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With a single thought, I invite my wolf to come out and share this experience with me. He doesn’t hesitate to answer the call, lending me his fangs and claws. I slightly open my mouth to keep the extracting fangs from piercing my lip. My nails grow five times their normal size, the tip turning into a sharp and deadly claw. I’ll use Darkness as much as I can, but if they put up a fight, I might be too weak to break through their defenses.

Not knowing that we’re free, the witches take their time coming to us. In the spur of the moment, I decided to try to buy us another few seconds that could make a difference between life and death. It’ll mean using my ability, which will make it harder to attack them with it, but if it gets us more time, I can cut their throats before they realize that we’re free.

Do it, my wolf agrees, following my train of thought.

I take Alyssa’s hand and move us to the corner of the room opposite of the chairs. She doesn’t question my actions and simply follows my lead. Because I’m too weak to use only my mind, I lift my hand up and point my extended claws toward the chairs, using it as an extension of Darkness.

With the help of Umbrakinesis, I gather as many shadows as possible around the chairs, thickening the darkness around them. Since it’s impossible to see through them with the Night Vision, I hope that the witches won’t be able to immediately notice that we’re not still tied up there.

Alyssa figured out my plan and starts channeling her own type of darkness. Instead of manipulating the shadows to help me strengthen the illusion, she envelops us into one big shadow, using the Shadow Mimicry ability that I didn’t have a chance to even try to master yet.

The doorknob rattles, signaling their arrival. They’re here. We’re out of time.

As I predicted, the moment that the four of them enter, they go straight for the chairs. No one bothers to glance in our direction, nor do they question the thick impenetrable darkness around our supposed seats.

Now, my wolf orders, giving me a sign at the exact same moment that I push off the floor and jump toward the nearest witch.

I’m not sure who moved first and who followed whom. It’s as if Alyssa and I are moving as one, catching the witches with their guards down.

When in a jump, I pull my arm back, readying myself to swing it forward and extend my long claws, aiming for the neck of the witch closest to me. My bloodthirsty heart is eagerly pumping a pure dose of adrenaline through my veins, further feeding into my feeling of invincibility.

My quick wolf brain conjures up the next few actions, predicting the result like chess moves. When my claws connect with the witch’s throat, I immediately jump onto the other one, forgetting about the one that I left choking on her own blood. Since the next one is aware of the attack, she’s putting up more of a fight and even conjures up a protection spell. Working fast, I counter it with my own Darkness, using the shadows to attack her from behind.

Two witches for me and two for Alyssa. Sounds simple enough, but unfortunately nothing went the way my brain calculated it. The first reason is that we’re both more spent and tired than we expected, and the second, which points to my inexperience in real-life fights is, that I’ve underestimated our opponents.

While I cruise through the air toward my target with my sharp claws extended, more witches from their coven appear at the door, chanting the same words that paralyzed me in mid-air not too many hours ago. With the coven’s numbers doubled, the witches overpower us before we can do even the slightest bit of damage.

Fucking bitches, my wolf growls angrily, doing his best to help me fight the bonds of the spell. It’s futile, but it doesn’t stop us from trying.

I find myself suspended in the air once again, but at least this time, I’m wearing clothes. I probably shouldn’t, but I’m counting this as progress.

The witches unite in the same room, making a small circle as they surround us. They’re all wearing the same black cloaks with a hood as the four Linda sisters. The leader steps forward, but when she speaks up, her voice isn’t the one we’ve come to know as Yalinda.

“Do you think us fools?” the witch snarls, her voice sounds many years older and full of hatred. “I’ve been saving this Earth from wolves since long before you stopped wearing a diaper.”

We did what we could under the circumstances, my wolf assures me, trying to hide just how disappointed he is by this development.

It was a wild ride, my friend, I reply. I hope you’ll find it in yourself to forgive me. I should never have tried to drown us in all that poison.

Water under the bridge, he says, sending a dark caress down the connection that only a wolf and its shifter possess.

Even though I don’t actually move, I like to think that I managed to lift my chin slightly higher and give those wicked bitches my most defiant and arrogant look. I’m determined to fight them every step of the way. They won’t have an easy time getting the information out of me.

My chest unexpectedly warms up and my heart skips a beat. If the sensation wasn’t so pleasant, I would’ve thought that the witches were casting another spell on me. The wave that washes over me is too pure and much stronger than anything the witches could’ve come up with.

I wish I could turn my head and meet Alyssa’s eyes. I want to tell her that I can feel her. I want her to know that she’s not alone. I’m trying to communicate all that through the bond. I have no way of telling if it’s working, but if she experiences even half of what she’s making me feel, then it’s enough.

“You did good on calling us, Yalinda,” the old witch says. “These two are too important to lose. We should take them to Hekate as soon as possible. If your information is correct, then I’m sure that half of the American wolves are out here looking for them.”

“What about our reward?” Linda asks, sounding like a whining child. “We’re the ones that caught them, and we deserve to be recognized for it.”

The old witch turns her head in Linda’s direction. It’s as if the time has stopped still, and the temperature has fallen several degrees. It’s clear that the old witch is dangerous and powerful.

“Hekate will know what happened here,” the witch replies with a voice that’s burning with cold anger. “Don’t you dare imply that I would lie to my Venerable Superior.”

Linda drops on one knee and bows her head. “That was never my intention. Please accept my sincerest apology.”

“Get up, child,” the old witch snaps and impatiently gestures for Linda to stand. “We don’t have time for that nonsense.”
