Page 44 of Finding Forgiveness

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“He has known what Julia was up to for many years. I will give him his credit. He had tried to stave off this foolish quest of hers.” He says, shaking his head, his Russian accent strong, making it a little harder to understand him, but I get the jest of it.

“Julia’s mother, once a strong contributor to their coven, began losing her powers. It was a consequence of her actions. She began meddling in things she did not understand. In doing so, her powers waned, and in order to stop it. She siphoned the powers of other coven members. She’d convinced those members' of her coven that their loss was a natural occurrence, not something she had caused. Vanna was very convincing, and many believed her, but some did not. When Bogdan discovered her treachery, she was tried by their laws and executed nearly a decade ago. Julia hated her father for taking her mother away from her because she believed everything she was told. With a few of her mother’s followers, she continued Vanna’s work, believing that their loss of power could be remedied with a ritual that includes sacrificing the daughters of one.. So she started her little quest to gather all the daughters that were born to certain families after the two hundredth anniversary of the death of High Priestess Marlo. Her goal is to complete a ritual which she believes will restore her coven's power and give them so much more. The ritual calls for the sacrificing of the daughters of one over the bones of Marlo. Marlo is said to be one of the most powerful and prolific witches of her time, whose power had been bound to her bones. The witch was smart and afraid that after her death, her coven or another would gain access to her power and use it in ways she would not agree with. She understood people and their lust for power. She understood that light and darkness were only a hair apart. And she did what needed to be done. She refused to allow the goddess gift she was blessed with to cause others pain. She was a pacifist only using her craft for good, unlike many others.” He pauses and shakes his head.

“Bogdan, knowing all of this and his daughter's plan, is the reason Sin was left in my printsessa care. He knew she would be safe with us under our protection. He knew that without her, the plan Julia concocted would be mute. He was wrong and underestimated his daughter. Julia has bided her time, moved chess pieces to fit her needs and enlisted others. She has prayed on her lessors, promising something she could never follow through with. And now she plans to go through with her foolish ritual, one that I’ve been guaranteed will not work. Because only the High Priestess knows this, at least until she bestowed the information upon me. There is no way to unbind a witch's power from her bones. All text to do such a ritual was destroyed by Marlo and all memory of it she removed from those that knew of it. Marlo took all of it with her in death.”

I process his words before speaking.

“You say that this chick is delusional as fuck, and she needs to die?” I nod a few times, hearing my brothers and woman chuckle. “Well, then let's get the fuck in the air and fuck up her witchy woo plans and end the bitch.” I say, sitting back in my seat and getting comfortable.

Victor stares at me for a moment. He chuckles, realizing that I’m not going to ask questions. This shit is above my paygrade. I want my girls back safe and sound and any threat to them eliminated. The end. This witchy shit is for the organization, faction and whoever else to deal with.




Victor provided more information with the time we had on the flight. I wasn’t happy to know that some members of teams we were meeting up with are witches. Savvy explained to me they were the good kind. No comment. Well, see when we get there how good they are.


Bull calls to me as we stand parked on the road about a mile from where Bellamy, Princess and Sin, along with a few other young women, are being held. Savvy didn’t take the confirmation that Sin had been taken well, she suspected when Victor was speaking in riddles when we first got on the jet, but to hear it flat out, it took a lot of sweet talking to keep her from hauling ass and taking on the coven of crazies by herself. She is livid, glaring at the road.

“Yeah son?” I turn to Bull, who is shoving guns and ammo into his holster.

He doesn’t look up at me. He keeps doing his checks.

“How did you know?”

My brows furrow at his question.

“How did I know what, son?” I ask.

He stops what he’s doing and looks up at me, his eyes assess me, before his shoulders slump.

“Fuck, never mind.” He shakes his head and walks away.

A hand on my shoulder stops me from following him. I don’t know what has gone on with him. He has been… I don’t know… quieter and retrospect.

“He will figure it out.” Savvy says as she too watches our son join his brother's group.

I look down at her, confusion in my eyes.

“He is in love, Gunner.” The look she gives me is one that says I should know that.

I don’t.

How the hell would I? And in love. Love with who? He’s been banging anything that walks for the last few months. Months ago, I may have thought he had found someone because he stopped messing around with the club girls, but then, a few months back, he started back up again. I let out a breath. Pulling Savvy into my side.

“Baby, I don’t have room to worry about all our damn kids at the same damn time. I’ll tap back in and figure our boy out as soon as we get these damn girls' home.” I say as Savvy squeezes with a small laugh. I kiss her hair. Turning away from our boys, we make our way over to her father and the teams he has waiting here for us.

Time to get to work.

“You will be with me Savvy and Gunner along with the boys accompanied by Severus. He is much stronger than Julia and will be there to ensure we’re covered with his… talents.” Victor says.

My eyes trail to the man Severus taking him in. The man stands at nearly seven feet tall and has muscles on muscles. He’s a Black man with dreads that I swear move on their own accord, because there isn’t a breeze to be felt. He stands next to a smaller Asian woman, I may say, smaller because next to him we’re all fucking ants. She sees me watching them and sends a wink my way. One that doesn’t go unnoticed by my woman, because she takes a small step in front of me, but never takes my eyes off her father. I chuckle and lean down so my lips are next to her ear.

“It will only ever be you, my beautiful wifey.” I chuckle and kiss her behind her ear.
