move him,” the leader says. “We don’t want him to get control over himself when we put him down.”

“Let’s do it quick,” Belinda says as she looks over her shoulder. “I don’t like it here. Hekate promised us that we won’t meet any wolves here.”

“If she had told us the truth, would you have come?” the leader challenges with a disapproving voice.

Is Hekate the young witch in charge that everyone was mentioning? My wolf wonders, giving words to the same thoughts I had.

“I suppose not,” Belinda admits. “I still don’t like it here. Their pack is somewhere around, while our coven is—”

“That’s enough,” the leader hisses, then points out at me. “He’s awake and clinging on our every word. If their pack is here, they’re listening too. We need to go.”

“You’re right,” Belinda says and bows her head. “I’m sorry, Yalinda. It won’t happen again.”

“Let’s put the sleeping spell on him, so we can move him to the car and get somewhere safe,” the leader, Yalinda, says, then lifts her hands and joins them with her sisters who could either be related to her through blood or simply being members of the same coven.

They start the same chant that they used on Alyssa. While their words seem muffled and far away, they soon grow in volume and clarity. It’s not that they’ve started speaking louder, but they’ve managed to break through my mental defenses and get into my head.

I’m not sure how much time passes, but their screamingly loud chanting inside my mind is deafening and exhausting. It’s not something that would gently lull me to sleep, but it’s more like a hard punch over the head with a blunt object that immediately renders its victim unconscious.

While normally, I’d welcome the darkness that’s coming to claim me with open arms, this one feels strange and wrong. I fight tooth and nail to stay away from it, but nothing works, and everything turns black.


