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Half an hour later, Blaine knocks on my door to inform me that the newbie has passed the encampment’s boundaries and should be here in a matter of minutes.

“Get the pack in line in front of the barrack,” I tell him. “I’ll be down shortly.”

“Yes, Alpha,” Blaine says in confirmation and bows his head ever so slightly. With the door open, we’re within earshot of the wolves, so he has to stay formal. My favorite feature of Alpha’s suite is definitely the sweet soundproof installment of the combination of both magical and non-magical properties.

Once Blaine’s gone, I wait a couple of minutes to give him a chance to set everyone in order before I join them. After I turn off the computer, I step into the bathroom long enough to confirm that there’s not even one light brown curl sticking out of my ponytail. If I want to demand the best from my wolves, I have to lead by example.

The slight commotion from the outside reaches my ears when I go down the stairs, which is unusual because my wolves know better than that.

It must be the Omega, my wolf tells me and I make a small sound in agreement.

It seems like we have our work cut out for us, I reply, suppressing a groan. We’ll get him in shape soon enough.

“Attention!” Blaine calls when I step out of the barrack. “The Alpha is here.”

The eight wolves are set into a neat line, with my two Betas Blaine and Sarah standing at one side. On the other far side, standing in a way that I can’t claim he’s a part of the lineup, is our newcomer.

I make my way straight to him, then face him head-on. While the file mentioned his black hair and dark eyes, it didn’t do him justice at all. His facial features are as if they were sculpted by a Greek god himself. His chiseled jaw and high cheekbones further highlight his unusual handsomeness. He could’ve passed for being a prince and no one would be the wiser.

“Hey, sexy,” Garren says with a cheeky wink and even smacks his lips together in what must’ve been an air kiss. “How’s it going?”

Oh, boy, my wolf says in a mixture of horror at his reaction and amusement at what we’re about to see.

I glance at Blaine and give him a small nod. My Beta responds immediately, steps out of the line, and walks up to the Omega.

“Five hits,” I tell Blaine, then look at Garren. “One for every word he said without permission.”

Blaine doesn’t need to be told twice, his fist already connecting with Garren’s stomach. The Omega’s eyes widen in shock and disbelief, his knees buckling as the air gets knocked out of him.

“That’s one,” Blaine announces and even though the rest of the wolves are staring straight ahead, they’re aware of what’s happening. “Four more.”

Garren’s bent over, his breathing heavy. It doesn’t look like he’s taken a hit in his life. We couldn’t have gotten a worse addition to our pack.

“Get up,” Blaine orders, but Garren doesn’t show any signs that he’s heard him. “You don’t want me to deliver the hits with my foot.”

After the longest of seconds, Garren makes a move and pulls himself up on unsteady feet. When he looks at Blaine, his eyes are full of hate and resentment. It’s just another thing that needs to be trained out of him. I don’t mind using physical violence if nothing else works. It’s not like I’m afraid of him getting hurt more than his wolf can heal.

Blaine punches him in the stomach again, sending him to his knees with an angry groan. He doesn’t even realize that Blaine’s actually being kind to him for not aiming for his liver. It’s the most excruciating type of pain and would incapacitate him instantly, especially since he’s not used to taking hits.

“That’s two,” Blaine announces, then waves his fingers. “Get up.”

To his credit, Garren straightens himself again, but the look of hatred isn’t gone yet. Knowing Blaine, he’ll take it as his personal mission to subdue the Omega.

Garren’s muscles tense as he braces himself for another punch in the gut, his eyes locked on Blaine’s in silent defiance. Blaine moves again, his fist flying too fast for Garren to react, but this time he aims higher and hits him square in the jaw. The strength of the punch throws Garren back to the side until he lands awkwardly on his ass.

“That’s three,” Blaine says with a hint of amusement in his tone. “Get up.”

Garren spits blood on the ground, then uses the back of his hand to wipe his mouth. He takes a moment, but eventually does get up and gives Blaine an infuriating smirk. With his arms wide, he lifts his chin up.

“Is that all you got?” Garren teases, his teeth covered with blood.

Blaine’s hand clench into fists by his side, his shoulders slightly trembling with fury. He gives me a sideway glance and I nod in return, silently allowing him to do what needs to be done.

It happens so fast that Garren doesn’t have time to react or even wipe that smirk off his face. Blaine does a little spin on his foot, gaining momentum as he in turn begins to lift his foot high, high up until it hits the side of Garren’s face. The Omega’s head violently jerks to the side, a splatter of blood flying out of his mouth.

“Ugh,” Garren groans weakly from the ground.

“That’s four,” Blaine announces, his eyes gleaming with triumph. “Don’t worry. This time, I won’t ask you to get up.”
