Page 19 of The Vampire Queen

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Zia’s intensive vampire boot camp proved easy for Ash. She adapted to her new abilities and limitations almost without effort, mastering all the lessons in their first week at the safe house. Sasha and Anya had started slowly when they ran drills with her, but Ash soon ran circles around the other two women, even when they were in dragon form and giving it everything they had. She also routinely bested Zia and every other opponent she faced while sparring at full strength.

Dani and Eiko watched from the sidelines, seeing Ash’s power and skill grow by the moment. The strength of the spell didn’t account for it. Eiko said the increased power must come from Ash’s lineage and insisted she had a powerful witch as an ancestor. Ash couldn’t remember if she’d told them about her potential connection to Maerlin, and it was not the right time to bring it up. She imagined her extra magic came from the spark that burned inside her. Mikhail had called her an arbiter of justice, though Ash didn’t yet understand what that meant.

Eiko worked flat out during their second week, but she’d hit a snag in the spell that would allow Ash and the other Therian-aligned vampires to walk in the sun. When it became apparent that she would need significantly more time than she’d originally thought, Eiko shifted her focus. She produced a dozen of the temporary sun-protection rings and told Ash to go home to see her parents. The new vampire’s agitation and worry had been plain, and until they were ready to begin going after Nadya’s vampires, there was little else Ash could do in Russia.

Zia promised to continue speaking with other vampires and recruit others like her if she found any. Nadya didn’t often turn good people, and Ash suspected there were no others like Zia, but only time would tell.

Ash was reluctant to be that far from Luca. He wasn’t thrilled about it either, but he’d told her to take the trip too. He’d offered to send whatever protection she wanted, from a single bodyguard to an armed battalion, but she’d declined.

Ash’s parents deserved to know she was no longer human and be brought up to date with the many twists and turns their daughters’ lives had taken since leaving weeks ago. Those conversations would be much easier without a supernatural entourage. Ash needed closure on the human part of her life before she could move forward, which included telling her parents that the daughter they knew didn’t exist anymore.

While Ash slept, Dani meticulously planned their journey, taking the longer route to stay ahead of the sun. Leaving was surprisingly difficult for both young women, although they hadn’t known any of these people for very long. However, they’d return in a week.

Enfield, New York, Sunday, December 9, 2012

When Ash and Dani reached America, the young vampire’s nerves were shot. Their trip had taken two days. Dani had planned everything flawlessly, but travel was exhausting at the best of times. Bursting into flames in the sun wasn’t the best of times.

Ash was sick with worry about her parents’ reactions to her new vampiric state, and she channeled her fear of rejection into stress about every detail of their trip. Neither enjoyed the journey.

Ash’s nausea grew as they approached the Mosiers’ home. Despite Dani’s reassurances, Ash was terrified. Her vampiric instincts told her something was different the moment they turned into her parents’ neighborhood.

When she took a deep breath, Ash caught an animal scent she didn’t recognize. Dani cursed and slammed on the brakes when someone walked in front of them and stopped in the middle of the road. She managed to halt the car in time to avoid hitting the man, who was tall and lean and had dark brown skin and black hair. His eyes flashed a menacing yellow when he came around the passenger side to confront Ash.

Ash rolled down the window and curiously sniffed the stranger, catching his Therian scent but not knowing what clan he was from.

“There is nothing for you here, vampire,” His accented voice was low and threatening. “Step out of the human’s vehicle and leave this place. I don’t want to cause a scene, but I will use violence if necessary. All the humans here are protected, and I won’t let you harm them.”

Understanding dawned on Ash. “You must be one of the panthers Luca sent. You’re here to protect the Mosiers?”

He looked confused. “Who are you?”

“Luca’s mate, Ash Mosier. You’re protecting my parents.” She gestured at Dani. “Our parents.”

The man looked into the car. “I don’t believe you. Luca’s mate is human. I can smell you, vampire. Now, get out of the car.”

Dani was tired and over this shit. She opened the door and got out, glaring at the panther across the hood. “Do you smell me, asshole?”

He looked at Dani, and his nostrils flared as he inhaled her human scent. His gaze traveled from her head to her toes and back before he nodded. “I do.” He turned his attention back to Ash. “I said, get out of the car. Do not make me repeat myself.” He opened the door.

“Hey! I’m talking to you!” Dani marched around the car.

The Therian turned back to Dani. “Is there something you wanted to say, human?”

“You bet your ass there is!” she snarled. “Ash is not the problem. She is a vampire, but she’s not trying to hide that. She is not like the other vampires you’ve met, and before you ask, no, I’m not compelled. I am her fucking sister, and you are not hauling the high king’s mate off to wherever the fuck.”

His eyes widened in shock, but he smirked at her. “How are you going to stop me?”

Dani rolled her eyes and pulled out her cell phone. “I will call Luca, and he can rip you a new asshole from the palace in Russia. We have just spent two exhausting days traveling from there, and if she was going to chomp on me, I’d be drained. Can you just cut the shit and let us through?”

He laughed without amusement. “All vampires are evil.”

“Including the one who sacrificed her humanity to save your people?” Dani asked coldly.

He looked confused. “What are you talking about?”

Dani groaned. “Listen, what’s your name? I don’t want to fight, and calling you asshole or Captain Sassy Pants doesn’t seem as productive as it is funny. Let me call Luca and clear this up.”

The panther did not look less confused. “What is ‘Captain Sassy Pants?’”
