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No one will ever laugh at me again.



The Dark Hunters have worked hard and sacrificed way too much to build the reputation we have now. I understand that they need to fill the empty spot in the pack and it’s not the first nor the last time that this will happen, but I don’t get why the higher-ups decided to put an Omega with us.

“Yours is the only pack that doesn’t have any Omegas,” my mother tells me, defending the orders she’s been forced to carry out.

“And for good reason too,” I insist, my neat ponytail swaying left and right as I shake my head in disbelief. “I’ve trained my wolves hard to get them promoted to Deltas. We’ve finally started getting better missions and now you stick a newbie into our group. It’s not right.”

“I have my orders and you have yours,” my mother says with a tone of finality. “I trust you’ll do what needs to be done. The newcomer is in your care and it’s up to you to train him. It’s quite simple, Alyssa. If you don’t want Omegas in your pack, then make sure that he climbs through the ranks.”

Understanding the weight of the assignment she has set on me, I lift my chin slightly higher, then raise my hand to my forehead in a salute. My mother’s eyes soften as she returns the salute before returning her attention back to the papers on her desk. As the Alpha Captain, she is in charge of ten packs, including mine and the other three belonging to my siblings. The idea was that wolves’ lives wouldn’t be needlessly risked if the people in charge cared.

I leave her office to update the pack on the latest news about the new Omega. Blaine stands to attention when I exit the three-story building where the offices are located. The top brass claimed the center of the military encampment, which isn’t such a bad idea because, in the event of an attack, they’re immediately protected by several lines of wolves. They might also feel more relaxed being far away from the barracks where the Omegas who either didn’t attend the Academy or have simply failed to pay attention to their classes, are just learning to use their abilities.

“What’s the word, Alyssa?” my Beta asks me, not bothering with the formalities once we get a bit further away from the building.

“We’re getting an Omega,” I tell him, doing my best to suppress my frustration. I have my orders and I can’t afford to show my pack my true feelings about it. This isn’t a democracy and if I give them the slightest bit of insight into what’s happening behind the scenes, they might forget themselves and share the opinion that they’re not allowed nor in the position to have.

“Okay,” Blaine says in acknowledgment, and while his tone is indifferent, I have no problem reading his face. We’ve been working together for far too long for him to be able to hide his emotions from me.

“He wields darkness, and we have an opening,” I say, keeping a steady rhythm as we walk toward the south of the camp where the barracks are located.

“I suppose there aren’t too many packs with our abilities out there,” Blaine comments. “While Prince Gavin’s Shadows are the most notorious ones, your sister’s Lightbringers are the ones to beat if we want to get the best missions.”

“Tiana’s in charge of Shadows now,” I correct him. “We’ll all make sure that newbie trains hard. We don’t want to fall too far down the rankings now that we’ve finally gotten the taste of going out.”

“I’ll set up a rigorous routine for him,” Blaine tells me, a small smile playing on his lips.

“Not just for him,” I say, slightly lowering my voice as we approach our barrack. “Pack is only as good as their weakest member. It’s important that we’re a well-oiled machine that’s capable of predicting each other’s moves when out on the mission. Everyone trains together.”

“But we’ve already been through all those tasks,” Blaine complains in a rare show of disagreement.

“Then you’ll have no problem doing them again,” I reply coldly, silently reminding him of who’s in charge. “There’s nothing wrong with brushing off your most basic skillset.”

“Yes, Alpha,” Blaine says with a submissive tone. “I’ll make sure that Sarah prepares the pack for his arrival.”

“Good,” I confirm. “He should be here soon.”

All the barracks are the same with the ground floor serving as a sleeping and washing up area for the lower members of the pack along with the second Beta, while the higher floor is split into two suites consisting of a private bathroom and bedroom with a desk. The larger one belongs to Alpha and the smaller one to the first Beta.

The Dark Hunters rise to attention when Blaine and I enter, some of them jumping up from their beds as they straighten themselves up to their full heights and salute. I return their salute, then make my way up the stairs, to get to my desk. I am eager to look up the files in our database on the new recruit. If I want to push him up the ranks, I need to get familiar with his strengths and weaknesses.

The shutters of my windows are closed shut, not allowing even the smallest ray of light to enter. My eyes immediately adjust as the Night Vision clicks in. I make my way straight to the computer in the far corner, putting the light setting as low as it goes.

A new email awaits me, basically notifying me about the newest addition to the pack with his personal file attached. I click it open and wait for it to load. When it still says that there’s only one page, I download the file again. There must be some kind of a mistake. I do it again and again and even consider replying to the email to tell them that I’ve gotten a corrupted file, but something tells me that this is it.

I finally pull up the file on the screen, my eyes quickly scanning through whatever little information someone hastily put in.

Something’s not right here, my wolf tells me, and I quietly grunt in agreement because this is definitely shady.

“Garren, 28 years old, wielder of darkness, black hair, lean physique,” I mutter the few facts that they bothered to write down. “Graduated from the Academy, but no professional training. Extra skills and abilities unknown.”

That’s not enough, my wolf complains. We can’t work with this.

We have to, I tell her. We’re just going to have to fill in the blanks by ourselves.
