Page 47 of The Vampire Queen

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The new Therian palace was a masterwork of magical architecture. Nestled into the side of a mountain peak several hours’ flight from the old palace, it was an airy structure that welcomed the natural light. It instantly felt like home to Luca.

When he got there, the artisans proudly led him from the tunnels to the towers. He could see himself living here with Ash by his side, chasing the children they would raise together.

Every step he took in the old palace carried a lifetime of terrible memories, but Luca felt hopeful as he walked through these halls. His people could shift their axis and create real changes that benefited everyone, including revealing that the hidden world existed.

Thousands of Therians had gathered to view the new palace, and the servants had moved in before he arrived. In the immense courtyard at the heart, Luca addressed the crowd from a balcony off his office designed for that precise purpose.

“This palace represents many things. I hope that for every Therian, it represents a place where they can turn for help. In the past, the kings kept themselves separate from the people they ruled. I am not that type of king. I care for all my people, and I place the same value on a former slave’s life as I do on mine. This king loves you and holds your best interests at heart.

“Our Therian way of life is changing, and I will do everything in my power to guide us through the impending paradigm shift with wisdom and consideration for what benefits all of us. I’ll be asking you to accept a lot in the coming years, but I will be going through those same issues and living by the same restrictions.”

Luca gestured for the vampire and her small family to join him on the balcony. “Many of you have met her since my mother returned to the old palace, but it is my great pleasure to formally introduce Zia Lebedev, her father Ivan, daughter Adrianna, and companion Skye Warren. Today, we officially welcome them into Therian society.

“Zia gave me permission to share her story since it illustrates how wrong we are about a long-held belief. You wouldn’t know it since she’s in the sun, but Zia is a vampire. She stood up to Nadya as a human during the Yelizovo attack. She was turned and left inside a vehicle with her helpless human daughter. Nadya wanted her to feed on the girl when she awakened.”

Many in the crowd gasped in shock. Some muttered in disgust, though its target was unclear. “Zia was turned against her will because she dared to defy the vampire queen. Before she was changed, Zia had vowed to pledge her allegiance to the queen of the Therians and to stand alongside them when Nadya was struck down.”

A few cheered, then quieted, eager to hear more of the story. Luca smiled at Zia and his mother before he continued. “Nadya does not understand the strength of a mother’s love or the willpower that someone with a pure soul can demonstrate in the face of true evil. When she awoke as a vampire, Zia did not make a meal of her child. She resisted her new bloodlust and carried her sleeping child to safety with her bedridden father.”

Luca picked up Adrianna and settled her on his hip so everyone could see the girl. The seven-year-old adored attention and turned on the charm as she smiled and waved at the assembly. “As you can see, the girl is still human and still living with her mother who has never lost control.” He passed the little girl to Zia, who cuddled Adrianna as she continued to wave to the crowd.

“After seeing her child to safety, Zia called her trusted army sister for help. She didn’t know if she needed backup for a fight or someone to kill her. Skye came without hesitation, and I challenge any Therian to find a more battle-ready warrior than this human. With her family safe, Zia set out to find the Therian queen and pledge her loyalty as she’d sworn to do.

“She eventually met Niletean, and he took her to the queen. My mother is not known for rash and faulty judgment, and when Zia allowed her to view the events in her mind, she accepted the vampire’s fealty and made a place for her among us.

“With the help of our most skilled witch, she can walk in the sunlight and continues to be a loving mother. Zia did not choose to become a vampire. That choice was stolen from her in an act of petty revenge. Which was followed by the unthinkable cruelty of being put in a position to sacrifice her child. She has never felt an inkling of desire to live as the vampire queen and her minions do. She chose to serve the Therian empire, and she has not faltered for an instant.

“Hear me now: we were wrong. Not all vampires are evil, and more like Zia will join us in search of a better life.

“In recognition of your deeds to date and your contribution to the Therian empire, Zia Lebedev, I bestow upon you the title Knight of the Krovavaya Roza. May the Order of the Blood Rose always remind us that out of the most challenging circumstances, beauty and life can bloom.” Luca pulled a medal from his pocket and passed it to a stunned Zia, whose eyes sparkled with pinkish tears.

As she threw her arms around him, she whispered, “Thank you. I won’t let you down, and I’ll pave the way for her.”

“I owe you everything.” He pulled away and turned to Skye.

“In recognition of your deeds to date and your contribution to the Therian empire, Skye Warren, I bestow upon you the title of Knight of the Krovavaya Roza.” He handed another medal to the shocked human woman.

“Please welcome these newcomers to the Therian empire as we leave behind the old prejudices and forge new alliances!”

The crowd erupted into applause and cheers. The women grinned as they pinned on the medals, which bore a crimson rose on a silver background. After the crowd quieted, the family left. Luca gestured for Ivanna, who was in his office, to join him on the balcony. She seemed surprised but stepped into view.

When they recognized her, the crowd went wild. Luca let it continue for a while, watching his friend glow. Ivanna proved he was steering their people in the right direction. She’d been born a slave, but given the opportunity, she’d become a priceless ally.

Luca eventually motioned for the crowd to quiet down, and they looked at him with expectant expressions. “I see there’s no need to introduce my friend, but I will anyway. Ivanna was born as a slave and served faithfully until she was captured by Nadya. After enduring decades of torture and experimentation, she escaped and returned to protect her people. I can think of no better example of what we should all aspire to be.”

The crowd erupted again. “I wasn’t finished,” he chided, smiling. “In recognition of a lifetime of service beyond any reasonable expectations and a reminder that what makes one noble is their deeds, not their blood, I bestow the title Duchess of the High Therian Court upon Ivanna Kirikova.”

As Ivanna shed happy tears, the crowd created a chaotic wave of sound that emphatically expressed their approval of his announcement. Luca let it continue for a minute, then calmed them for his last announcement.

“There’s just one more thing before I free you to explore the new palace and celebrate. I am establishing a new organization for all the valued servants and former slaves who have kept our empire running since it began. Without you, we are nothing, and to honor that, I created the Civil Service of the Empire, which offers personal protection and retirement benefits.”

The crowd kept cheering as he waved them off.


New Therian Palace, Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The celebrations went on through the night. As dawn broke on a new day and a new year, Ivanna made her way through the unfamiliar halls to the chamber she’d been assigned now that she was a duchess. She still could not believe what Luca had done.
