Page 16 of Finding Forgiveness

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Sometimes, the past can sneak up on you and remind you of how far you’ve come. And I’ve come far. Who I was when I married Beverly was never the man I was supposed to be; it took Chase nearly losing his life for me to understand that. That part of my story was important and needed. It led me to this moment, watching the love of my life surrounded by family–our family. This is what all of that brought me to. I wish it were sooner, but that’s how life is. It takes you on a journey, putting you through trials that make you face your demons. Life makes you experience heartache and heartbreak, all for the sake of learning to become better. I’m choosing to believe my past with Beverly was a lesson that taught me to be a better father and a better man. I still have my moments, but I wouldn’t change any of it.

My smirk widens into a smile as I watch my woman. I take her in, and my jeans get tighter as my eyes trail from her boot-clad feet up her toned, thick thighs encased in jeans that might as well be painted on. Her luscious ass is full and rounded in all the right places, causing me to adjust myself as I continue my perusal. Savvy is a beautiful woman. Her umber skin glows and I growl when she laughs, shifting her stance, drawing my attention to her full tits more than a handful nearly spilling out of the top she is wearing. Tits that I have devoured and worshiped, tits that make me harder than steel. Fuck.

Having enough of letting my woman cackle with the ol’ ladies, I stride up to her, pulling her to my side. I feel her stiffness at my touch, but it doesn’t stop me from wrapping my arm around her waist. A smirk plays on my lips as I shove my hand into the back pocket of her jeans. When she attempts to pull away, I squeeze her ass, chuckling when she sucks in an annoyed breath, changing tactics and trying to ignore her body's response to me. I chuckle, which has the ol’ ladies looking up at me. Ignoring them, I lean down enough so my lips ghost over the junction between her shoulder and neck. I linger long enough to breathe in her intoxicating scent of strawberries and coconut. Knowing I’m pushing it, I trail my nose up her neck and hear her intake of breath lets me know she isn’t as unaffected as she wants me to believe. I smirk as my lips trail to her ear.

“You can try, but you ain’t getting away from me. Your body knows where it belongs, no matter how hard your head tries to fight it. Let me love you, my sweet Savvy. Let me be who I was always meant to be. Stop fighting this…us.” I say, kissing behind her ear.

She sucks in a breath, turning to look into my eyes. There is so much I can see in this one look. As sure of herself Savvy is and as strong as she is, I know. I know and see everything she is saying to me without words. After all these months, she is still unsure whether to trust me. I see the pain she is still holding onto, the hurt that consumes her, causing her doubts to keep her guarded. I also see love, love for the sinner who broke her heart. She shakes her head and breaks eye contact with me, focusing on something over my shoulder. I don’t look away from her face. My eyes trail from hers to her lips that do nothing but turn me on and make me want to devour them. I hold back because this level of closeness is far more than she’s allowed in the past. I know my woman would have no problem giving me the business if I pushed her too far, especially with how vulnerable she was with me only moments ago.

When my eyes leave Savvy, they find the ol’ ladies have been watching the interaction. A few give me knowing looks as they smile broadly at the two of us. I smirk, giving them a nod.

“Well, all right then,” Janna says with a dreamy look.

Savvy turns her body. I can still feel the tension she is holding onto, but I don’t release her from my hold. With another shake of her head, she relaxes slightly and returns her attention to the ol’ ladies who continue to watch us.

“Prez, I was telling Savvy about the time Bull, Vex, and Skip thought it would be a good idea to go mudding in Cypher's old F150, you know, the one.” Janna cackles.

I chuckle, thinking about how pissed Cypher was when he found out. Looking down at Savvy, answering before she can ask. “Cyphers had been doing work on it. He planned to restore it from the ground up, starting with the shocks and frame. Safe to say none of that got done once the boys got their hands on the thing.”

Janna cackles in the way that she does, loudly. “Yeah, the boys got it stuck in a ditch by the river. They had tried and failed to get it back, but did more damage to the damn thing with their attempts. When they finally decided to ask for help, they came barreling into the clubhouse like their asses were on fire with the hope one of the prospects would help them out. Of course, in their heist to find someone, they ran into Cypher. Being who he is, Cypher knew they were up to no good. Eventually, he got it out of them what they’d done. And to say he was pissed would be an understatement.” She cackles again, and I wince, which causes Savvy to lean over and hide her smirk in the crook of my arm.

