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Linda turns her attention back to Garren and lowers herself on one knee to level her head with his. She puts a finger under his chin, forcing him to lift his head up even more, so she can look him in the eyes. A part of me wonders if he can see her.

“Hey there, lover boy,” Linda teases, but her tone is far from light. “I’ve read many wolves, but you’re by far the most interesting one. I’ll make sure that your girlfriend knows every horrible detail about you before I kill her.”

“I don’t have a girlfriend,” Garren replies, sounding weak and unfocused.

“You’re right,” Linda says, then turns her head to look at her sister. “What’s the term that the wolves like to use? You know, the one where they have a connection that’s as rare as it’s inexplicable.”

“Soulmates, fated mates, mates, forever mates,” Yalinda replies with a nonchalant shrug, listing different names for the same things. “They can be ridiculously cheesy.”

“That’s it,” Linda confirms, turning back to Garren. “I’ve found your mate, and I’m going to kill both of you before the bond can ever snap into place.”

It takes me way too long to connect the dots, but when I do, I’m too stunned to react. If the witch is right, then Garren’s my mate. She doesn’t have a reason to lie. In fact, it’d be better for her if she had seen someone else in his mind because then they’d get their hands on another wolf, but she didn’t. She saw me. Garren not only loves me, but he’s also my fated mate.

“I’ll kill you!” Garren yells, losing all control over himself and his emotions. Whatever little strength he regained, he wastes on uselessly jerking his head left and right as he tries to bite the witch. “Don’t you dare touch her!”

“How would you even know if I did?” Linda muses, clearly enjoying herself. “You don’t even know who she is.”

“I’ll make you suffer,” Garren promises. “I’ll shove thick and deadly tentacles of Darkness down your throat and cut off your supply of air, but when you’re on the verge of losing consciousness, I’ll retreat and do it all over again. I’ll suffocate you slowly and painfully, but that won’t be how I kill you. I’ll tear you limb from limb with my bare teeth. I’ll sink my fangs into every part of your body, pulling you apart while you scream.”

“I don’t like threats,” Linda tells him, then folds her arms across her chest. “I wanted to keep her identity from you because even I have my limits, but you deserve to suffer. You deserve to know who she is and to see her die.”

“Linda,” Yalinda warns again as her sister’s emotions are getting out of hand.

Linda lifts her hand, giving Yalinda the only sign that she heard her. I brace myself for what she’s about to say, turning my eyes toward Garren to see how he’ll take it.

“Your mate is,” Linda starts, then pauses for dramatic effect, before lifting her hand and pointing at me. “Her.”



At the witch’s announcement, Garren’s head turns to me, his eyes wide in disbelief. Even though my reaction was the same, I couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit of hurt at his surprise. The shocked look on his face makes me think that he never in a million years considered me as a possible partner. It didn’t need to be a fated-mate type of something, but it’s clear that he never entertained the idea.

All of a sudden, I’m embarrassed for all the times that I noticed how handsome he is or how he gradually grew into his body. His muscles not only doubled, but tripled in size, and his eyes are darker than any other wolf’s that I know.

As the weeks passed by, Garren caught my attention, but I always ignored it because I was his Alpha and he my Omega. It’s humiliating to realize that he had never seen me as a woman, never noticed that I’m more than just an Alpha.

“Makes sense,” Garren says at last when he recovers his wits. He gives me a smile that’s unlike any other. His face transforms, making him gleam with something I can’t explain. “Only someone as incredible, as powerful, and as beautiful as her can be worthy of someone of my level and stature.”

His compliments get lost on me because my mind’s too busy fixating on his puzzling words. He’s not making any sense. Out of the two of us, I’m the one of a higher rank, and he’s the one who should prove his worth to be with me. By the wolf’s standards, he’s no one. A lowly Omega, trying to climb up the ladder. It’s true that he holds a vast well of power inside him, but he has yet to master it.

“Who are you?” Yalinda asks, not missing Garren’s peculiar choice of words. She nods at Linda, giving her the go-ahead to read his mind again.

This time when Linda approaches him, Garren doesn’t fight her. Instead, he keeps his eyes locked on mine, the corners of his mouth lifted in a sensual smile. When her fingers touch his temples and the soft light shines, his eyes roll backward into his head as his consciousness is taken over by the witch.

Yalinda turns the page on her notebook, the grip on her pen tightening as she patiently waits for her sister to pull out more pieces of sensitive information. I’m just as bad as her, holding my breath in anticipation of another revelation.

“Four brothers,” Linda says, grasping at whatever she can. “He’s the oldest of them.”

Yalinda scribbles it down. “Do you have their names?”

“G something,” Linda forces out, struggling but failing to get them.

“Who is he?” Yalinda asks, trying to guide her. “What’s his name?”

“G… Gab… Garren,” Linda stammers at last.

“Garren what?” Yalinda pushes. “What’s his last name? Come on, Linda. You have to do better than that. Hekate will want more.”
