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She watched him warily. “You’re not planning to make me experience more nationwide orgasms, are you?”

He waggled his eyebrows. “Darling, my plan is always to make you explode with earth-shattering orgasms.”

Now clean and wearing the gown Kittania had left for her, Ash watched Luca add the ceremonial accents to his royal uniform. He was handsome in the dark suit with its blue sash and silver trim. Her gown matched, starting in a cobalt-blue at the top and fading to black at the bottom, with intricate silver trim and beading along the seams, like Luca’s dragon scales.

“Are you ready for this?” he asked as they made their way to the throne room.

“As ready as I can be to have what should be an intensely private moment broadcast to the entire world.” She looked nauseated. They had agreed that it made sense to televise their engagement and wedding. The world loved a royal wedding, and the marriage of two leaders of the supernatural world would be the event of the millennium.

He shook his head. “You can fight an army with no concerns, but you get stage fright about getting formally engaged to the man you’ve bonded your soul to?”

She cracked a small smile. “It does sound silly when you say it like that.”

“Besides,” he added, “A royal wedding means a royal honeymoon.”

“You’re right, and I want that so badly. Even a working honeymoon will give us so much more time alone than we’re used to.”

“You’re going to love Chile, and Maerlin said there are some spectacular caves there that have an Abyssal landscape because the original plume trapped the fluid deep underground.” Luca slid his arm around her waist.

The throne room was packed to capacity, and human news crews worked alongside floating orbs that broadcast the event to witches worldwide. When Niletean announced the Therian king and the vampire queen, the entire room burst into applause.

Every eye focused on them as they walked to the dais and turned to face the crowd. Thousands of people beamed at the couple, eager for them to make their alliance official.

Luca tore his gaze away from Ash’s radiant beauty and addressed those gathered. “Thank you all for being here today to celebrate our enduring love. Today would have been a complete impossibility not long ago, and the supernatural world faced ruin. However, one remarkable woman paved a new path to a peaceful future.

“Human, witch, vampire, and bearer of the spark. I don’t care what she is as long as I can call her mine. We worried about how our people would react, but those concerns were in vain. Please allow me to include you all in one of the most monumental moments in a person’s life.”

Luca turned to Ash, his blue eyes shining with love. “Ash, from the moment we met, I knew you were special, but I could never have imagined how you would reshape my world into something better than I had ever hoped. You are the love of my life, and I never want to spend another day without you.”

He dropped to one knee and pulled out a carved, tarnished silver ring box. “I will love you every day through eternity and strive to be worthy to stand at your side. I am a better man with you, Ash, and a much better king. We overcame the obstacles that kept us apart, and it would make me very happy if you would do me the honor of becoming my wife, Ashlynn Mosier.”

Ash had known it was coming, but his words brought tears to her eyes. “Yes!” she cried, extending her hand for him to slide the beautiful and obscenely large diamond ring onto her finger.

“This was my grandmother’s ring. Mikhail mined the diamond and personally crafted the band, then saved it for when I found my other half.” Luca smiled up at her. “I knew you’d never let me get you a diamond that big.”

Ash laughed, and the crowd chanted, “Kiss her! Kiss her!”

She held out her hand, the ring sparkling in the camera flashes and magical lights. “I think we’d better give the people what they want, Your Highness.”

Luca took her hand and stood up, then pulled Ash into his arms. He claimed her mouth in a passionate kiss and dipped her as the crowd cheered. He grinned after he straightened and broke the kiss. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

Ash and Luca were ushered to Kittania’s celebratory feast after the excitement died down. They all had a lot to celebrate. The war between vampires and Therians was officially over at last. The supernatural world had been revealed to humans, and things were going as well as they could. Their emerging nations were solid and unified. Above all, love had won.

Ash ate the delicious food with gusto and enjoyed the company of the constantly rotating cast of friends and family at the head table. She smiled happily when Maerlin slipped into the seat next to her. “My sweet girl, it does my heart good to see you so happy.”

“I never imagined it could be like this,” Ash admitted. “This is the stuff of fairytales. It doesn’t seem real.”

Maerlin laughed. “At least it’s official now, not that there was any doubt after your wake-up call this morning.”

Ash blushed furiously. “Am I in trouble?”

“Not at all. I could have stopped it, but who doesn’t like a morning pick-me-up?” Maerlin stood and kissed the top of Ash’s head. “Enjoy your victories and bask in the love you’ve found. I’ve been around for a very long time, and I promise it’s not the kind of thing that happens every day.”

Ash squeezed her second mother’s hand. “Thank you. This wouldn’t have been possible without you, and I know you got involved for me.”

The countless eons showed in Maerlin’s eyes as she regarded Ash with unconditional love. “Some things are worth breaking the rules for, and I made them. Maybe I should have been more involved over the years. I will always be here to support you, daughter. Now, your fiancé is coming to claim your attention. Enjoy your night.”

Luca bent to kiss her before sliding into the seat next to Ash. “I had to fight Dani over the music selection for dancing. Watching these ancient Therians who are expecting a waltz try to twerk with her will be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.”

Ash burst out laughing, which caused many of their guests to glance at them and smile. “Gods, I love you, Luca. You get me.”

The End—For Now
