Page 17 of Finding Forgiveness

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“Well, this is going to be interesting,” Rocket cackles, leaning so far into his seat that the thing nearly falls back.

Just when Savvy is about to answer, all hell breaks loose.




“Oh, fuck no. Bitch, you better turn your ass right the fuck around and kick rocks. We are not dealing with y’alls shit. Fuck all the way off.” Bellamy says, eyes trained on the woman who seems unaffected by the anger radiating from Bellamy. The woman smirks, giving Bellamy a look that says she’s dealing with a gnat buzzing in her ear instead of an assassin that could take her out without a second thought. The woman turns to say something to Blaze, who isn’t faring any better than his sister, but Bellamy isn’t having it and steps in the woman’s face.

The main room is entirely focused on the scene. A few brothers stand where they were previously seated, their eyes bouncing from me to the woman, waiting for me to step in or give them orders to handle the situation.

“Jessa, I’m so far from not fucking around. The answer to whatever the fuck they want from her is HELL THE FUCK NO. She’s done, we are done. Take a fucking hint, you bottom-feeding conniving cum dumpster.” Bellamy sneers in the woman’s face.

Jessa's eyes narrow on my daughter as she takes a step closer to Bellamy, eyes filling with malice. Taz, never far from his woman, wraps his arms around Bellamy’s waist, pulling her to his side and glaring at the woman, daring her to do something that will have her buried before night's end. Jessa's lips turn from a malicious sneer to a seductive smile as she looks at Taz. She doesn’t hide the appreciative look as she takes him in. Then the bitch fucks up and licks her lips when her eyes meet his. Bellamy lunges at her.

“Oh lord,” Savvy says under her breath, pulling away from me to get up.

Sitting next to my woman, Pain places his hand on Savvy’s shoulder. “Nope, Auntie. If she wants to play, let her play. Bellamy and Blaze will handle her. This isn’t the way to get our–your attention. And that bitch playing stupid games with Bell will not end well for her.” Pain says, his eyes trained on Savvy, imploring her to let it play out. My eyes coast between the two of them.

Savvy and Pain have a silent conversation that has Savvy’s jaw tick. After a few more moments, she releases a slow breath and nods, leaning back in her chair, flexing her neck, and her eyes return to the scene.

“Lord, give me strength. I understand, nephew. You are right. This will not end the way she or they think it will.” Savvy says cryptically, and a calculated and deadly look crosses her face. Pain and Rocket nod in understanding. Understanding that I don’t share.

“Why the fuck did he think this was a good idea? Gramps and the Organization are pissed because of the shit that happened. They played their cards and lost the fucking plot. What they did, what they caused. You are done. You are not responsible for cleaning up their fucking messes. For fuck's sake, the last time you went missing for fucking weeks.” Rocket says absentmindedly.

“The fuck?” I say, my eyes snapping to Savvy, who doesn’t acknowledge either Rocket or I.

“Seriously, Rocket, inside damn voice, needs to fucking stay inside, like in your head. Nowhere the fuck else, brother.” Pain says, smacking his brother on the back of the head. His eyes come to mine when he notices me watching him and his brother waiting for someone to answer me. He shakes his head and then looks at Savvy, letting me know he will not expand on or answer me. My eyes turn to Rocket, who looks like he wants to say something, but when Pain angles his head toward Savvy, Rocket curses and sits back, crossing his arms over his chest with a huff.

“She can’t fucking ignore us forever, Mrs. Petrov-Highland,” Jessa says with a raised brow.

Bellamy says something I can’t hear. Causing the chick to step closer to her. “We know who the fuck she is. And we know what the fuck she is. No matter…” the woman says as she uncrosses her arms and stares down at her nails, like the conversation is boring her. “She still has a debt to pay. Unless you want to pay for her.” Jessa smirks.

“The fuck she does. She’s paid that shit tenfold. And you damn well fucking know it,” Blaze sneers.

Looking away from Bellamy with a slight smirk. She steps toward Blaze, who is visibly vibrating with fury. He lets out a growl and steps back when she attempts to put her hand on his arm. Undeterred, Jessa’s eyes glitter as she leans closer to Blaze, saying something to him that has Blaze grabbing the woman by the throat and pulling her closer. Undeterred, Jessa leans into it like it's some fucked up form of foreplay. Blaze’s face inches from hers as he growls, something that has her eyes widening.

The woman has no sense of self-preservation because she chuckles and shrugs. “Don’t shoot the messenger, but she needs to speak to them. You know how this works,” she says, looking into Blaze’s eyes and then Bellamy’s. “Let me say what I need to fucking say so that I can get back to the life you could only hope for,” Jessa says, smirking. I have a feeling that it was a dig.

“Bitch,” Blaze brings his other hand up, and he looks fucking murderous.

Even though it looks like he’s going to choke the life out of the bitch. Her widened eyes leave Bellamy’s, finding Savvy, and they flicker; a little of her hubris leeches out of her as she tries to get out of Blaze’s grasp.

Savvy stands without a word and walks in the opposite direction of our children and the woman. Pain, Rocket curse. Pain looks at me, then at the twins.

“Let's hear what the bitch has to say and be done with it.” Pain says.

Pain and Rocket stand and follow behind Savvy. Pain stops when he reaches the mouth of the hall. He looks at me and nods, letting me know I need to be involved with whatever this is.

My returning nod is one of understanding, and I look back at my son and daughter and find Blaze leaning into Taz, saying something to him in a hushed, hurried tone, still holding the woman by the throat. When Blaze turns from Taz and his sister, his focus returns to the woman, snatches her by her hair, and drags her in the direction his mother went. The earlier fury that he displayed is no more. His face is now a blank mask. Bellamy furiously whispers to Taz. Taz nods a few times, leans down, and says something to her that has her narrowing her eyes and turning to watch her brother drag the woman away.

I stand and step into Taz's and Bellamy’s path. My eyes connect with my VP, and I see his confusion and concern, but I also see something else that has my eyes narrowing on him. I understand his priorities have changed since Bellamy came into his life. She and the kids are his everything, and I wouldn’t put it past him to know far more about Bellamy’s team and the Organization than he has shared with me. And I appreciate he puts her first because I feel the same way about my woman, but I’ve felt they’ve all been keeping something from me for weeks. And that something might have just walked through my clubhouse doors. And I’ll be damned if they leave me in the dark with whatever the fuck this is. I’ve had enough of the women in my life blindsiding me and my club. I know Savvy would never bring anything to the club. She and the kids are more than capable of handling their shit, but me being me, I’m unwilling to let them or be in the dark while they do.

Leaning down to look into my daughter’s eyes. “What the actual fuck is going on? Who wants your mother’s attention so bad they send some fucked up chick asking to die to my clubhouse doors? Now is not the time for secrets. I know you’ve been keeping shit from me.” Releasing a breath. “We’ve been through this shit once, and I’ll be damned if I’m blindsided again,” I say, raising a brow at my daughter. Who looks between the hall and me.

Bellamy’s lips thin, and she shakes her head, letting out a frustrated breath.
