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“What was her old job?”

“Donut comes from the racing world. She’s a quarter horse but she would walk the race horses onto the track, keeping the racers calm in the face of major stress, noise and excitement.”

Her eyes move forward, widening as she leans forward and gives the horse a hug around her strong neck. “You’re an absolute lifesaver, aren’t you, Donut?” Her eyes shift back to me.

I nod my own head, taking my hat off and slapping the dust off of it on my thigh. “Yes, she is. She’s done wonders with some of the worst cases that come in here. She’s the most calming influence.”

“You’re a beauty, aren’t you, Donut? Inside and out.”

I can’t take my eyes off of her face lit with joy and the last shreds of daylight gilding her high cheekbones and giving her pale skin a soft glow.

She’s just beautiful. Just like the land around Iron H.

“We need to head back to the barn. These two are ready to get to bed for the night. And I’m sure you need to get to bed soon since you have to get up so early in the morning.”

“Thank you. I do. But I don’t think I’ve had such a fun time in the longest time. I can’t thank you enough for bringing me out.” Her wide smile stretches and her sapphire gaze glitters with pure happiness.

“I’m glad.” I wish I could keep her here forever. But it’s better if I let her go home and take some space and time to get my shit together. There’s no way that we can be more than we are. I’m too big a mess and she’s so damn young.

“We should go,” I mutter under my breath and I move my horse in front of hers, leading us back the way we came.

The ranch looks beautiful at any time of the day but dawn and twilight are my favorite times. Both times are soft and yet full of drama and fresh beginnings.

I don’t know what to say to her right now. We ride in silence and I wish I wasn’t such a damn mess. I want to find out all about her. Want to know what she loves, what she hates. What makes her happy. What she wants.

Does she want kids? A true love? Or is she willing to settle? I don’t think I can be anybody’s true love. I’m not sure I still have a fucking heart.

Her pretty face lifts and she closes her eyes, letting Donut and I lead the way.

There’s so much more to her than I even thought there was. She’s gentle and sweet. Soft and yielding and yet strong as forged steel.

I open my mouth to ask her what she’s doing tomorrow and a sharp crack makes Lightning’s head pop up and she whinnies, rearing slightly, rounding in a circle. I click my tongue at her and let her work out the fear, patting her neck and whispering sweet words to her.

She settles, grumbling under her breath.

But not Donut. In the seconds it takes me to focus Lightning, Donut rears straight up and comes down, racing off with Callie screaming on her back, reins loose on her neck as she clings desperately to her saddle and neck.

“Shit!” My heart jumps into my throat as I click at Lightning and drum my heels on her sides. She leaps forward and the world rushes by, my heart hitting the dirt somewhere behind me and I don’t give a fuck.

My eyes are focused on the most important thing in the world. Callie’s blond hair streams behind her, a curtain of soft gold that beckons me closer.

“Help, Rory!” My belly flips as she screams my name, fear tightening my gut until I can’t think.

“Faster, Lightning,” I growl. She snorts like she knows exactly what I’m saying and her body bursts into liquid fire, leaping forward until I can’t breathe. We’re part of the wind all around us, wild and focused on the two animals ahead of us, both terrified.

She moves closer and I reach a hand out, grasping the reins in my hands and tugging, even as I coax Donut to a shuddering, whinnying stop.

She shivers and I drop to the ground, my boots hitting the dirt as I reach up and tug Callie’s tense body down to me. “Shhh. Sweetheart, you’re okay.” Her hands cling to me and I can feel every damn lush curve on her body. My dick jerks and I swear under my breath.

That shit needs to stop. This is not the time.

“Baby, open your eyes. You’re alright. I promise you, I’ve got you. I’ll never let anything hurt you. I’m so sorry. Baby, please,” I beg, hoarse with fear.

Her gorgeous blue eyes, swimming with tears open and she hiccups a sob that has me closing my eyes. I gulp and hold her tighter. I need her closer.

I need her forever.

I open my eyes and tip her chin up to me, my lips taking hers, clinging to her soft lips like she’s the food I crave, the air I need and the water necessary for survival.
