Page 31 of The Vampire Queen

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As annoyed as he got with bureaucracy, Luca wouldn’t rule like Nikoli had. They’d finalized a location for the new palace, and an army of willing labor was working around the clock. All necessary repairs had been made to the old palace, and Luca had opened it to the refugees who’d lost their homes and livelihoods. The destroyed dungeons had been sealed off, but the rest of the palace was habitable, and the halls hummed with hopeful energy as people went about their days.

He hadn’t seen the new palace’s site for a few days, but as of the progress report he’d read that morning, large sections of the foundation had been laid. Tunneling through the mountain to build the lower levels without weakening the bedrock took time, patience, and an expert team of engineers, architects, and others who understood the challenges far better than he did.

After the design had been approved, Luca was astonished by how quickly work was progressing. He shouldn’t have been. They had hundreds of inhumanly strong, dedicated workers who were proud to be part of the project and skilled witches from around the world pouring their talents into the work.

Luca had been right to keep the site of Nikoli’s rampage intact. It had been a Therian stronghold and a symbol of their history and heritage for thousands of years. However, it also represented the dangers of corruption from within. He counted the days until he never had to endure another restless night in its haunted halls.

After the coronation, Luca gathered the clans’ monarchs and dukes for the official royal proclamation that slavery would no longer be tolerated in the empire. Most had abandoned the practice centuries ago, but others were irritated, and a small number were outraged. Nonetheless, he’d issued the edict and made it law.

He'd instructed Viktorija to ensure that the decree was enforced. She was flourishing as the general of his military forces, so Luca entrusted the task to her. Many of the people who’d lived as slaves in the palace had returned after Nikoli’s death, and most had taken up their previous duties since they had few options. The palace needed servants to operate, and Luca demanded they be treated with the respect they deserved. He’d spent days working out the details, and he was excited to deliver the news.

He'd gathered the former slaves, the servants who’d returned to the palace, and the visiting servants in the throne room for the announcement. They filed in, excited that their king had summoned them. Some were scared, but he couldn’t blame them, given recent history. He would have to earn their trust.

Luca turned to the witch he’d asked to help with this meeting. “Are you ready?”

She nodded. “Yes, Your Majesty. It will record the whole thing like a camera, and I will distribute it to clans around the world.”

“Excellent. Thank you. Let’s get started.”

Luca turned to the crowd. “Thank you for coming. I have important news to share with all of you. A royal edict abolishing slavery was issued after the coronation, but it’s taken time to establish a new system. I apologize for the delay.”

A stout woman with short, curly hair stepped forward. “Everyone has elected me to speak with you, Your Majesty. My name is Vanya.”

Luca waved her forward, smiling. “Please, Vanya. I want to hear what you have to say before continuing.”

She looked astonished but shuffled to the center of the room and stopped in front of the throne. “Thank you, Sire. If it’s all the same, we’d like to hear you first.”

Luca nodded. “As you wish.” He raised his voice so the crowd could hear him.

“You are all free. That has been the case for a few weeks, but we haven’t changed enough to give your new status meaning. Today, we completed a new employment and payment system, as well as a plan to help you secure proper housing and provide alternate employment if you no longer wish to serve the empire. For those who wish to stay, I am creating the official designation, ‘Servant of the Empire.’ It comes with a variety of benefits as well as payment for your labor and a retirement pension.”

Excited murmurs spread through the crowd, and Luca’s mood lifted. The tedious meetings had been worth it. An idea occurred to Luca, and he filed it for a more appropriate time.

“I have always had great respect and appreciation for the servants in the palace, and long ago, I promised my dear friend I would one day declare all slaves free. She seems to be tied up, but she will speak to you soon.

“It is my great pleasure to make good on my word. I recognize that the empire can’t exist without you. You’re the ones getting your hands dirty, and I need to express my profound gratitude for all you do. I have instituted new rules of conduct, and it is now a punishable offense to abuse any servant. You deserve fair treatment, and you shall have it.”

The room erupted in applause and cheers. Several people wept, and Luca wasn’t even finished. He allowed them to celebrate for a few moments before he motioned for quiet. He was thrilled they were happy with the changes, but it still made him sad. He’d barely done more than secure basic human rights and fair employment for them. It was nothing compared to what they deserved.

“Shall I continue?” he asked, smiling at the many happy faces.

“All servants in the empire will receive fair wages for their work, including room and board or transportation when appropriate. You’re to have scheduled mealtimes, as well as real breaks, and your shifts may be no more than ten hours per day. You will have a minimum of one day off each week, and my preference is two.”

This announcement led to those gathered gazing at each other in astonishment and muttering before turning their disbelieving faces to Luca.

“Forgive me, Your Highness, but how is that possible? How will anything get done?” Vanya asked.

Luca grinned. “I’m glad you asked. I lived among the humans during my exile, and I learned a few things from them. They manage their workdays by creating schedules with three work shifts of eight hours each. I expect you each to choose the shift you prefer. Perhaps Vanya and Ivanna can work together to ensure that we have enough workers on each shift. From time to time, some of you might have to work shifts you don’t like. Unfortunately, we’ll face some obstacles as we transition to this new system, but we will find ways to make it work.”

“We need to discuss the living arrangements you mentioned, Sire. Many of us are crammed into the current servants’ quarters, and there isn’t enough space.”

Luca’s brow furrowed. “Please take over the guest quarters immediately. I am deeply sorry no one gave you permission to do so already.”

He cleared his throat. “Asking people to give their all while giving nothing in return will fail. In return for your service, I offer a home for you and your families and a representative on my advisory council. The new palace will include staff apartments, and any who serve there will be welcome to take up residence with their families. The lower levels of the palace are being established as a sort of city.”

Luca gestured around the room. “This place carries a dark history for many and was the scene of unimaginable tragedy for us all. I can’t live here, but if enough of you are willing to wash away the memories, we can make it something new. Something more. I want to convert the entire palace, aside from this room, which will become a memorial, into a city for our people, with permanent portals that will allow you to work in or visit numerous locations. You deserve a safe, comfortable home, a respectable occupation, and the gratitude of your people.”

Tears shimmered in Vanya’s eyes, and her voice was thick when she spoke. “I think I speak for all of us when I say we accept, Your Majesty.”
