Page 48 of The Vampire Queen

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The previous night, she had moved from room to room, meeting new Therians and having a wonderful time. Between her recent efforts and Luca’s announcement, Ivanna was known, so she could not pass unnoticed among them. She was recognized as someone they could talk to, which she didn’t mind. She’d heard much the previous night, from heart-rending stories to terrible rumors.

Ivanna was very concerned about a rumor that one of the hyena clans was defying Luca’s slavery ban and whispering of an attempt on his life. She knew that some Therians had accumulated astonishing wealth in the slave trade, and the name “Jules Sournois” provoked fear among the former slaves. Many had been captured and sold by his clan.

She’d been born into slavery in the palace, but Ivanna had heard stories about the things Jules and his pack had done to the people they sold. He dealt in Therians, vampires, and even humans. As long as he got paid, he didn’t care. The stories said he didn’t mind roughing up the merchandise to break their spirit.

Ivanna finally reached her chamber and gratefully sank down onto the bed. She’d danced for hours, and her feet ached. She didn’t usually wear a dress and heels, but she had not been able to turn down the gown Luca had commissioned for her.

Luca had claimed the first dance, and one Therian after another had lined up behind him. She sighed in relief as she slipped off her shoes. With the blood now circulating in her feet, Ivanna turned her thoughts to the hyenas while she removed the dress.

If even half the rumors were true, Luca was facing a real problem. Ivanna wouldn’t allow that. She should report the rumors to Viktorija, but none had indicated an imminent attack, and she needed to get some sleep. After she woke, she would confirm the rumors by speaking to visiting Therians who came from regions near the hyenas’ territory, then present the situation to Viktorija. Satisfied with her plan, she climbed into bed and was asleep in moments.

Ivanna slept for four hours, waking with late morning sunlight streaming through her windows. She showered and dressed quickly, donning her King’s Guard uniform rather than another of the flowing gowns she’d received from the king. She was now a duchess, but she was also a Guard, and she wouldn’t abandon her unit.

She swung by the kitchens on her way to the guest quarters where all the Therian delegations who’d come for the ceremony were staying. The Swedish moose and Turkish lynx representatives had offered credible rumors about Jules’ antics. She knocked on the moose delegation’s door first.

Rikkard Olsson, the moose king, was a tall, handsome man with salt and pepper hair and honey-colored eyes. He looked at his visitor with interest. They’d been introduced the night before, so he knew who she was. “Duchess Kirikova.” He bowed his head in greeting. “What can I do for you?”

Ivanna smiled warmly. “I was hoping you had a moment to discuss Jules and the hyenas, Your Highness. If they are planning to attack the crown, I need to know.”

He stepped back and gestured. “Please, come in. I have been waiting for your visit. Take a seat, and I will tell you everything I know.”

Ivanna sat in an armchair and waited for King Rikkard to join her before she got to the point. “Your men’s rumors were among the most credible.”

He nodded. “We traveled overland to get here, and along the way, we heard many things. Granted, it was all rumors, but one was told in too many places to be a coincidence. Jules and his pack of degenerates have been slavers for some time. After Nikoli died and Luca outlawed it, Jules’ operation collapsed overnight. As you can imagine, he was not pleased.”

“All the rumors said that. Do you know when Jules began planning his attack and what he intends to do?”

“Almost immediately. Jules went into hiding so he could continue operating, and he put out a call for mercenaries while he amassed support among those Therians who were content with Nikoli’s tyranny.” Rikkard sneered. “He believes the crown is weak with Luca at the helm, and he seeks to usurp the throne before our king can firmly establish his rule.

Ivanna growled. “Let him try.”

Rikkard chuckled. “Strategy is not his strong point, or he would see the folly of his plan. From what I heard, Jules will assemble an army of Therians to attack the palace, hoping to overwhelm the standing forces since he thinks we are in disarray.”

Her jaw dropped. “That’s insanity!”

He shrugged. “He’s greedy and fearless. I don’t think he realizes how many of us support Luca and would lay down our lives for his cause.”

“Did you hear anything else of value?”

Rikkard shook his head.

She was now eager to speak to the lynxes and report her findings to Viktorija. “Then I shall take my leave. Thank you for your time, King Rikkard.”

She bowed and left, then hurried to where the lynx delegation was staying. Savas Aksoy, their king, was a greedy man, though he could be benevolent if there was a benefit for him.

A sly grin curled his lips when he spotted Ivanna. “Duchess.” He bowed his head. “To what do I owe the honor of this visit?”

Ivanna took the seat he offered and got straight to the point. “I’m investigating rumors of a Therian uprising led by a group of hyena slavers. Your men were talking about it last night. “

“What are you asking, Duchess?”

“I merely need information, Your Highness.”

A greedy gleam entered his eyes. “What would the information be worth to you, dear?” He was acting good-natured, but Ivanna wouldn’t leave without the knowledge she sought.

She lifted one eyebrow. “The gratitude of your king, whom I serve.” Her tone left no room for negotiation.

Savas held up his hands and grinned, then shrugged. “You can’t blame a man for trying.”
