Page 18 of The Vampire Queen

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Dani’s logic was sound, but she couldn’t help thinking about what she’d given up to become a vampire. Her humanity. A fully-functioning soul mate bond with Luca. Children. That one sent a pang through her heart, but she didn’t regret her transformation.

“Again, you’re right. I did the only thing I could,” Ash fought back the blood-tinged tears that stung her eyes. “I didn’t just do it for Luca, though that was enough reason. Without him, the Therian empire was at risk.”

Dani grabbed her sister’s shoulders and looked into eyes that glowed red with vampiric power. “Hey! Deep breaths. You’re freaking out for nothing. They may not understand right away, but look how quickly they adapted to the news that Luca is a fucking dragon. Our parents are amazing, and they love us unconditionally.

“So you’re a vampire. Who gives a shit? You’re still Ash.”

Ash wiped her eyes. “What would I do without you?”

“Suffer in abject boredom in a sad life devoid of humor and color,” Dani answered, deadpan. “Also, you would have to figure all this shit yourself.”

“Truth. I know they will still love me, and I want to see them so much it hurts. It feels like it’s been forever since we’ve seen them because we’ve been in crisis mode nonstop, but it’s only been a few weeks. How are they going to adjust? Do you think they’ll be afraid of me?”

Dani shook her head. “Not a chance. Fascinated, sure. Curious, definitely. Confused, almost certainly, but they will not be afraid of you. I guarantee it. It’s not like we can travel for a while anyway. You have to learn to use your vampire voodoo, and until Eiko can cast the long-term spell to let you endure the sun, you’re homebound.”

“Bursting into flames on an airplane might be counterproductive to having a pleasant journey,” Ash agreed. She heard a distinctive sound downstairs. “I think Eiko’s back early. That sounded like a portal. Get behind me, just in case. I won’t let anyone touch you.”

A few moments later, Eiko padded down the hallway. “It’s good to see you again, ladies,” the tiny Japanese witch told them in lightly accented English, bowing politely as she entered the living room.

“Welcome back, Eiko-sama,” Ash replied. “We didn’t expect you until tomorrow. Did everything go okay with your trip?”

“Yes, everything went fine. I was able to find some of the ingredients more easily than I expected. The spell will require several days of preparation, though.”

Ash bowed her head in respect. “Thank you so much. I am grateful for your efforts.”

“Have you eaten yet, Eiko-sama? I can fix you something,” Dani offered.

“No, thank you, Dani-san. I am tired and will retire, but I wanted to let you know I was home. Goodnight, girls.”

Dani and Ash chatted for a long time after Eiko went to bed. Conversing had always been effortless, and they operated on the same wavelength to such an extent that they didn’t have to finish sentences for the other to understand. Ash was thrilled to find that some things hadn’t changed. Very late—or early, depending on one’s point of view—Zia called to say that Sasha and Anya would be there at sunset to run Ash through drills while she was with her human daughter.

“Ash, have you eaten today?” Zia asked.

“Yes. I had a cup of bagged blood earlier.”

“Good. You’re going to need the energy. I practiced these drills with the dragons for hours. They’re going to kick your ass, but you’ll learn. Enjoy the rest of your night off.”

Dani yawned, and Ash rolled her eyes. “Go to bed. I’m going to call Luca and turn in. We only have about an hour until dawn.”

Dani shuffled off to bed. Ash picked up the phone and sent Luca a quick text.

Are you free for a call? I was hoping to hear your voice before I went to bed.

His response came instantly.

Of course.

Luca answered on the first ring. “Hello, love.”

Ash smiled. “Hi. I’ve missed you. How did everything go today? I watched, but it was a lot like TV. I’m more interested in how you feel.”

He sighed. “It’s fine. Just endless ceremonies. The magic accepted me and my claim to the throne, so it’s official now. I am the king of the Therians.”

“I am incredibly proud of you. Tell me all about it.”


Eiko’s House, Monday, November 26, 2012
