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You’d respect me if I were a dragon?

Ash left the golden shield in place, glittering in the sunlight, and the slim blonde woman stomped onto the battlefield. Before she’d taken ten steps, she was an enormous gold dragon that weighed seventy tons.

It doesn’t matter what shape I wear. I’ll kick your ass. You’re going to die today, Maksim. Nadya’s evil will die with you.

How dare you speak her name!

He lunged for her, unable to fly with only one wing but still deadly on the ground. Ash wasn’t used to the dragon’s body and, unlike the Therians, had no animal instincts to guide her. Maksim raked his wicked claws down her side, digging into her scales and slicing into the tender flesh beneath. She wrenched away, but not before he caught her tail in his jaws and bit, eliciting a bellow of agony.

Clenching her jaws against the pain, Ash used the strength of his hold and her mass to fling Maksim away. She needed distance for what she wanted to do. She could bring magic into existence with her imagination, and she had a brilliant idea for how to end this.

Maksim was thrown off balance and rolled down a hill after Ash threw him. When he rose to climb back toward the battle, the golden dragon raised her wings and gathered energy. Her body glowed and shifted colors like light flowing through a prism. She let the power build, and when Maksim was fifty yards downhill, she released it. A thousand streams of light shot from her wings and coalesced into a thick white beam that struck Maksim dead center in the chest.

He froze, unable to move, and the pain registered. The prismatic beam cut through the dragon’s scales, flesh, and bones to expose the shriveled black heart that beat in his chest. Ash exhaled golden flames, burning that heart to dust.

Maksim collapsed, dead, but Ash spotted black mist and ichor streaming away from the dragon’s body with an intent she could only call sentient. Her instincts told her the dark magic that had powered Maksim’s abilities was seeking a new host, and her humans were the closest targets.

Not today, Ash thought. She launched high into the air and lined up over the valley where they’d fought. Then she dove, spinning to send out a wave of pearlescent mist that covered the ground for miles. When she stopped spinning and surveyed her work. The land sparkled, and the darkness was gone, for now.

Ash landed to ensure that the dark magic would find no shadows to seep into and watched as it dissipated. Then she relaxed. The battle was finally over.

I know this is horrible timing, but can I just say that was the sexiest thing I have ever seen? Luca sent through their mating bond. Your dragon is beautiful, Ash.

Ash sent love, amusement, and a mental image of the SpongeBob imagination meme.

Gods, I love you, woman. Let’s go home.


Therian Palace, Thursday, February 14, 2013, Morning

Ash awoke in bed next to her mate the following day, feeling rested and refreshed. When they’d returned to the palace after the battle ended, Ash’s injuries hadn’t left her the energy for more than a quick shower and sleep. When she felt the muscled planes of Luca’s warm body next to her, a wave of arousal washed over her. From sheer mischief, she relaxed next to him, slid a hand between her legs, and touched herself, leaving their mating bond wide open so he would feel what she felt.

She drove her arousal higher, and Luca stirred, then rolled over to aim a sexy grin at her. The indicator of the effectiveness of her efforts pointed toward the ceiling. “Good morning to you too, love. I have to say, feeling you touch yourself through the bond while thinking about me is insanely hot.”

Ash grinned and pulled her hand away to allow Luca access to her body. He positioned his shoulders between her thighs and licked her clit with focused attention. He knew exactly how to touch her, and with the feelings flowing through their bond to guide him, Luca brought Ash to orgasm in minutes. The feeling was pure bliss, but it wasn’t enough.

She panted, “I need you inside me.”

He didn’t need to be told twice. He slid into her without resistance, claiming her lips in a passionate kiss. Their lovemaking was wild and frenzied, both of them frantic to give each other pleasure and the reassurance that they’d survived everything they’d faced so far.

Ash’s control slipped as Luca drove her closer to the peak with each deep thrust. She didn’t want the pleasure to end and rolled them over in a fluid movement that left her riding him without breaking their rhythm. She moaned, savoring the increased friction of the new position. Luca’s hands cupped her breasts and teased the taut nipples. He watched his mate move with abandon, so vibrant and beautiful that it stole his breath.

She gripped the headboard and let her instincts push her toward the bliss he offered. Their movements grew erratic, and their moans filled the air as they dove over the precipice together. Ash was lost in the pleasure and didn’t notice that her control had slipped until Luca groaned and went into a second orgasm, spilling himself inside her. His body shook from the force of the release.

He looked up at her, dazed. “What the fuck was that?” he gasped, twitching at the intense sensation when she moved, and his cock slid out of her body.

Ash blushed. “I-I…uh, my control slipped when that last orgasm hit. Do you remember when Maerlin warned me about controlling my emotions so I don’t level the palace? Well, it turns out that magic works with all feelings.”

Luca laughed and pulled her down next to him, then curled his body around her and pressed a kiss to her neck. “Then I guess a lot of people will start today off with a smile.”

“Quit it, Luca. It’s not funny! It’s embarrassing and invasive. They all know we were having sex,” Ash protested. “What if Maerlin is mad at me?”

He kept laughing. “Sweetheart, if what they felt was a tenth of what I felt, no one will complain. Maerlin could have stopped us if there was a real issue. I doubt they will know what caused it, but it’s okay if they do. It’s good for the people to know we love each other and are truly mated. It improves stability in a weird, voyeuristic way.”

“Therians are weird.” Ash groaned. “Today of all days. The palace is packed with vampires, witches, and Therians.” She sighed, then chuckled. “Gets everyone into the party mood, I guess.”

Luca got up and extended a hand to Ash. “Come on, beautiful. The savior of the world has a busy day planned. Join me for a shower?”
