Page 18 of Finding Forgiveness

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With another shake of her head. Bellamy looks back up at me, and I see worry in her eyes for the first time ever. “What I know…” Bellamy looks conflicted as her eyes bounce between Taz and mine. “What happened before…” She clears her throat, looking uneasy, and my daughter is not one to look uncomfortable, which has my blood going cold. “Before Blaze and I were born, what happened changed Mom. She… She made decisions that weren’t…” She sighs and shakes her head. “She made a decision that saved her life, mine and Blaze’s. She planned to share things with you when the time was right. It may seem like we are keeping secrets, and in a way… in a way, we are. It’s…” Running her hand through her curls. “Look, we need to get in there and find out why the fuck that bitch is here because whatever it is, it isn’t good,” Bellamy says, squaring her shoulders, face blanking. Fuck.

Without another word and understanding, I won’t get anything from her. I turn on my heels and stomp toward the offices so I can find out what the fuck is going on. My daughter knows more than she is willing or can share; I understand her wanting to let Savvy explain it. That Bellamy’s all over the place means that whatever this is–it’s not fucking good.

The silence that greets me as I approach my office is unnerving. I expected to hear raised voices and threats being thrown out, but there was nothing. The atmosphere in the room is tense as I stand in the doorway. Looking around, Bull and Vex stand with narrowed eyes behind my desk, arms crossed, and eyes narrowed. I didn’t even see them walk this way, but I know they are just as protective of Savvy as Bell and Blaze. So it shouldn’t surprise me that they’re here. Blaze stands behind the woman Jessa, who is seated in front of my desk; she’s glaring at my woman. Savvy is sitting on the couch, watching the woman with assessing eyes, seeming unaffected by the glare directed at her. I smirk, knowing my woman is in work mode. Bored and unbothered seems to be her go-to setting.

Bellamy pushes past me, and I can feel her anger. Savvy doesn’t take her eyes off the woman as Bellamy walks over to her mother and sits on the opposite side of the couch. Taz takes up sentry next to his woman, leaning into the wall and taking a similar stance as my boys.

Pain and Rocket are posted on either side of the door. I say nothing as I walk into the room and to my desk. No one says a word. I steeple my fingers across my chest, turn my chair, and look at my woman, who doesn’t acknowledge me as she stares at Jessa as if she is waiting for something.

Jessa’s eyes leave my woman, and she looks around the room with a self-satisfied smirk on her lips, causing a low growl to rumble in my chest. Something about this woman has my hackles up, and whatever she is here for, it’s clear it's to unnerve and get my family’s attention.

“Look, we could all sit here and stare at each other all night,” she says, shrugging. “Here is the thing. I don’t have time for this. You...” She leans forward, eyes focused on Savvy’s smirk on her lips. “You all have been given more grace than anyone deserves, and that grace is up.” She says and smirks. Her words serve as a threat, and no one rises to the occasion, causing her to narrow her eyes on Savvy.

My eyes bounce between Savvy, Pain, Rocket Bellamy, and Blaze. Savvy only looks at the children and shakes her head, which has them holding back their objections, opinions, or the fuck they planned to say.

With a tilt of her head, Savvy's eyes go cold. Her assessing and calculating look does not bode well.

“No, Jessa,” Savvy says as she stands. She walks over to the woman more like prowls, as if stalking her prey. Once she is standing in front of the woman, she leans her luscious ass on the desk, crossing her arms across her chest. My cock thickens, and I internally curse myself as I sit back and lean a little so that I can watch the bitch Jessa’s face as my woman handles her. With a tilt of her head, my woman’s voice is cold and emotionless, and Jessa’s eyes widen at what she sees.

“Has everyone forgotten, Yokosuka?” Savvy says, tilting her head as the woman in the chair shifts for the first time, looking uncomfortable and unsure of herself. “I haven’t forgotten. I could never forget.” Leaning forward into Jessa’s line of sight, Savvy says, “I distinctly remember the lives I saved and telling them I was done. I remember telling them through you it would be their end if you came for me or mine.” Savvy says.

Savvy, take a single step toward the woman who glares at my woman in defiance. With a chuckle, Savvy wraps her hands around the woman’s neck. Blaze must understand what is happening because he takes a small step back, his eyes brightening as he looks down at the woman.

