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What are you waiting for? my wolf hisses. Start clapping!

I awkwardly jerk myself into movement, clapping my hands together and hoping that no one noticed yet another one of my delays. It would be the worst possible day for people to start paying attention to me. As the second in line and the spare to the crown prince, I was always able to fly under the radar, getting away with a lot of crazy shit. Way more than Garren ever did, which said a lot because he wasn’t the most model of heirs. That title went to Gavin without a doubt.

With a lift of his hand, Garren quiets us down. I follow everyone’s lead and sit down, anxiously waiting for what comes next.

“I have a little surprise for you,” Garren says, and I nearly sigh in relief when I realize the worst part of the speech is over.

Here comes the most boring part, my wolf comments. Neither one of us wants to be here, but duty dictates that we are. Duty sucks.

“You haven’t only attended my coronation, but you’ll also be the guests for my wedding,” Garren announces with a wide and excited smile.

Gavin walks up to the altar to stand by Garren’s side. I do a mental eye roll. Not that long ago, they couldn’t stand each other and now they’re like two best friends.

Alyssa enters the church. Her sister Malia joins her, and together, arm in arm, they walk to the altar.

This is the part that they can’t force me to pay attention to. My mother nudges me in the ribs with her elbow when I don’t sit straight, but I pretend I didn’t feel it. I don’t understand how everyone is okay with a commoner becoming not only a royal but “the royal”. Our fucking queen. Even the archbishop gives her a genuine smile.

I let my mind drift off to Helia. A small smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I remember how hot she was riding me on that sofa. Her body fit perfectly against mine. We were like two jigsaw puzzle pieces finally being put together. I ache to inhale her flowery scent again, to touch her perky breasts, and to taste her lips.

The fucking wedding is finally over. Alyssa and Garren walk past us not only as a husband and wife but also as a king and queen. At least I won’t be expected to attend the celebrations because they’re too eager to hump each other.

Disgusting, I say to my wolf.

I don’t think you’re in a position to judge, he replies, and I let the matter drop. While it’s not worth fighting a losing battle, I’m entitled to my own opinion.

Instead of following everyone else through the main door, I go past the altar, aiming to quietly slip out through the back. I just want a bit of peace and quiet to process my thoughts and the recent events, including today’s war declaration.

“Grayden, hold up!”

I stop in my tracks and turn around with a heavy sigh to face my two brothers. Graham and Gavin approach me with hints of worry etched on their faces.

“What do you want?” I demand with a bit more force than I intended.

“We are worried about you,” Graham tells me, glancing at Gavin, who nods in confirmation.

I chuckle softly. “You should go back to playing with your little gadgets and leave me alone.”

“And what should I do?” Gavin challenges, raising his eyebrow.

I shake my head, an arrogant smirk on my face. “You should return to your Ice Queen and the Lafayette hole you crawled out of. Traitors should have their tongues ripped out.”

“I’m not a traitor,” Gavin replies calmly.

As a fourth born, he was expected to marry into another royal family, my wolf reminds me with a hint of warning in his tone. Don’t give them any more ideas on what to do with the traitors.

Ignoring my wolf, I push the guilt away and snarl at my brothers, “Leave me the fuck alone.”

“Grayden, wait!” Graham calls after me, but I’m already out the door and with no intention of talking to either one of them.

I’ve parked my car down the street behind the abbey. As I walk to it, I pull my phone from my jacket’s inside pocket and put in the only number that I’ve memorized.

“Hello?” Helia answers on the first ring.

“Hey, it’s me,” I say, then casually throw a glance at my surroundings to confirm I’m alone. “We have to talk. Can I come over?”

Helia doesn’t reply immediately. My heartbeat sounds in my ears filling every second of her silence.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she replies at last.
