Page 43 of The Vampire Queen

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Zia tsked. “I can’t even imagine what it’s like to be separated now. I know it’s hard, but try not to let it get you down. If anyone can change Therian minds about vampires, it’s Ash. That girl can do anything she sets her mind to. You should have seen her going head to head with the dragons who said the fragile human needed to sit down and be quiet so the Therians could handle it when you were captured by Nadya.”

Luca chuckled. “I would have paid to see that.” He ran a hand through his hair without jostling Adrianna. “Gods, I miss her.”

Zia smiled. “I’m still new to all this, but it seems like one of the benefits of a long life is patience. It can’t be easy having the woman you love out there alone, but she is a force of nature. Nothing will stop her.” She waggled her eyebrows and tapped her temple. “How much would you pay?”


Vampire Laboratory Compound, Sunday, December 16, 2012

Maksim asked many questions about vampires during the journey to see Nadya, but he didn’t usually get the answers he wanted. Jean-Pierre always told him to wait until he met the queen, who would explain everything.

They traveled through the night and arrived at the compound as the first light of dawn crept over the horizon. Looking exhausted, Jean-Pierre left Maksim in the marble foyer and went ahead to announce their arrival. While he waited, Maksim looked around the opulent home. He was impressed.

Moments later, Jean-Pierre returned with the most beautiful woman Maksim had ever seen. She wore a lowcut black gown that left little to the imagination and moved with a fluid grace. The curly dark hair spilling down her back also framed a stunning face with brilliant red eyes and full lips curved into a delighted smile.

“Maksim! What a pleasure it is to meet you!” Her voice wrapped around him like a hug. “I am Nadya, queen of the vampires.”

“Um, h-hi,” Maksim stammered. “I’m Maksim. I’m just a human, as far as I know.”

Her ruby eyes glittered. “Oh, no, my dear boy. You’re so much more than that. Why don’t you sit down with me so I can tell you all about it?”

Maksim just nodded, unable to form coherent words. He couldn’t look away from her. She smiled and took his hand, then led him through a door and down a long hall. Her skin was cool to the touch, and he felt power thrumming through her body. His heart raced, whether from arousal or fear; he couldn’t decide. A stampede of wild horses couldn’t keep him from trailing after Nadya like an eager puppy. He would have followed her if he had to crawl.

Maksim’s reaction to her surprised him. He’d seen pretty women and truly beautiful ones a time or two, but he hadn’t had such a visceral reaction to any of them. Less than a minute after meeting Nadya, he’d have dropped to his knees and worshipped at her feet if she requested it.

It was unsettling, but her dark allure was undeniable. The previous day had been confusing, but his instant reaction to Nadya confirmed that he’d made the right choice. Maksim was certain that his future involved the vampire queen.

She led him to an ornate sitting room and offered him a seat on a sofa that looked too delicate to support his large frame. Still, he sat, unable to tear his gaze away as Nadya artfully arranged herself in an armchair.

“Are you comfortable?” Nadya asked.

Maksim cleared his throat and uncomfortably shifted in his seat as he tried to disguise the fact that he was hard as a rock. “Ye-yes. Thank you, Your Highness,” he stammered.

He didn’t possess many social skills, and he regretted that now. The vampire queen wasn’t merely a beautiful woman. She was so sexy that she made his heart pound with lust. He was far from a virgin, but he had never wanted a woman so much. He fought to control his mind so he could have a conversation with her, but his thoughts kept returning to what it would feel like to touch her. To taste her skin or run his fingers through her silky hair.

Nadya aimed a predatory grin at Maksim. “Jean-Pierre tells me you don’t know much about our people, and rather than getting things wrong, he’s left the explanations to me.”

Maksim was afraid he would say something to indicate the direction of his thoughts if he opened his mouth, so he nodded. Her fangs glinted when she smiled.

“Very well. Then I suppose it makes sense to start at the beginning.” Nadya absently ran a finger over the neckline of her dress. That drew Maksim’s attention down, and he didn’t see her satisfied grin.

Men are so simple, human, vampire, or Therian. Flash some tit, and their minds go blank.

Nadya had always used her body and sexuality to get what she wanted. They were tools, just like everything else. Sex was meaningless, just a passing enjoyment. After her long life, it was not exciting anymore. She’d done it all. Well, almost all. She’d never had a dragon.

“Five thousand years ago, an evil witch cursed my human mother while she carried me in her womb. That curse shaped me, and when I was a teenager, it matured and changed me into the first vampire. My people worshipped the Therians as the gods on the mountain, and before I’d taken a single life, I begged the dragons for their help. They scorned me, and instead of rendering aid, those Therian soldiers murdered my parents and forced me to flee for my life. At fifteen, I had to leave behind everything I’d ever known or loved.”

Maksim’s twinges indicated she wasn’t telling him the full truth, but she wasn’t lying either. He was still bothered by the idea that she’d been so wronged. He fell deeper under her spell with each word, and he found himself hating the Therians with more fire and fervor than his father had ever managed. He opened his mouth to express his support, but she held up a hand and gave him a sad look.

“Please. This is…difficult for me to talk about. I haven’t told this story for many years, and I’ve never given anyone as much truth on the matter as I’m giving you.”

Nadya was a consummate actress, so she allowed genuine emotions through, and her face became a mask of despair. It worked on her target and then some. While lust could be magically effective at solving her problems, Nadya recognized that some men needed to be the hero.

Maksim was one of those. She examined his handsome face and muscular body with interest. Provoking his lust while aiming him at the Therians to defend her honor might prove quite lucrative…and fun.

How well can I play the damsel in distress?

Letting her voice break with emotion, she continued. “The Therians have slaughtered my children like animals for thousands of years. They hunt down our homes and attack during the day when we are weak. Like cowards, they sneak in during the day and massacre entire families. They are monsters, Maksim.”
