Page 21 of Finding Forgiveness

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“Wait what? Julia? As in Sin’s psychopath of a biological mother, Julia? What the fuck does she have to do with any of this?” Blaze’s voice is even, but I can hear the anger in his words. He must know the story of why Julia was removed from his sister’s life and the organization. Ignoring his anger, Savvy turns to answer our son.

“She is up to her old tricks and has somehow cuddled up to the order. I know the faction does not know what she has gotten up to. I believe she was the reason that bitch was sent here. She thinks she has a fucking say in whether I’m still involved with the order and she has a use for Sin…”

Emotion crosses Blaze’s face that says it will be over his dead body. “After what that bitch did, she better watch her fucking self. My sister is off-limits to her. Uncle Jax knew what he was doing, wanting Sin to be with you, with us. That bitch and her hunger for power can try us if she wants to. But she will be dead sooner than she can say my fucking sister’s name. She fucking got her entire team killed making moves on her own, and she got Sins father fucking killed. She has to know even if Sin finds out she’s alive, she’ll want nothing to do with her when she finds out what she did and why.”

“You aren’t wrong…” Savvy says and stands in front of our son in the same position as she was before. “I will never allow her into your sister’s life.” She releases him again and steps over to my desk.

Leaning back on my desk, she stares off into nothing. I can see the wheels turning behind her eyes.

“What we need to do is figure out her angle. How did she get in contact with the order, who she’s working with if anyone, and what exactly it is she wants from Sin and why? Because that bitch is many things, but a concerned mother is not one of them.”

“On it,” Blaze says, looking at his mother for a second and then spinning on his heels and leaving the room.

Bellamy stands and walks over to Taz, who has been silently watching everything unfold. I look over to my VP and, along with a love for his woman, I see relief in his eyes when he looks at me. Which tells me he knew the stuff about what happened to Savvy, but he kept his woman's confidence and didn’t tell me before they were ready. I understand and respect him for it. Even though she gave me a dry and condensed version. I understand why she kept it to herself.

“Wait, that’s it. That’s all. I was expecting more. Like… a lot more.” Vex being Vex voices.

“Oh bro, do I have some stories for you? Step into my office.” Rocket says as he opens the door. Not before giving Vex a look that says all his questions will be answered. Rocket walks out, followed by Pain and Vex.

“Sometimes, I wonder how he and I are brothers.” Bull says as he shakes his head, watching his brother follow behind their cousins. He steps away from the wall and looks at Savvy. “Is there anything else I need to know tonight Ma, cause I’m sure there are still things you and Pops need to talk about.” He says. He looks at Savvy with a look that says you know he will not let you pick and choose or simplify shit. And she isn’t wrong. I need more than she gave me. I want it all.

Savvy smiles at him. “No, that’s it, for now until I get more information from your brother and his team. You will be the first to know.” She says and winks. He gives her a nod, looks at me, asks if I’m good, and leaves the office.

Bellamy lingers with Taz for a moment longer. She looks at her mother. “I really wish you would tell her. I think she will understand,” Bellamy says. I know she’s talking about Sin and the fact that her mother is alive.

“Well, talk about it more once we have more information about what that bitch is up to.” Savvy lets out a breath. “I may not have a choice.” She says tightly.

With a nod, Bellamy pulls Taz toward the door. He turns when he reaches the door.

“If either of you needs anything, holler. We are going up to our room. The babies are with the nanny tonight.” He smirks with a rueful smile, getting a smack from his woman. I can’t hear what my daughter says to him, but it has him growling and picking her up fireman style.

Yelling over his shoulder. “I’ll put a prospect in the hall so you two can have your privacy.” Closing the door behind him.

Chuckling. My eyes leave the door and connect with my woman, and what I see has me on my feet and her in my arms in seconds.




Pulling Savvy into my arms. I can feel her body vibrating against mine. Her breathing is harsh and ragged and when she sags into me, she wraps her arms around my waist. It sends relief through me. Relief that she accepted my comfort and strength. Savvy is the strongest woman I know and to feel this type of emotion from her has me on edge because I know it’s because of my decisions that lead her to decide what she did. My woman can handle her own, I know that. Old memories and opening the scars of the past have a way of making even the strongest break. And I want her to break. I want her to feel what she feels, I want her to rage, scream, yell, and tell me it’s all my fault because it is. I want her to talk to me and allow me to be what she needs. Not be cold and distant, not hold back. I want all of her.

For too fucking long, Savvy has had the burden of the organization, keeping our kids safe and dealing with the shit with my ex and the bullshit she pulled with Princess. Now I’m finding out about what she endured and how that’s changed her. Yeah, I need my woman to let me in fully, so we can finally live without bullshit popping out of the fucking woodwork.

“I don’t talk about this shit. I fucking hate talking about this shit.” Savvy says, pulling away from me.

I say nothing as I watch her pace the room. Walking over to my desk, I continue to watch her as she processes what she needs to, however, she needs to. Leaning on the desk resting my open palms on the top of it and watching her. I can feel the anger and frustration radiating from her.

“There is so much to my life after you kicked me to the curb.” She says with a bitter chuckle.

My brows go to my hairline, because okay, we are starting at the beginning of our end and her beginning.

“I know Bellamy told you some of it when she first arrived here, so I won’t rehash that. But my Pappa thought I needed something, and I agreed. I needed to focus on anything else but the hurt.” Savvy says, turning and looking at me.

Anger vibrates from her and the rage in her eyes has me sucking in a breath. Yeah, we really are starting there.

