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I pinch the bridge of my nose with my thumb and my index finger. “It’s important,” I say, then lower my voice, “Please.”

“Okay,” she agrees with a resigned sigh. “I’m at home right now. Do you want me to send you directions?”

“No need,” I reply. “I know the way.”

I hang up and put the phone back in my pocket, then get into my black Audi R8 Spyder. The only thing on my mind is to get to Helia’s apartment. I need to see her, to confirm with my own two eyes that she’s okay.

After the attack, I decided to keep my distance in case anyone found out about the warning I gave her. Graham’s the only one that truly worries me. He’s like a wizard with technology, digging through the internet’s every nook and cranny.

I don’t care about the speed limit as I follow my heart to see the girl that smells like flowers. I’m not a fool. I know that what I’m doing and feeling is all new to me. I guess I might be being too hard on Garren for marrying a commoner while I have the hots for a witch. The massive difference between the two of us is that I’m not going to force her down people’s throats by turning her into a queen.

All I want is another moment by her side that will last long enough for me to get over this ridiculous teenage-like infatuation. The ploy to keep her out of harm’s way is as good as any other reason to get to her.

Except that it’s not a ploy, my wolf comments, but I ignore him as always when he points out the things I don’t like.

Helia is to be protected until this crush passes, I tell him. A broken heart is a lot worse than getting tired of someone.



Even though my apartment is squeaky clean and in perfect order, I still run around, finding myself things to do and places to dust.

It isn’t like Grayden hasn’t been here before, but this time is different.

This will be the first time we’ll see each other after our life-changing confessions in San Francisco. It will also be our first face to face after we’ve had sex. A lot of things can go wrong, but I’m well aware that a lot of things can go right, too. The problem is that I don’t know what exactly I want.

When there’s nothing left for me to do, I sit on the vintage sofa that’s seen much better days. It’s not nearly as comfortable as the one in the Presidential Suite, and as far as I know, this one doesn’t hold any steamy memory like it either.

Heat spreads across my face and I fan my hand, hoping to get rid of the angry red splotches before Grayden arrives. The redness is so strong that I can see it in the window’s reflection across from me.

A knock on the door startles me, ruining the little progress I’ve made on getting my skin color back to normal. I jump to my feet and cross the short distance to the door. Before I open it, I subconsciously brush my hair with my fingers and glance at my washed-up old band T-shirt to make sure there are no stains. I mentally curse myself for not changing into something nicer.

“Helia?” Grayden asks through the door when I don’t open immediately. I realize that his heightened wolf senses allow him to hear me, which means that he must be aware of me standing in front of the door like an idiot.

My fingers fumble with the several locks on my door. I turn the deadbolt first, then a barrel bolt, and finally a chain lock. Grayden waits patiently and offers me a small smile when our eyes meet.

I sharply inhale, still unused to the idea of who he is. It’s a bit scary to imagine this guy that I’ve spent more time with than with anyone else outside of my workspace is this big bad wolf from the stories my parents told us when we were kids. He’s one of the cursed ones.

And yet, he’s also the same guy who makes me laugh. He’s that one stranger that I picked up on the side of the road and took home to make sure he wouldn’t die. He’s my fake boyfriend who went above and beyond to help me with my work situation. He’s kind and funny. My friends love him. My boss loves him. I...

“Expecting a break-in?” he muses, interrupting my thoughts.

I lift my eyes in question before I realize he’s commenting on my locks. I step aside to let him in as I reply, “It came with the apartment.”

“Do you have any protection spells around the place?” he asks when I close the door.

“What is this?” I glare at him with naked suspicion in my eyes. “Are you staking out the place? Or is this your way of threatening me? Whatever it is, forget it.”

A flicker of hurt flashes in Grayden’s eyes, but it’s gone too fast to be sure. He schools his expression into a cold mask and walks to the sofa where he sits down without an invitation. Feeling only a little bit bad for going off on him, I decide to dial it down a notch and join him to hear him out. He did save my life after all.

“What is so urgent that you have to come all this way?” I ask with a slightly gentler tone.

I don’t miss his formal outfit. He must’ve come straight from an important event. Why does he have to look so good in his suit? Fucking red and black suit him perfectly, going well with his dark eyes and dark hair. His stubble is a bit shorter than usual, which further speaks of the event’s importance. His hair is styled back by a professional for sure, his locks shorter and his faded sides recently buzzed. He looks even more dashing and handsome than ever before.

“My brother got married today,” Grayden starts, which explains his attire. “But before that, he got crowned as a king.”

I raise my brows in surprise. My expression shifts into one of sadness and I even go as far as to touch Grayden’s hand for a short but comforting second. “I’m so sorry.”
