Page 32 of The Vampire Queen

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Luca bowed his head to her. “I’m truly happy to hear that, Vanya. Can I count on you to help us develop a functional system to address concerns and ensure that no one slips through the cracks?”

“Of course, Your Majesty.” She hesitated. “I must ask, what do you plan to do to those who resist your changes or refuse to treat their servants properly? And those who live far from the palace? The problem doesn’t only exist here, Sire.”

“I can’t see everything, so I have to rely on our people to report incidents. If you believe that the rulers in your clan are corrupt, get word to me. I will handle the situation. No one should ever be threatened, beaten, or brutalized again. I will do my part, but I can’t fix problems I don’t know about. Please trust me enough to tell me what’s wrong.”

Vanya nodded. “That is fair, and it makes sense.”

Luca looked at the crowd. “If anyone ever threatens you or touches you in a way you don’t like, come forward. If you don’t trust anyone around you, go to Vanya or Ivanna, and they will get word to me.”

Ivanna approached from the back of the room, having just come in. The others parted to let her through, and she bowed her head to Luca. “May I, Your Highness?”

He waved her onto the dais so everyone could see her. “Please. Your words will mean more than mine.”

That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Thank you.

Ivanna gave him a dazzling smile and faced the crowd. “For most of my life, I was one of you. Almost a century ago, this man promised me he would abolish slavery as soon as he took the throne, and here I stand, a free woman. Lucaindrion Nablyudatel is a Therian of his word, and you can stake your life on the promises he’s just made. If you’re mistreated, tell me, and we will see that it’s dealt with.”

“Any Therian who mistreats the people under their protection deserves neither their power nor position, and they won’t hold it long under my rule,” Luca declared.

A thin woman with a bruise darkening one side of her pretty face stepped forward, her eyes wide with fear and hope. “Do you mean you will strip them of their title?”

Luca nodded. “That is exactly what I mean. Tell me, do you trust the person responsible for your care?”

She looked at the floor, refusing to meet his gaze. “I trust you,” she muttered.

He crossed the few feet between them and lifted her face with a gentle finger under the chin. “I am grateful for that, but it’s not what I asked.” His fingers brushed the ugly bruise. She flinched, and he let her go. “Did your former master do that to you?”

The woman hesitated, clearly afraid to tell the truth, then nodded. “Yes. Duke Liam ‘freed’ his slaves, but it didn’t change anything. And no, I do not trust him. He will tell you what you want to hear, but when we return, everything will be the same.”

Luca smiled grimly. “No, it won’t. You will be safe when you go home.” Returning to the dais, he addressed the crowd. “The people in power were told of the change and given a chance to step into the future with me. If they aren’t willing to join us on the quest for a stronger, more robust Therian empire, we don’t need them.

“Should they embrace this venture to my face but turn their backs on our mission in private, they will be dealt with. Most of you serve good rulers who care about your well-being, but some of you will still face mistreatment. Please, look into my eyes and believe that your king cares. Everyone in this empire and on this planet matters to me.”

The crowd’s fear and worry had been replaced by hope and unity. All were free, and some still wept at being treated like a person for the first time by their king. His reforms would be life-changing, so many would linger to discuss their plans and where they wanted to serve.

Before she lost them to chatter, Ivanna got their attention again. “I have some details to discuss before we go off course. There are many things you need to know about our new employment system. In addition to reasonable shifts, fair wages, and days off, you will also receive a certain number of days as personal or sick time. Also, all your medical needs will be attended to.

“I need to speak to anyone who needs a place to live or is staying in insufficient quarters.” She laughed. “Therians have looked down on humans for eons, but our ‘inferiors’ have systems to protect their most vulnerable. We should, too.”

Luca left the group in Ivanna’s capable hands and stepped off the dais. Before he reached the door, the bruised woman stopped him by placing a hand on his arm. She looked terrified but determined. “Forgive me, Your Majesty.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

He shook his head and smiled kindly. “There’s nothing to forgive. What can I do for you?”

She glanced around nervously. Her fellow servants had crowded around Ivanna, who was discussing how the changes would work. The bruise reminded him that she had suffered abuse even as she gazed hopefully at him. “Please, Sire. I’ll do anything. I don’t care about freedom as long as I can serve you. Just, please don’t send me back to him.”

“Is it that bad?” he asked, fighting fury.

Eyes on the floor, she nodded. Her telepathy was much weaker than his, but she offered him her memories. Luca accepted, letting her guide him. She was Helena, and her experiences horrified him. The shared vision only took a few moments, but it felt like an eternity and left Luca feeling ill. The abuse the young woman had suffered was worse than what Ivanna had endured.

Helena finally broke contact, and Luca opened his arms, but paused before touching her.

“May I hug you?” She nodded and welcomed the embrace, leaning into his solid strength as she wept.

“You will never see that monster again. Do you understand, Helena?” he asked. She nodded against his chest. “I’m going to take you to my right-hand man Remington. Remy will ensure you’re protected until I can put things in motion.”

Luca led Helena through the halls, shielding her from others’ view with his large body as she composed herself. Remy was in his office, and he jumped to attention when Luca knocked on the door.

“I need your help, Remy,” Luca began. “This is Helena, and we need to keep her safe for the next few hours.” She’s been through a lot. She needs kindness and safety. I’ve given her my word, and I need yours.
