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“Grey!” Linda exclaims. “Garren Grey.”

I shake my head in disbelief. That’s impossible. The witch must’ve made a mistake because Garren Grey is the heir apparent and my future king. There’s no way in hell that he’d end up as a part of my pack, with the lowest rank possible, especially when he’s one of the highest-ranking royals in the world.

“Garren Grey,” Yalinda echoes, writing it all down. “Who is he? What can you find out about him?”

“He’s someone important,” Linda says after a long pause. “He’s trying to keep it away from me, but I’m getting some images.”

I’m watching them, transfixed by their exchange. A part of me insists on believing that they’re making a mistake, but that part is getting smaller and smaller with every word that Linda says.

“A luxury car. Manor. Servants. Big dining table. A party. Drugs. Alcohol. Women,” Linda says, listing all the things she can see around Garren.

“We need more than that,” Yalinda urges, sounding anxious to get actual proof about Garren’s possible heritage. “Dig deeper.”

Linda grunts as she presses her index and middle fingers harder against Garren’s temples. He’s not making it easy for her, putting up a fight at every step of the way.

“I see people without faces,” Linda continues, her voice strained. “They’re bowing to him.”

“Bowing?” Yalinda asks, looking up from her notebook in surprise.

“Yeah,” Linda confirms. “He’s sitting on a big chair and the people are walking up to him one after another to bow. He doesn’t remember them, doesn’t even bother to look at them. In fact, judging by the quality of the image, I’m pretty sure he’s either drunk or high, or maybe even both.”

“What else?” Yalinda asks, slowly losing her patience. It’s hard to stay cool when close to a discovery.

Hurry up, I say to my wolf, not feeling any effects of whatever she’s doing except the empty sensation in the spot where she used to be. I wish she’d be here with me, helping me deal with all the sudden revelations.

“Holy fucking shit!” Linda exclaims in a mix of shock and excitement.

“What?” Yalinda asks, rushing to her sister’s side. “What do you see?”

Linda takes her hands off Garren’s temples and turns to her sister. I don’t need to see her face to know that she’s grinning. There’s something about her posture and the excited energy that’s radiating off her that confirms everything I need to know. They’ve gotten their proof.

Garren’s face is pale and clammy. His forehead shines with beads of sweat and his head begins to dip forward. The witches exhausted him too much, and now, he doesn’t have the energy to stay awake. His eyelids flutter shut and his chin falls against his chest.

“When he passed a mirror, I caught a glimpse of him,” Linda starts, barely containing her excitement. “He was dressed in full royal regalia, and not just that, he was wearing a crown! Do you understand what I’m saying? He’s their fucking royal!”

“Holy fucking shit,” Yalinda echoes her sister’s previous words. “The big chair that he was sitting on must’ve been a throne then.”

“Yes!” Linda confirms with a high-pitched voice. “We won the lottery with him. There’s no way that Hekate won’t promote us. We won’t be invisible anymore. Everyone will know the Linda sisters.”

“We should be careful,” Yalinda warns, keeping her head level. “No one can know about this, or they’ll take him away from us before we get anywhere near Hekate.”

“You’re right,” Linda agrees, toning down her excitement. “What should we do?”

Yalinda paces back and forth in the room as she thinks through the situation that they’ve found themselves in. I don’t have the time to wait for their decision and glance at Garren. He’s still unconscious, but if this invasion was anything like the other one, he should wake up soon enough.

What’s taking so long? I ask my wolf, but I’m afraid that wherever she went, she’s in too deep to hear me. I just hope that she’ll find her way out because I’ve never felt more alone. If I am to die today, I don’t want to die alone.

“We can’t afford to lose time,” Yalinda says at last. “We have to believe that Garren’s lineage is important enough for Hekate to immediately receive us.”

“What about the girl?” Linda asks, talking about me. “Should I do a quick reading to see if she’s worth taking with us?”

“No need,” Yalinda replies, glancing at me. “We’ve already established that she is his mate. As long as we have her, he’s under our control.”

“But the bond didn’t set in yet,” Linda argues. “He won’t be inclined to protect her until it does.”

“It’s only a matter of time,” Yalinda assures her sister. “I’m sure that Hekate will know what to do with them. All we need to do now is deliver them to her. The rest will be up to Hekate.”

“We should talk to Belinda and Delinda,” Linda says, already halfway to the door. “The sooner we move, the better.”
