Page 42 of The Vampire Queen

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If Nadya had a weakness, it was underestimating the tremendous power of a mother’s love. She struggled to comprehend most positive human emotions. Employing superhuman willpower, Zia had resisted her maddening thirst and gotten her daughter to safety.

Anyone who could withstand that kind of temptation was a warrior Luca wanted on his side. His mother had felt the same way when Zia came to her and pledged her loyalty to the Therian queen. Before Eiko revealed her ability to change Ash into a vampire with no ties to Nadya’s evil, Zia had agreed to do so. When Ash took on the role of rival vampire queen, she’d named Zia her general and right-hand woman.

After Ash left for America, Zia returned to the palace, full of tales about his mate’s “utter badassery” during her vampiric boot camp. He enjoyed knowing how people viewed Ash and was happy that others recognized how amazing she was.

Adrianna spotted him and stopped in mid-spin. “Luca!” She dashed toward him in a flurry of lace. She skidded to a halt in front of him and spun to display the fashion masterpiece. “Look how pretty my new dress is!”

He chuckled and knelt to examine the garment in question. Adrianna was adorable, and he was thrilled that she was overcoming the trauma she’d experienced. She jumped into his arms, and he obligingly stood and carried her across the room to rejoin the women. He aimed an apologetic look over the girl’s head at the seamstress, who was now measuring Mika.

Adrianna gestured at the other women. “Mama said you’re getting us matching dresses for the new palace’s party.”

He smiled as he set the girl down. “That’s the idea. Let her finish measuring you so you’ll be the loveliest ladies there.”

Zia smiled. Her daughter stood as still as she could, and the seamstress moved fast. Seven-year-olds weren’t known for inaction. Adrianna froze for the first minute, making funny faces to get Luca to laugh again. She succeeded.

“I like it when you laugh,” Adrianna told him with the blunt honesty of childhood. She nodded as if she’d decided something important. “Yeah. Do it more.”

He winked at the girl and took a seat across from Zia and Galina. “I trust you ladies are being treated well and your needs met?”

Luca had been concerned that Zia would face judgment and mistreatment at the palace for her vampiric nature. However, Queen Kittania’s very public approval, Luca’s push for acceptance and understanding, and Zia’s human child had safeguarded her position among the Therians so far. Word of her deeds since turning and in the final battle with Nikoli had spread far and wide, and she was quickly attaining legendary status. It gave him hope for the day Ash took her place at his side, though he knew that acceptance of a vampiric palace guest and their future queen were vastly different.

When the new palace was finished, Luca would hold a ceremony to honor the dead and bestow titles on those who’d been instrumental in the transition. That was when Zia would officially enter the Therian court to prove that good vampires existed. It was a risky move, but Luca was encouraged by her progress to date.

She’d mostly kept to herself since her arrival, but the seamstress wasn’t eyeing her with fear or suspicion. Instead, the pair was sharing stories and enjoying one another’s company. Eiko’s temporary sun resistance rings allowed Zia to operate on a semi-Therian schedule. Ash had told him it was difficult to stay awake during the day, even with the ring. Zia wanted to keep Adrianna as close to a human schedule as she could and considered the sleep debt a worthy sacrifice. They went to bed late and woke in the afternoon.

The discovery that some things did change comforted him. Much of the recent devastation and death had been caused by the parties’ unwillingness to communicate and compromise. He now saw how much of that had been Nikoli’s doing. Not everyone in his kingdom had unshakable prejudices.

Released from confinement, Adrianna hopped into Luca’s lap. “It’s Mommy’s turn. So, where’s Ash?” The child guilelessly waited for an answer. Luca felt like he’d been sucker punched. It wasn’t that she’d asked about his mate since Ash was never far from his conscious thoughts. It was the shock of realizing that Adrianna didn’t know where she was. The little girl tugged on his shirt, drawing his attention back to her. He still hadn’t answered.

Luca smiled. “Ash is in America, visiting her parents. When she’s done with that, she has a super-secret mission, so it might be a while before she comes back here.”

The little girl’s eyes widened. “Like, a superhero? Mommy says Ash is special.”

“Exactly. She’s taking care of some things and helping people, just like a superhero. She will come back to us as soon as she can,” he said, adding a silent prayer it was true.

Adrianna yawned and snuggled into Luca’s arms. “I like her. She looks like my dolly, and she plays with me. I hope she comes back soon.”

He sighed and rocked the girl in his arms. “Me too, sweetheart. Me too.”

Zia nodded at the child who’d fallen asleep in his embrace. “You’re good with kids, Your Highness,” she observed as the seamstress measured and pinned. “It’s past her bedtime, but she doesn’t usually get comfortable enough to fall asleep on people.”

“You don’t have to call me that,” he protested. “But thank you. I love kids.”

She grinned. “Yes, I do. It makes you squirm, and I promised your mate that I would keep you on your toes. Now, stop deflecting and make with the gossip. Are you and Ash planning to have children?” she asked, her characteristic bluntness present in full force.

Her question caught him off-guard. “Uh…” They’d never discussed having children, and he didn’t think it was possible anymore. “To my knowledge, vampires can’t have children.” A lump formed in his throat at the mental image of Ash pregnant with his child.

Zia looked at him like he was an idiot. “Wars create a lot of orphans who need a loving home. There are many ways to become a parent, Your Majesty.”

“Either way, I should probably discuss it with Ash first,” Luca protested.

The vampire shrugged and yawned. “That’s fair, but for what it’s worth, you’d be a great dad.”

He found her endorsement touching. “Thank you, Zia. I didn’t have the best example.”

“When will she come home?” Zia asked, echoing her daughter’s question.

Luca groaned in frustration. “I wish I knew. So much depends on the empire and the overall Therian view of vampires. Not to mention whatever she finds out in the wild. If the people believe she can control or manipulate me, it might destabilize everything. I understand the need for what she will be doing, but it still pisses me off. She should be by my side.”
