Page 17 of The Vampire Queen

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Ash felt his presence in their mating bond. While their tryst had gone a long way toward healing it, it now seemed to have a mind of its own. She sent love and support through the link and felt his affection when she spotted his happy grin in a hall mirror.

“He’s going to be an amazing king,” Dani commented as they watched the coronation like little girls observing a royal wedding.

Ash nodded. “He will. I could not be prouder of him, Dani.”

“Then why are you crying, babe?”

“Not being there with him hurts, but it would create too many problems. I got to go to the funeral, and he needed me more then, but I-I miss him.”

Dani wrapped a comforting arm around her. “I know. Understanding the reasons for the separation doesn’t make it suck less.”

Ash wiped her eyes. “It really doesn’t.”

“Let’s finish watching your man become king, then go test more of your cool vampy talents. You need a distraction.”

“That sounds nice. I am so lucky to have you.”

“We already established my awesomeness. Pay attention!” Dani hissed.

The ceremony began with Queen Kittania speaking about her hope for their future under Luca’s reign. Then the rulers of the different clans publicly pledged fealty and gave their blessings to the new high king of the Therians.

The speeches seemed to go on for hours. Ash was astonished by the variety of shifter clans and the scope of Luca’s empire. His responsibilities were mind-blowing, and she vowed to remember that and her choices to protect their people when the separation was too much.

Luca knelt on the dais as Mikhail went through the ancient rituals that allowed him to claim his birthright. Magic swirled around them, and finally, Mikhail lifted a beautifully crafted crown of titanium and white gold studded with deep blue sapphires.

The magic sank into it.

“I crown thee King Lucaindrion Grigori Vladimir Nablyudatel, ruler of all Therians and high king among kings!” Mikhail shouted, his deep voice carrying to every corner of the room.

Luca braced himself as Mikhail settled the new crown on his head, eyes closing. When he opened them, a thousand gleeful faces were focused on him.

“Long live the king!” Viktorija shouted.

“LONG LIVE THE KING!” his people echoed.

Ash and Dani put the mirror away when Luca departed for the first of many banquets. Finally getting out of bed, Ash showered and dressed while Dani flipped through the cheat sheets Zia had left. When they went outside, she held them up and grinned. “I kind of want to start with your hentai shadow tentacles.”

“Ew. That’s gross. You know what ‘hentai’ means, right?”

Dani nodded. “I’m aware. I thought it might make the magic less intimidating if you imagined a horny monster attached to the other end.”


Dani shrugged. “I don’t know why you act surprised anymore. If you haven’t caught on by now, that’s your fault. I have to say weird stuff or I’ll explode.”

Ash gave her a serious look. “Don’t ever change.” Then, she shook herself and focused. “Okay, horny monster tentacles it is. What should I try to do?”

They spent the next two hours experimenting with Ash’s abilities and control before Dani got so cold that they had to go inside. Ash built a fire while Dani made hot chocolate and warmed the donor blood Zia had left in the fridge. They curled up on the couch to talk about what they would do after Ash completed vampire boot camp and Eiko gave her the ability to walk in the sun.

“Is it terrible that I want to go home? Not forever or anything, but we need to talk to Mom and Dad,” Dani suggested. “We promised to keep them in the loop, and there have been some significant detours from the original plan.”

Ash paled and looked sick to her stomach. “I’m scared shitless to tell them I’m a vampire. They’re going to think I’m a monster.”

Dani laughed, dismissing Ash’s concerns. “That’s not true, and you damned well know it. Have you ever met a more accepting pair? There is nothing we can do in this universe that would make them stop loving us. Cut the bullshit.”

Ash sighed. “You’re right. As usual. I just feel…I feel like they will be disappointed by what I chose.”

“First, tell me this. What else could you have done? The only other choice was inaction. I didn’t see it go down, but the way I’ve heard it, you saved the day with your vampy badassery.”