“Yo, Prez, can we get you and Miss Savvy over for a second?” Turbo yells from across the yard.

And fuck if I don’t want to kiss the fucker. He knows how Janna can be when she starts in with her stories. Love the woman like a sister, but she can go in circles telling you shit about the club kids and that laugh of hers, like fucking nails on a chalkboard. Savvy chuckles at my side, and my eyes widen, realizing I may have said that shit out loud. Shit. My eyes trail over to Janna’s, who's still talking and cackling; thank fuck she didn’t hear me. I’m not so lucky when I look at the other ol’ ladies. Pam and Valeria give me looks that say they heard me, causing me to wince. I shrug my shoulders, not looking the least bit guilty. They know exactly what I mean. They shake their heads and go back to listening to Janna’s story. I’m sure they’ve heard it a dozen times.

“Prez,” Turbo yells out again, and I don’t miss the amusement in his voice.

“Hold the fuck on, brother, damn we’re coming.” I bellow back at him with no malice behind my words.

Savvy sags at my side, making me chuckle. She looks up at me, sees the amusement in my eyes, and smacks me on the chest. Looking down at her, my eyes soften. There are still moments like now when the sweet, kind woman who lets one of the ol’ ladies talk her ear off without complaint shines through. These are the moments that give me hope for us.

When her eyes narrow, I fain hurt, causing her to roll her eyes, making a few of the ol’ ladies giggle. Pulling Savvy closer to my side, I send the other ol’ ladies an apologetic look even though I’m anything but sorry and pull my woman away from the group, steering her toward our savior.

Once we are far enough away, I don’t miss her thanking Turbo under her breath. When we get a few paces away from the group, she pulls away from me, and I let her go. This is me trying not to push. The tightening in my chest at the rejection doesn’t hurt any less.

With a shake of his head, Turbo’s smile widens when we reach him. He gives me a knowing look as he eyeballs the gap between us. The smirk on his face lets me know he noticed and plans on giving me shit about it. Fucker. With a shake of my head, I narrow my eyes on him. Fuck this. The distance she tries to put between us doesn’t work for me, and I think she knows that as I once again wrap my arm around my woman. Surprised when she doesn’t pull away from me. I step closer to her, and she tries to ignore me like before.

“So…” Savvy says, looking up at Turbo.

He chuckles. “I ain’t need shit. I know how Janna can get when she gets to talking. You’ve been over there a while. Thought you might need a drink.” Turbo says with a wink, holding out an unopened beer for Savvy, who graciously takes it with a chuckle.

“You’re not wrong…” She turns and looks at the group of women. “That woman can talk,” she says with a chuckle.

The brothers around us guffaw in agreement, even her man, whom Savvy notices when she turns back to the group. I give it to my woman; she stares at Cypher with glittering eyes, daring him to say otherwise.

With a chuckle. “That she does, Mrs. Savvy. That she does.” Taking a drink of his beer causing another round of laughter.

My arm is wrapped around Savvy as she snuggles into me. I can only attribute her lowered inhibitions to the number of drinks she’s had tonight. After all the kids were sent away, we came into the main room of the clubhouse because the weather in Maine can be a fickle bitch on the best of days, and it was getting chilly even with the bonfire burning. With my arm around Savvy, as I shoot the shit with my brothers, I feel her stiffen, and my brows furrow. My eyes trail down to her, seeing that her eyes are focused and narrowed on something. Following her line of sight, I notice a tall, leggy brunette standing at the main entrance. I’d never seen the woman before, but the seductive smile on her face says she's looking for some trouble. Leaning over to Savvy so close, my breath tickles her ear. Before I can ask, Blaze is up and out of his seat, drawing my and my brother’s attention to him.

“Blaze?” Savvy’s warning tone causes a few brothers to look at her and then back at my son.

“For fuck's sake, I’ll handle it, Ma,” Blaze says, looking at his mother and having a silent conversation with her. His face sets in a furious scowl when he turns and stomps away from us and toward the newcomer.

Leaning into Savvy. “You want to tell me what that’s about and who the fuck that is?”

“Aww fuck.” Pain says.
