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She’s dangerous, my wolf says, noting the witch’s silent confidence.

“I have to say that your looks don’t do much for me, especially knowing what beast lurks underneath your handsome exterior,” Yalinda replies when she finally stops laughing. “But I have to admit that there is something intriguing about you. Even tied down by the unbreakable ropes, you’re still so full of shit, but instead of making you seem appalling, it actually makes you smell like roses.”

Garren tilts his head to the side, his brow furrowing in confusion. I can’t blame him because I also didn’t understand much of what the witch said, except the part about the unbreakable ropes, which explains why we couldn’t get free. I’ve never directly encountered the spell, but I heard a lot about it to know it’s pointless to use brute force.

Witches and their stupid spells, my wolf mutters and I have to agree with her.

“You don’t believe me?” Garren challenges, slightly lifting his chin in defiance. “Look into my head, and you’ll see just how royally fucked you are.”

Something about his tone makes the witch pause. Yalinda turns around to look at her sister, the two witches having a wordless conversation. I’m trying to figure out what’s going on by observing their body language. They’re both tense, and while Yalinda’s hands are clenched into fists, Linda’s picking at the skin on the side of the nails of her thumbs. Whatever exchange they’re having, it must be stressing them because Linda’s left thumb is beginning to bleed.

We should try to take control of their shadows, my wolf says, itching to fight our enemies.

If we last long enough for the sleepy haze to leave, we might actually stand a glimmer of a chance, I reply, trying and failing to tap into my ability. While I’m feeling a lot better than I did when I first woke up, I’m still not completely out of the witch’s spell, which they must know, otherwise, they wouldn’t enter so freely and carelessly.

Maybe I can try to heal it away, my wolf suggests, then disappears deeper into our being to reach whatever she can.

I make a mental promise to both of us to keep fighting and to buy her as much time as she needs to connect us with the Darkness again.

The witches’ conversation comes to an end when Yalinda gives Linda a nod and steps out of her way. Linda doesn’t hesitate and moves toward Garren, lifting her hands toward his head, and then presses her index and middle fingers against his temples.

Garren does his best to make it harder on her, violently shaking his head left and right. He even tries to surprise her by attempting to bite her hand, but she’s left unfazed.

A soft light emanates around the spots where her fingers touch Garren’s temples. Garren’s eyes roll backward into his head, and his every attempt to fight her off is successfully squashed.

“A womanizer,” Linda comments as she gets a read on Garren. “A disgusting one at that. You don’t care what species they belong to as long as they have a hole for you to stick your dick in.”

“Control your emotions,” Yalinda warns her sister when her voice raises with anger. “Focus.”

“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Linda muses. “It looks like our naughty wolf is trying to hide some emotions, but not only from us. He doesn’t even see that he’s in love.”

I struggle to keep a neutral mask on my face, the revelation catching me by surprise. Garren never mentioned to Blaine about being in love, but my Beta did point out that he and Esme have been spending a lot of time together.

“That’s good,” Yalinda says, stepping forward as the information piques her interest. She takes a small notebook and a pen out of her pocket. “Find out what you can about her. Even the slightest little detail can help us track her down.”

“Light brown hair,” Linda says, her voice strained as she’s fighting to pull the information out of Garren. “Tan skin. Square jaw. Bony cheeks.”

“Can you see her?” Yalinda pushes. “You need to be able to recognize her face.”

“I’m trying,” Linda replies. “He’s protecting her by keeping the image of her in the shadows. I can only light up one part at a time.”

My mouth falls open in awe. Garren is proving to be a lot stronger than I expected him to be. He’s putting up a hell of a fight, which hopefully, won’t be in vain.

Faster, I say to my wolf, although I’m not sure that she’ll receive the message. Harder.

“He admires her a lot,” Linda continues, giving Yalinda more useless information. “He considers her strict but fair. She’s important. Powerful. She’s—”

Before she can finish her sentence, Linda pulls her hands away from Garren and jumps away from him. Her head turns from him to me and back to him. Not for the first time, I wish that I could see her face to read her expression.

“It’s you!” the witch exclaims, pointing her index finger at me.

Her accusation is too unexpected, the shock of it hitting me straight to the core. My previously neutral expression is a definition of surprise as my eyebrows fly high up into my forehead, and my mouth comically falls open.

“She’s the wolf?” Yalinda asks her sister, sounding disappointed.

“Yes,” Linda confirms, then shakes her head and chuckles. “The best part is that he doesn’t even know that he’s in love with her.”

Garren groans as he tentatively lifts his head up. He looks even more disoriented than when he first woke up. Judging by the way the witches are talking, he has no idea what kind of information they got out of him.
