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It takes me a moment to stand up, my feet rather unsteady and wobbly. Feeling the pressure of the time, I push through the weird feeling of instability long enough to lower myself on my knees in front of Garren.

“Hi,” I say, looking him in the eyes.

It’s not the first time that we’ve been in close proximity to one another, but something has changed. It’s as if I’m seeing him for the first time, and if I don’t focus on the task at hand, I’ll be in danger of being overwhelmed by everything that is him.

“Hi,” he echoes, his breath tickling my cheeks.

Focus, my wolf growls, sounding exasperated. I can’t blame her, because she did all the hard work to reconnect me with my ability.

Lowering my gaze to Garren’s ropes, I go through the same motions as I did with mine. It takes longer than I would’ve liked, mostly because I’m more tired than before, which makes it harder to focus. Fortunately, I manage to do it without cutting into him.

“Thank you,” he says when he’s free, rubbing his wrists at the spots where the ropes were.

We help each other to stand up, both of our feet not quite reliable, but together we manage. As we hold onto each other, I realize, for the first time, that we’re of the same height. Our eyes are level and our lips are inches apart.

It’s as if time has come to a stop, trapping us in a moment that no one can touch. Nothing else matters except that we are here, together and with our arms around each other.

His body is hard against mine, pressing at me in all the right places. His shoulders are broad, but not too wide for me to put my arms around. When he tips his head forward, he rests his forehead against mine. The small contact of our skin is powerful enough for me to let out a small gasp.

For fuck’s sake, just kiss him already! my wolf orders, and it’s all the encouragement I need to lean forward and close the distance between our lips.

As if he was waiting for me to decide what to do next, Garren reacted immediately when I made the move. His lips part, welcoming and tasting me. I do the same, relishing the unexpected softness and the heat of his mouth.

Both of our bodies are tense as if we’re trying to control ourselves, worried to scare the other away if we let go. Our tongues meet halfway, teasing and beckoning at each other. They wrap themselves in a dance of their own making, moving to the rhythm of their own music.

I move my hands higher up Garren’s neck and bury them in his silky black hair. Even though there’s no space between us, I still pull him against me, needing him even closer, wanting him harder.

My heart’s racing faster than ever before as if I’m running a marathon. Something in me speaks to him, making him speed up even more. If this didn’t feel so right, I’d think that I’m going to have a heart attack.

Garren’s heart beats just as hard as mine, drumming against his chest and into mine. It’s as if our hearts have established a communication of their own, connecting on another level.

It’s then that it clicks. Something settles, making a small clicking sound that echoes inside my head and, judging by Garren’s sharp intake of breath, he heard it, too.

We break the kiss but don’t separate. Our foreheads are still pressed against one another, our lips still touching when we speak.

“Did you feel it?” I ask, needing his verbal confirmation that I’m not crazy.

“I did,” he breathes, his lips curling up into a small smile that gently rubs against my own when they move. “We’re mated.”



I want to kiss her again, I want to taste her lips and show her just how important she is to me. I need her to know that now that we’re mated, she’s the only one I’ll ever see, touch, and love. Before I have a chance to do any of those things, we’re interrupted by the horrible reality that is our current situation.

They’re coming, my wolf warns me at the very same moment that I catch the shuffling of footsteps nearing the door.

Even though she doesn’t need protection, I try to pull Alyssa behind me to cover her with my body. She doesn’t budge and shoots me a look, wordlessly telling me that she can handle herself. I give her a small smile, realizing that I’ve forgotten that while she’s my mate now, she’s also my Alpha.

We don’t need to talk it through to know what comes next. When the witches enter the room, we’ll have to use the advantage of surprise and try to take them down as quickly as we can. If they regroup and put their protections up before we can do some serious damage, we’re royally fucked.

As they come closer, Alyssa and I find each other’s hands and share a comforting squeeze. In that small gesture, we exchange all the little things and emotions that we didn’t have time to name yet. It’s everything we need to do and say in case we don’t come out of this mess alive.

We won’t die, my wolf says, sounding more confident than I feel. We can’t die. Not now that we’ve found our soulmate.

You’re right, I reply. If life wasn’t worth living before, it certainly is now.

Let’s fuck them up! my wolf growls, breaking through several of the spells the witches used to block my connection with him and my abilities. Although I'm not as strong as I'd like to be, I'm no longer vulnerable.
