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“I’ll pair you up to train and work on your abilities,” Blaine says, pacing from one side of the line to the other. “You’ll start with a little warm-up to open a channel to your wolf, then you’ll connect with it and do a medium transformation. Once you’re done with the basic activities, you’ll battle each other until one yields.”

Stupid Blastard, my wolf growls, hating his guts just as much as I do. I hope he picks us because we’ll make him eat his own shit.

And we won’t even be punished for it, I say, suppressing a smile before Blaine could see it. It’s a win-win situation for us.

Heads up, Alyssa’s watching, my wolf warns.

Without turning my head, I look to the right as far as my eyes allow me to. True to my wolf’s senses, Alyssa stands there and though there’s a steely look on her face, her brows are slightly raised as if in interest.

“Patrick and Jesse,” Blaine announces the first pairing, giving them a nod to go ahead. “Tom and Alaysia.”

The four of them depart, each pair picking their own spot to go through their training. Blaine nods at the second Beta who steps forward.

“Elliana, Esme,” Sarah says to the girls. “You two are with me. Alpha told me to start working on the Night Vision with you.”

“Awesome,” Esme mutters under her breath, unable to contain her excitement.

Blaine walks up to me until we’re face to face. I have a couple of inches on him, so he has to slightly look up to meet my eyes. His lips curl up into a wicked smile.

“That leaves the two of us, pretty boy,” Blaine says. “Let’s see what you’re made of.”

Let’s do this, my wolf tells me, channeling his encouraging confidence into me.

I give Blaine a nod, not wanting to get my ass kicked before I get the permission to do some kicking in return. I learned that the hard way.

“We’ll start with a bit of a warm-up first,” Blaine says as he pulls his shirt over his head, revealing a perfectly chiseled six-pack. Not wanting to be caught staring, I do the first thing that comes to mind, which is to take off my own shirt even though my abs have nothing on his.

Blaine leads us through the exercises, which start by having us run a couple of short laps around the training grounds. We do our best to stay out of other pack members’ way, especially when they’re working on their elements. More than once, I nearly got hit when some wolf lost control over his ability. It’s a common occurrence until they master it. The next round consists of various sets of pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and ending with burpees.

I’m so used to doing those exercises, that I’m not even one bit winded once we’re done with the warm-up. Blaine gives me what I think is a look of approval before he gestures to me to approach him.

“Good work,” he tells me, catching me by surprise by giving me a compliment.

It doesn’t change anything, my wolf says, and I agree. He’s still a Blastard and we’ll kick his ass.

“How’s your connection with your inner wolf?” he asks me, tilting his head to the side as he waits for my answer.

“Good?” I say, although it sounds like a question. I’m not exactly sure what he wants me to say.

“Do you talk to him often? When was the last time you’ve transformed? Does it come easily to you? Does your wolf respond to your requests? Are you two friends?” Blaine asks, listing a few examples for me to go through.

“We talk all the time and yes, we’re very good friends,” I reply, forcing myself to be honest. “I’m not sure when I transformed. Before I came here, I didn’t spend much time in a sober state.”

“Okay, good,” Blaine says, eagerly nodding at my words. “This will all help us when we start working on your elements. Speaking of, how skilled would you say that you are at wielding darkness?”

Extremely, my wolf replies, pushing the thought into my head, but I ignore it because it’s a lie.

“I’m not sure,” I say, struggling to hold Blaine’s eyes. While I hate the guy and can’t wait to kick his ass, I need to acknowledge that I’m not very skilled at fighting and could benefit from learning a thing or two from him. “Constant state of intoxication made it hard to connect with my element, so with time, I sort of dropped it.”

Why did you tell him that? my wolf growls at me. He’s an enemy. We could easily overtake him.

No, we can’t, I reply, forcing both of us to face the facts. We talk a big game and if it was only that, we would never need to admit just how disconnected we are. This is our chance to find a way to become one again. We should use it.

Fine, my wolf says and lets out a resigned sigh. But you have to promise me that as soon as we improve our skills a bit, we’ll kick his ass.

Done, I say, keeping a smile off my face, so Blaine doesn’t see it.

“It’s not ideal, but your honesty will definitely help speed things up,” Blaine says, then gestures for me to sit on the ground. I follow his lead and even cross my legs the way he did. “Close your eyes.”
