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Her lips open and her tongue touches mine, her soft moan gutting me. “Fuck,” I groan into her mouth, my tongue lashing hers, hunger spiking to dangerous proportions as I devour each little moan, each groan and whispered plea.

“Rory,” she whimpers and I finally set her down on her feet, my arms wrapped around her tight, pushing my hips into her belly.

“Baby, it’s alright. I’ve got you.” I do have her. It doesn’t matter if one of us walks away, I’ll always belong to this woman.

She’s mine.

I hold her head to my chest and sigh. “Oh, little one. You scared the hell out of me.” My heart’s still pounding like I’ve run a five fucking k race. I can’t catch my breath and my whole body feels electrified. My fingertips buzz where her soft skin touches mine.

“I don’t know what happened. She’s never done that before.” I set her away gently and move to Donut. Her soft coat shudders under my hands as I trail them across her, checking her out.

My eyes narrow as a tiny trickle of blood catches my attention. “What the fuck?” I mutter. I move closer and I can see a tiny streak across her flank.

“Something hit her.”

“What?” Callie’s eyes widen and she moves up beside me. “Is she alright?”

“Yeah. But she’s bleeding. I don’t want to ride her until I figure out what happened and if she’s alright.”

“Of course.”

“I’m going to lead her and you can ride in front of me. Then I can check her out when we get back. I might need to call the vet just to make sure she’s okay and see if they can tell what happened.”

I don’t want to say it but I swear it looks like Donut was grazed by a bullet.

My eyes search the open area around us. My heart jumps, my arms tightening around Callie. “Let’s head back, baby.”

I need to get her safe. Need to find out what’s going on. Because if someone shot at Donut, who were they trying to hit? The horse or Callie?

Fury and fear jolt me. Something threatened my girl and I don’t fucking like it. And if I figure it out, I may kill them with my bare hands for daring to think they can take her from me. Even if it was an accident.

Chapter 7


I’m still shaking the next day and it doesn’t help that weird things keep happening.

I went out to start my car this morning and found my tire slashed. It was obvious.

Then I got in to work and found out that my helper had to call off. She’d been up all night because someone kept going by on her street and honking wildly before accelerating and racing out of town.

Then my delivery guy called to say that somebody had blocked off the back delivery door with a mountain of trash and that he couldn’t get in until it was cleaned up.

I had to shut down to go out and clean it up and by the time I got done, my heart was racing wildly. This didn’t feel right. My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth as I picture the last twenty-four hours. If I didn’t know better, know that he couldn’t have found me, I would think it was Max. But that’s just not possible. I’ve been so careful since I uprooted my life and moved here to this little bitty town of so few people.

After going home and cleaning myself up before heading back for the truck to come back and deliver, I open the door and let my confused customers in.

Including a grumpy six foot plus cowboy in a tight pair of Wranglers that make me drool.

“Why weren’t you open? Is there something wrong?” His big hand wraps around my elbow as he tries to drag me over to a quiet corner.

“I’m sorry, Rory. I’ve got to get these people taken care of and I’ve lost a lot of my day today to stupid accidents.”

“What accidents?” His mouth tightens, eyes darkening to deep emerald fire.

“Just some strange stuff that’s been happening. If I didn’t know better,” I hiss under my breath, “I’d think it was Max. But he doesn’t know where I’m at so I don’t see how that’s possible.”

His brow lifts. “Are you sure?”
