Page 45 of Finding Forgiveness

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Victor clears his throat, eyeing me and my woman. I shrug and tune back into him, explaining where everyone will go and what they are meant to do. The witches will accompany each team doing their witchy woo shit. The shifters will be in their wolf forms. Apparently, they are faster and lighter on their feet and will cover our back against any wolves that may be on the wrong side of this. Victor names off other shit, but my annoyance and eagerness to get in there and knock the bitch’s block off is getting the best of me, and I tune him out for a few minutes. My focus is on breathing my woman in and calming my beating heart, preparing myself for the crazy shit I’m no doubt going to see.

“… Beaman and his coven will cloak the vehicles as we surround the cemetery.” Victor nods to the Beaman guy.

“The crows have shown us that Julia and her followers are in Marlo’s mausoleums, along with the thirteen daughters. The fourteenth is being held in a vehicle.” When he says fourteenth, he looks over at me.


I give him a nod of understanding and I look over to Vex and Rocket. They are the most concerned about Princess, not saying that Bull, Blaze, Savvy and I aren’t, but we had talked on the plane and it was brought up because Princess is merely human. She wouldn’t be with the others. They volunteered to be the ones to go for her, and no one had any argument with that plan.

“Does everyone have everything they need?” Victor asks, looking around the large group.

There are twenty–two vehicles lining the road that will carry us all into the cemetery. There are also fifteen wolf shifters who take off after receiving their signal from their leader or alpha. Fuck, I can’t keep all this other shit straight. All I know is the young man has a stake in the game. His girlfriend, or as they call them, his mate, was one of the girls taken. I was surprised when I found out she is a princess or some shit to all wolves all over the world, which is another reason for the sheer number of vehicles and others. King wolfie wanted to send more people, but Victor nixed the idea because he wanted to ensure that no one who was with him was mistaken for the ones we’ve come here to take out. I agreed, as did the other team leaders.

Movement at the top of the mausoleum catches my attention. And I realize it’s one of Beaman’s crows. That shit is freaky as fuck. When he and his group first arrived, he was introduced to us and his eyes were as white as snow and had one of his familiars on his shoulder. It freaked me the fuck out to look up and see hundreds of the little beady eyed fuckers in the trees and power lines focused on us. Shaking my head. A hand clamps on my shoulder, causing me to tense.

“It’s just me brother, good to know I’m not the only one freaked out by all this shit.” Turbo says, as he continues scanning out surroundings.

“Yeah, this is not shit I ever want to deal with. Leave this shit to my woman and kids. Regular human criminals are more my style.” I say, and we both chuckle.

My earpiece crackles.

“We are moving in three… two… one…”

And all hell breaks loose.

As I make my way to the mausoleum, I take a moment to look back at the SUV where Princess is being held. Fuck. Vex, Rocket and a few others are making good headway. That is until I see a shadow that fades in and out, coming up behind Vex and my movement halts. Before I can warn my son, Rocket's crazy ass pulls a knife from the neck of the man he just took out and chucks it into the shadows. With my next blink, a woman stands screeching with the blade sticking out of her chest. Rocket bellows “Die bitch.” And then takes off again with a war cry.

Fuck me.

I release a breath and turn back, focusing on my task. I’m a few yards from the entrance of the mausoleum. I look around and I can’t see Savvy and my chest constricts, because her ass was supposed to stay at my fucking side. Shit.

A fist connects with the side of my face, and I growl. My head whips around. And well, shit. The mother fucker in front of me stares at me hungrily. What the fuck.

“Not today, motherfucker.” I say.

Thank fuck for the witchy woo shit. Victor had one of his witchy doctors fix me. And damn if the lady didn’t fix me right the fuck up. She said there wasn’t anything she could do for the scar, but she healed my shit. I have no pain as I roll my shoulders, stepping toward the motherfucker who is about to catch these motherfucking hands.

His smile is predatory when he comes at me. His eyes flashing like Andreus did. Fucking dogs. I duck when he swings and nail him in the gut. But the mother doesn’t move or wince.

Aww fuck.

The next strike from him has me seeing stars as his meaty fist connects with my temple. Shaking it off, feeling dizzy, but refusing to go down. Not one to give up, I put my all into my next combination. Of course all aimed at his dick, because man or dog, we all got dicks. One, two, three… down goes the doggy like a tree.

“Like I said, motherfucker, not too damn day.” I say.

Before he can recover, one of the wolves that came with Victor barrels into the man… dog… wolf. Whatever the fuck he was, and rips his head clean the fuck off.

Well, shit.

As I step away from the gruesome scene, the wind begins to pick up and the crows squawk so loud I have to cover my ears. I fall to my knees when my head feels like it is about to explode, looking around. No one else seems to have the same problem as they continue to fight against Julia’s people. Fuck, at least we are winning.



“What the fuck?”

“What the hell is happening to him?”