Leaning into Jessa’s face, Savvy’s voice remains cold. “You were told, not once but twice, that if I ever saw you again, I would end you for what you did. I told you they wouldn’t save you. You are nothing to them. You. Are. Nothing. A promise is a promise.” Savvy cackles, sending a shiver down my spine.

With a vicious twist of her neck, Savvy drops the woman’s lifeless form back into the chair. The room is deathly silent as we all watch my woman, whose eyes are trained on the dead woman in the chair. Her eyes leave Jessa and trail up to Blaze, who gives her a nod. Wordlessly, Blaze picks the woman up and walks out of the room.

“What the fuck just happened?” Bull says.

“That was my aunt, letting the Faction know she’s no longer willing to play by their rules. It’s not like we ever have. But we aren’t playing anymore.” Rocket says cackling, like this, was the greatest thing to happen all day.

“Wait, I thought you were a part of the Organization; who or what the fuck is the Faction?” Vex asks from behind me.

My eyes watch my woman as her shoulders rise and fall. I’ve never seen this side of her–I know it exists. I know who she has become and her reputation as the Widow Maker, a ruthless killer, but to see it, to witness it. It’s taking me a moment to reconcile who she has become with the woman I fell in love with.

“Mother, you know they are going to come and come hard. This will not go unnoticed. She was their lap dog,” Bellamy says, eyes trained on her mother. I can see the worry and uneasiness..

“I’ve had enough. They get nothing else from me. No one will ever take more from me than I’m willing to give. Never a-fucking-gain.” Savvy says as she turns to look at me.

“This will not touch you or our children.” She says, releasing a breath and pulling her phone from her pocket.




Closing my eyes, allowing my frustration and anger to seep out of me with every breath. This is not how I wanted to explain my life to Gunner, but they couldn’t let a bitch live. They had to send their lackey. They had to have known how shit would go with her. They knew she was on my list, one where her name was now crossed off.

Taking a seat on the couch, I previously vacated. I don’t look at Gunner. I don’t want to see, I don’t want to know what he thinks of the woman I’ve become, the killer I am who feels no remorse for taking a life. He may have seen glimpses of her, but not all of who I am, what I am. Now isn’t the time for that. Now I need to make some things clear to some seriously hard-headed people looking to receive all of my wrath.

My phone rests in my hands as I press the button to make the fucking call. They should’ve known better. I choose when and if they contact me. The game they played by sending her is one they’ll learn to regret. They know I will not let that slide. That I will not be pulled back in. When I said I was done, I meant it, and having my father’s approval after I explained it was in our best interest to cut ties. He agreed and would go to war to make sure they understood we were done. I am done. They fucked up by coming anywhere near my family, especially where my grandbabies lay their heads. Which has me ready to end them without asking questions.

“Your message has been received loud and clear, Svetlana. But maybe we should send one of our own…” The cool voice I know all too well comes over the line forgoing any pleasantries. The hint of annoyance in his voice has my lips lifting in satisfaction. Good, be mad, bitch.

With a cold, humorless chuckle at the son of a bitch’s audacity. “You play silly games, you win silly prizes, James. I’ve given you my answer more than once and you know how much I hate repeating myself. You had to know I would end your little lap dog the moment she stepped onto the club grounds. So, my message being received is a moot point. You clearly didn’t value the bitch, but you got my attention, which I’m sure has you creaming in your pants. Now, say what you need to say before I come for you, for wasting my fucking time.” I say, malice lacing my words.

My eyes trail to Gunner and watch emotions swirl in his eyes. Eyes that are narrowed and assessing, I see a hint of jealousy, which has my smirk turning into a smile. This is not the time for it, but I find it sexy as hell that he is jealous of an unknown man, a man I wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole. Gunner doesn’t need to know that. When his eyes trail from the phone to mine, my breath hitches. What I thought I would see when he finally looked at me, isn’t at all what’s reflected toward me. Gunner’s eyes are filled with love, admiration, and determination. He is letting me know he is a man willing to stand by my side without knowing what he is standing against. It is also telling me we will have a long conversation about the secrets I’ve been keeping.
